Hardboard bent

By Viperhook, in Terrain Building


I printed the Commerce Guild from Corvus and wanted to put it on a permanent board. I glued a small styrofoam board to a hardboard, because I knew painting the styrofoam would bend it. I did not expect the same result with the styrofoam glued to a hardboard. Any trick to prevent that in the future or "repair it" ? Thanks

As you can see on the picture, I can put my movement template between the table and the edge of the board. The board was straight after gluing the styrofoam, so I'm pretty sure it was the paint that forced the reaction.

P.S. I know my print isn't perfect, maybe I'll reprint some pieces later.

gOTpUwe.jpg spsd9bX.jpg

Old crafters' trick: Lay a layer of paint/PVA/both over the underside of the board, about as thick as you put it on top, then leave the whole thing to dry for about a day (upside down, so the paint/glue doesn't stick to the table). Usually gets at least the worst of the warpage out, though I haven't tried on hardboard.

Yeah, the ability to destroy entire planets is nothing, compared to the power of glue shrinkage!

Castlecruncher is right... counter shrinkage is a good approach. Seeing the amount of shrinkage you may need to do it a few times and then do some filler to level.

Ok, will try that. Thanks !