Please help!

By daddystabz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We are playing RTL right now and the current dungeon uses the encounter tokens...the question mark tokens. However, none of us know what they do and cannot locate it in any of the instructions we have. Please help!

daddystabz said:

We are playing RTL right now and the current dungeon uses the encounter tokens...the question mark tokens. However, none of us know what they do and cannot locate it in any of the instructions we have. Please help!

Help how? You haven't provided any information....

If it is a normal dungeon level it will say on the dungeon card.

Encounter markers don't inherently do anything; they're an "extra" token for special stuff unique to the particular dungeon.

They're commonly triggered when a hero ends their movement on top of one, and may involve rolling the hero's trait dice to determine the effect, but it's really whatever the quest rules say.

I suppose from your question that you play with a foreign language version of the game, and that they forgot to translate what the question marks in that specific dungeon level do.

If you tell us what the level's number is, we might be able to help you.

We finally found what they was rather hidden in the quest. We had trouble finding it at first.

However, I found a couple things we might have done wrong when we started the campaign. The 100 coins heroes get for coin piles were just being deposited in the party treasury. Now I am seeing each hero gets 100 gold each. So we retconned/fixed that. Now I am hearing it is illegal for the Overlord to begin the campaign with 3 lieutenants.

daddystabz said:

We finally found what they was rather hidden in the quest. We had trouble finding it at first.

However, I found a couple things we might have done wrong when we started the campaign. The 100 coins heroes get for coin piles were just being deposited in the party treasury. Now I am seeing each hero gets 100 gold each. So we retconned/fixed that. Now I am hearing it is illegal for the Overlord to begin the campaign with 3 lieutenants.

I guess it must have been a rumour then...

Yes, the coinpile rules did not change, so each hero gets 100 coins. However the heroes no longer have individual treasuries so the 400 does go to the party treasury as you were doing.

Starting XP can only be spent on Avatar Upgrades RtL pg8
RtL pg4 makes it clear that Lt cards are not Avatar Upgrade cards.
RtL pg 24 has an error that says Avatar upgrades can be used to bring Lts into play (or upgrade monsters). This error has caused much confusion. That whole 3rd paragraph in the Avatar Upgrades section belongs at the top of the page in the 'Overlord Upgrades' section (and is about Overlord upgrades, not Avatar upgrades). For example, monster upgrades are clearly and explicitly a different section on the same page. Yet another example of non-existing editing...
Just to make it really clear, FAQ pg14
Q: Exactly what cards and upgrades can the overlord spend his initial 15 XP on? Can he purchase lieutenants?
A: Avatar upgrade cards only. No lieutenants.

Avatar Upgrades, Plot upgrades, Monster Upgrades, Treachery and Lieutenants are 5 separate types of Overlord Upgrade.

Thanks for the clarification.