No new product confirmed

By apolishbeast, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Ha the FFG in flight report during Q&A question was asked about Runewars and it was confirmed that nothing new coming out and it is completed at this point.

They said the same thing a few months ago about Imperial Assault. They’re moving on with multiple new games. You can see that they’re moving forward with Disney licenses like Marvel.

Oh well, it kind of confirms what we all kind of knew when the announcement was made.

That just means we have to make our own stuff. There’s a lot of figures out there than can be easily imported into the game if we want it.

This is such a bummer. I know we should be happy with what we got, but seeing Legion announcements every week just makes me sad that they never really gave this game a chance.

I know. I feel the same way in some regards. It's the way of our hobby these days. Everything is a licensed product. It's what they can use to drive sales across multiple countries. I feel like we still have a great game, but yes, we've been trained to be good consumers and feed on new product every 60 days or so. Unfortunately, I got into the game last June, as it was on it's downward trend (even though I didn't know it).

It feels less personal knowing that multiple games are going this way. Imperial Assault is done with new plastic, for example. I feel bad for those folks as well. Armada has a couple of new things, but not enough to make me want to play it every week. Walking through Gen Con, I saw so many games that won't even get through a year.

Oh well. We can keep playing amongst ourselves. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed that we couldn't get enough for a tournament at Gen Con, though. It just shows you what happens when the perception is out there that any game is dead and not getting new releases.

It would have been nice if they could have just put the game on hold for a few months or years until they have time and resources for it again. Announcing it is done is a bit depressing. It really takes the wind out of the communities sails.

I still am up for doing community created expansions, but have a lot of other games and hobbies that require attention as well.

Runewars will always be special to me because it was my first real wargaming miniatures game, which got me into painting, kitbashing, and batrepping (I know, it's been too long since the last madlands tale).

Heres hoping the dozen or so active members can still pull a community driven future together for this brilliant game.

Yeah, I said 'screw it' and threw all my core infantry into my Paint-and-Take stock for conventions..... Still going to keep the cav, characters and monsters for fun painting.

This is a sign that the gaming market is reaching a saturation point. And Runewars was in a rough spot almost from before it launched.

It got a huge boost from showing up in the Adepicton Swag bags...and was immediately overshadowed by Legion. And shortly after that Song of Ice and Fire hit Kickstarter. That's 3 products drawing from largely the same crowd (tabletop, rank and file, new games), and FFG's Terrinoth setting just can't compete against the likes of Game of Thrones and Star Wars.

Runewars never caught on near me, and I couldn't get my son interested, so we bailed very quickly after Adepticon. But I did enjoy the game, and found it to be a much better application of the Flight Path system to this type of game than D&D Attack Wing was. But I'm glad that FFG finished their production to give the fans a complete game experience...something not every company would have done (or has done).

Well said. As you’ve noted, FFG did see it through for a pretty large total across 4 factions. A decent game by today’s standards...

It's a good time for snapping up what you can cheap, it may be get it while you can time....

Original video I found online didn't have the q and a but now I've found it the exact response from the q and a about RWM was: "Runewars is a complete game at this point. We're not developing it any more." Only thought is they may not be dropping the game from sale if it's still selling, will it remain but only 'as is'. Ambiguity is does this mean it's being retired altogether (eventually won't be on sale) or only that it's going to stay but as something that's complete as far as their plans go.

FFG could do better joined up thinking- for example if they'd put all the RWM entities in the Terrinoth sourcebook for Genesys that would have been smart.

FFG could still get sales through the appeal of the miniatures (which like I've mentioned was evident at the UK Games Expo) - I feel FFG failed a bit on the product's potential appeal to market and underestimated this- the longer-term sales push wasn't massive and they gave up fast (almost as if its Star Wars equivalent was meant to sideline it so was allowed to overshadow it.)