Quick reach question

By daddystabz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Does using a reach weapon to make a melee attack make you considered to be adjacent for purposes of the attack?

To clarify,

On Map 42 (Secret Garden), Aria the shade moves into the trees (gaining shadowcloak). She also has Ghost. What can harm her and from where?

Figures with the Ghost ability cannot be attacked by adjacent figures using a melee attack. A figure with the Reach ability can attack a figure that has the
Ghost ability using a melee attack, as long as both figures are not adjacent and the Ghost figure is within range of the Reach figure.

A figure with the Shadowcloak ability is only affected by attacks made by adjacent figures. The figure does not suffer any wounds or effects from attacks originating farther than one space away.

Between the combo of those two, the only thing that can attack or affect a figure with Ghost in a tree (so has Shadowcloak) is a ranged or magic attack made from an adjacent square. Reach would work versus just a Figure with Ghost as described in the abilities rules, but Shadowcloak nullifies that.

daddystabz said:

Does using a reach weapon to make a melee attack make you considered to be adjacent for purposes of the attack?

Just to answer this directly, no you are not considered adjacent unless you actually ARE adjacent. Reach changes the rules in that it allows Melee attacks to hit non-adjacent enemies. That is all.

Regarding the more specific question, Remy is 100% correct.