Trolls in RtL encounters: questions.

By Dheran, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


As an Overlord, I've been doing some mental gymnastics how to do bad things to heroes, and I stumbled upon few problems:

-During an encounter with Lieutenant I can spawn master Troll using treachery card. He has Bash. Can I use only one black power die from bash to trigger the Bash ability and add more power dice of higher level (silver/gold) using Dark Power card or spending threat (it's encounter after all)?

-More so reading Bash RAW does only the one black die empty side count as miss?

-On the similar note Traps suffer from one trigger - one trap, but can I play more than one card improving creatures attack? For example Dark Power and Aim ... demonio.gif


Dheran said:


As an Overlord, I've been doing some mental gymnastics how to do bad things to heroes, and I stumbled upon few problems:

-During an encounter with Lieutenant I can spawn master Troll using treachery card. He has Bash. Can I use only one black power die from bash to trigger the Bash ability and add more power dice of higher level (silver/gold) using Dark Power card or spending threat (it's encounter after all)?

-More so reading Bash RAW does only the one black die empty side count as miss?

-On the similar note Traps suffer from one trigger - one trap, but can I play more than one card improving creatures attack? For example Dark Power and Aim ... demonio.gif


AoD pg8
When making an attack with the Bash ability, the figure may roll up to 5 power dice with the attack. If any of the power dice roll a blank, it is treated as though the figure rolled a miss result. Otherwise, the attack proceeds as normal and has the following ability: “~~: +5 Damage and Pierce 2.” The figure never has to roll any power dice when making a Bash attack, regardless of other effects

No restriction to black blanks, not that it matters because...

FAQ pg12
Bash always rolls black power dice. These may not be upgraded in any way.

DJitD pg11
Important: Only one event card may be played per triggering condition. So, for example, each time a monster is attacked, the overlord may play only one dodge card.
As both Aim and Dark Power are events with the same trigger, no.

Corbon said:

FAQ pg12
Bash always rolls black power dice. These may not be upgraded in any way.

I think this answer is less clear than one might like. I would read it as saying that you can't use the Bash ability itself to add non-black power dice, and that dice added by Bash can't be upgraded. I don't see any reason why you can't add one black dice with Bash, and then play Dark Power to add two additional black dice and upgrade them to silver. It doesn't say "attacks with the Bash ability can't add non-black-power dice in any way". But I may be missing something here: I've never played RtL.

But I agree with your other two points: if you do add non-black-power-dice, blanks count for missing, and you certainly cannot play Aim and Dark Power together.

YellowPebble said:

Corbon said:

FAQ pg12
Bash always rolls black power dice. These may not be upgraded in any way.

I think this answer is less clear than one might like. I would read it as saying that you can't use the Bash ability itself to add non-black power dice, and that dice added by Bash can't be upgraded. I don't see any reason why you can't add one black dice with Bash, and then play Dark Power to add two additional black dice and upgrade them to silver. It doesn't say "attacks with the Bash ability can't add non-black-power dice in any way". But I may be missing something here: I've never played RtL.

But I agree with your other two points: if you do add non-black-power-dice, blanks count for missing, and you certainly cannot play Aim and Dark Power together.

Equally it does not say that the dice that may not be upgraded are explicitly the dice 'given' by Bash. It just says that Bash (which could very well be shorthand for 'a Bash attack' rolls always black dice and they can't be upgraded - that is (or could be) all black dice, not just the 'free' ones.
I agree it could have been worded slightly better but there is no other possible reason for this statement to be in the FAQ except to mean that Bash attacks only roll black dice.

When making an attack with the Bash ability , ...
Bash always rolls black power dice. These may not be upgraded in any way