And Here is the Onager Class Star Destroyer

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Armada

I just don't think this is the thing everyone thinks it is. It's the Siege Breaker from the Rebel Files, sure, but...I really think that's all it is.

Maybe it shows up in the Resistance TV series?

Really curious how the bore sighted weapon is going to work. If it can be used with main batteries in the same arc or not. What looks like 5/4/4/2 shields looks like she is going to be tanky even if the main batteries are going to be weak over all. Interested to see how this ship shapes but, but have a nagging feeling this is going to end up like the interdictor. A very specialized ship.

Edited by Spectre8174

The side shields look to be 2. The commentator stated it has a very powerful frontal attack, so maybe it can fire both sets of dice when the target is within the narrower arc? Would be fun to play.

My guess is that if you want to use the Kyber Crystal shot, it will be like a Slaved Turret. Only shot you can take on that activation.

28 minutes ago, itzSteve said:

My guess is that if you want to use the Kyber Crystal shot, it will be like a Slaved Turret. Only shot you can take on that activation.

I like the sound of that. Would make it a little less OP than it is sounding.

Not my favourite design. And of all the names they could choose they went with ‘onager’?

I bet a lot depends on the nav charts as well. If it is not great, it’ll be hard to get that super laser targeted on anything.

also, is it just me or do the line of sight dots look really far up in the side arcs. It makes me think these things weaker side shields will be really hard to shoot unless you are actually completely flanking it.

edit: spelling errors

Edited by cadetvw
11 minutes ago, cadetvw said:

I bet a lot depends on the nav charts as well. If it is not great, it’ll be hard to get that super laser targeted on anything.

also, is it just me or do the line of sight dots look really far up in the side arcs. It makes me think these things weaker side shields will be really hard to shoot unless you are actually completely flanking it.

edit: spelling errors

Good thing the empire has jerry, can make even the SSD turn well.

7 minutes ago, Captain Ordo N-11 said:

Good thing the empire has jerry, can make even the SSD turn well.

Or Vader or Krennic for the piles of reds/dice this thing wants to fling.

If we’re looking for analogs, it reminds me of a Liberty a bit. Monster front arc, weak sides. Probably not as sturdy in the hull department either as an ISD. I can’t read the cardboard but pictures will come out today from the GenCon display I’m sure.

It'll be interesting to see the upgrade slots as well as have a non-ISD large for the Empire. Now what commander is going to tag along on it?

I'm looking at the green front arc dice colors. The middle color doesn't appear blue. It looks yellow to me.

19 minutes ago, dodam1 said:

I'm looking at the green front arc dice colors. The middle color doesn't appear blue. It looks yellow to me.


Looks pretty blue to me.

50 minutes ago, LordCola said:


Looks pretty blue to me.

Yes. I was looking at some low quality photo. Thanks.



I love it. The rear facing hanger bays on the arms is a interesting, cool touch. Its got a lot of interesting design elements, the bridge is a different shape. Ect. It might be a specialized ship, but at the end of the day thats what the empire does.

9 minutes ago, Ling27 said:

I love it. The rear facing hanger bays on the arms is a interesting, cool touch. Its got a lot of interesting design elements, the bridge is a different shape. Ect. It might be a specialized ship, but at the end of the day thats what the empire does.

Are you sure that's what they do, the Empire that built 25k ISDs to replace a wide variety of smaller ships? Haha I get what you are saying though.

15 minutes ago, Ling27 said:

It might be a specialized ship, but at the end of the day thats what the empire does.

ISD: "Am I a joke to you?"

The ISD is like the most general purpose ship in Star Wars. Not only is it a full on anti capital ship war ship but it is also a carrier, capable of executing full on orbital bombardments, is an entire ground assault platform with a prefabricated planetside base with a full army of storm troopers and over 60 ground vehicles including dozens of AT-ATs and AT-STs. And on top of that it is designed to be intimidating to the point where a single ISD can patrol and pacify multiple systems at once. It is absolutely not a specialized ship.

Edited by LordCola
17 minutes ago, LordCola said:

... It is absolutely not a specialized ship.

You are correct. The ISD is a general purpose, multi-role ship. That is what it is designed to do.

But lets look at the rest of the Empire:

- Glad + Raider, close range knife fighting

- Quasar, Dedicated Carrier

- Arquitens, Multi-purpose escort craft

- VSD, a weaker version of the ISD.

- Interdictor, stops ships from hyperspace, also support ship...

Its much like the empires, "armor for every environment" thing.

This ship reminds me so much of the TCS Midway from Wing Commander Prophecy. I loved that ship but I think this is going to be a pass for me... I was really hoping for the Venator :(

21 minutes ago, Swusn said:

This ship reminds me so much of the TCS Midway from Wing Commander Prophecy. I loved that ship but I think this is going to be a pass for me... I was really hoping for the Venator :(

You will get your Venator when the Clone Wars come out in Q4 2020.

There was no way they were going to spoil the clone wars release by releasing one of the most iconic ships from those movies early and for the Empire.

I think we will be seeing these in upcoming movies, tv shows, etc. Give it time and it will probably feel more Star Wars.

I’m super happy for the fact that we have a scheduled release and one scheduled for next year also.

I think the method is pretty clear. It has a front arc shot, and it has a SECOND dice set on its secondary front arc, I think those will be additional dice for the front arc if you use the Kyber crystal weapon.

Fun fact: Does anyone know the origin story of kyber crystals in Star Wars? Well I tell you. In the very first draft of Star Wars, the hero Annikin Starkiller (who most likely would have been female) had to deliver the Kyber Crystal to his father who was a Jedi knight. The crystal was supposed to enhance the powers of the Jedi tenfold and Annikin's father needed it to fight the evil Empire. The whole story revolved around Annikin trying to catch up with his father. Later the crystal was removed from the story but not completely forgotten.

Splinter of the Mind's Eye was a low-cost version of a Star Wars sequel in case ANH would be a failure. A.D. Forester wrote it before ANH was released and to Lucas' request he had to cut an excessive space fight from the end of the book to further reduce possible filming costs. In this book Luke and Leia (who are weirdly attracted to each other, also note the absence of Han Solo) travel to the planet Mimban to find the Kaliburr crystal that would give its owner power over the Force. Vader also chases the crystal and in a final confrontation, it is Leia who beats the Dark Lord thanks to the power of the crystal.

As we all know, Star Wars was a huge hit and instead of Splinter, we got Empire. Funnily Star Wars fans tried to forget about Splinter for a long time for the tons of inconsistencies with what we learned about Star Wars later. But in the past one and a half decade writers and content creators tried to shape everything into the Star Wars canon and they even try to integrate Splinter into it, even though it requires a lot of compromises and brings up several questions.

EDIT: Seeing Crabbok's video, the Onager should definitely have been Medium size. The model itself seems smaller than the Interdictor and that ship is medium...

Edited by Norell


Check out the background image.

I wonder if it will be that detailed on the final product. But I definitely see some serious LED lighting possibilities there....
