Anyone excited for this???
Marvel champions
Very much so.
I am also very much excited for this. I enjoyed both LoTR and Arkham Horror. I anticipate enjoying this game even more.
I am totally on this hype train.
Pretty excited, but a little disappointed too. The cards’ design layout doesn’t look that great to me. I get they were trying to go with a minimalist comic panel style, but it’s nowhere near as appealing as LotR or Arkham in my opinion. Also, doesn’t look like they’re incorporating experience like Arkham does. Even though I much prefer the LotR setting, I end up playing Arkham far more due to the experience and character growth aspect.
Was also wishing for a competitive game, especially since it’s the Marvel license. Marvel Destiny, a remake of Vs System or something brand new would have been really cool. I do really like their coop games, but Marvel needs to be on something competitive.
I’m LoTR player, dabbled in Arkham. This new marvel will totally be my new #2 game. Some of the art is underwhelming but the game looks pretty fun. Can’t wait to play my favourite comic book heroes. The expansions look interesting too.
The campaign expansions sound pretty cool.
Yes. Very excited. They've incorporated many things that I desperately wanted. Thank you FFG! It does show that they are either listening to the discussions about the game and are taking the criticisms to heart or they are just as cognizant of the the LCG format's current shortcomings. Either way that gives me alot of confidence in the current LCG team.
- 1 core is a full playset!!! Finally. Thank you FFG. That will make this game way more casual friendly. I'm glad Nate underlined that in his speech at the inflight report. That will be a selling point. thank you FFG for being confident enough in your product to structure it this way. Hoping this is the new trend.
- Also packs focusing on new characters, scenarios or campaigns feels way more focused, and again they are confident that people will want to buy everything (rather than needing to entice them to buy everything by trickling all card types into all products).
- 1x core set giving a full playset and a pack giving you all the cards you need to play a new character means it's extremely easy for a new player to just start playing the game regardless of how far into the game's life we go. Thank you FFG.
- The deck building seems slightly simpler while also pretty flexible since there is a hero portion of a deck then you pick a faction and deck build with that card pool. Reminds me a bit of AH and Star Wars kinda mashed up.
- They have resources on cards which give cards a double value and makes nothing really a dead draw, which is something I really liked about Conquest and AH. Always redrawing up incentivizes you to play fast which is a strong element of Keyforge's design.
- You set cards you don't want aside instead of shuffling them in and then mulligan which is a great tweak that AH introduced (well to be fair first experimented in LOTR with one hero's ability) so you have a bit more power in the beginning and are less screwed at the beginning of the game by a bad draw (Netrunner had this problem early on for the corp and it sucked).
- You have bad stuff thematic to your character that happen which helps make it more narrative while also having the story of the villain you are facing off against. That very much reminds me of AH.
- They will have campaign boxes so you can play standalone scenarios or buy a campaign box and play a connected story, which is a great part of AH and is a real strength that the Saga boxes gave to LOTR. This implementation feels more like LOTR where the regular experience is standalone while some products will tell a longer form story, which is fine and probably more fitting for this game. You don't want a slow build up for a super hero story most of the time. You kinda want it to be explosive right from the get go.
- It's co-op and I still maintain that co-op is the better fit for LCGs. So I'm glad their new LCG is co-op honestly. Yeah they now have 3 co-op LCGs which makes people worried for LOTR. Caleb being the designer on this game (and the lead designer on LOTR) of course adds fuel to those flames.
I'm gonna buy it. The game play looks fun. It looks faster and less fiddly than playing SOTM which is nice because I've lived with SOTM for a long time now. I'm ready for a new super hero card game that's not a deckbuiler or dicemasters. No offense to those games but they didn't really light my fire.
I'm sad that AGOT and L5R got shafted in the inflight report but I'm guessing right now Star Wars and Keyforge are paying the bills so they got center stage along with the new game announcements.
My problem is I usually limit myself to 2 LCG purchases per month, and I can't see quitting AH:TCG. Is this gonna finally force me out of competitive LCGs? maybe...
Add: Also Caleb is great. He's been nothing but value for LOTR LCG ever since he got on board. So him and Nate being on this game makes me pretty pleased.
Edited by phillos6 hours ago, gokubb said:a remake of Vs System
That's already an "LCG" type game. Been around for a few years now.
EDIT: also, Ultron I get but Klaw and Rhino as the other villains? Really ?? I'm honestly surprised they didn't use more well known villains.
Edited by Simplegarak48 minutes ago, Simplegarak said:That's already an "LCG" type game. Been around for a few years now.
EDIT: also, Ultron I get but Klaw and Rhino as the other villains? Really ?? I'm honestly surprised they didn't use more well known villains.
The Upper Deck remake of Vs is absolute trash and plays nothing like the original Vs System. It's only a remake in that it has the same name and the Marvel license.
14 minutes ago, gokubb said:The Upper Deck remake of Vs is absolute trash and plays nothing like the original Vs System. It's only a remake in that it has the same name and the Marvel license.
And the same card types.
Well I don't think they want to waste a more interesting villain for an intro scenario and these makes sense given the heroes picked. So they picked a straight up brute for the intro scenario in Rhino who appeared in one of the Spiderman movies and he's a spiderman villain. Klaw is reasonably interesting and he's a Black Panther villain so that makes sense. Also a version of him appeared in the MCU. Ultron is a pretty big deal and he appeared in the MCU obviously. I'm surprised they used him this early honestly. I expect him to be the challenge scenario like LOTR's Escape from Dol Guldur and AH:TCG's Devourer Below.
The real surprised is they picked She-Hulk for the core set, which I applaud them for doing. I was worried this would be too MCU focused. That's not a safe pick considering she has no appearance in the movies. I loved the recent Charles Soule She-Hulk run. She's a great character. Also early on they have Kamala Khan slated for release after Cap, which is smart given she's a very popular character and a relatively new creation in the comics. They spread a wide net of appeal.
Edited by phillosCall me biased because i am a huge Iron Man fan, but is it just me or Iron Man (hero side) appear to be under powered compared to others? Adding up all is stats sums up to a miserable 4, while others have 6 or 7. Also, i find it odd that he has only 1 DEF. Iron Man was a pretty big deal in the comics/movies regarding armor and capability to withstand punishment (he survived through Thanos' devastating combo attacks!); not as much as Cap but still, Stark in his suit was no pushover.
Perhaps another element of the game balances it out but at first glance, i felt disappointed with how my favorite hero is being reflected stat wise in the game.
Edited by ShirysHe is an upgrade character. He starts the weakest but ends the strongest
2 hours ago, Shirys said:Call me biased because i am a huge Iron Man fan, but is it just me or Iron Man (hero side) appear to be under powered compared to others? Adding up all is stats sums up to a miserable 4, while others have 6 or 7. Also, i find it odd that he has only 1 DEF. Iron Man was a pretty big deal in the comics/movies regarding armor and capability to withstand punishment (he survived through Thanos' devastating combo attacks!); not as much as Cap but still, Stark in his suit was no pushover.
Perhaps another element of the game balances it out but at first glance, i felt disappointed with how my favorite hero is being reflected stat wise in the game.
The Alter-Ego power for Tony is the strongest out of the core set. Carol Danvers gives an extra card; Peter Parker gets an extra resource; T'Challa gets to tutor for a card at the beginning of the game. Tony gets to pick the best card out of the top three of his deck every turn. That extra card per turn is way better than Parker and T'Challa, and the ability to pick from three makes it quite a bit stronger than Danvers'. It also plays into his theme of building the suit. Each suit upgrade looks great, making Tony able to do more in one turn than the other characters once he has them all attached. Looks like they kinda weakened his hero side to make the Iron Man suit and gear his focus for attacking the enemy and thwarting their scheme.
yep looking forward to this. been a Marvel comics fan since I was a kid.
Also on this bus