Republic At War Rules/OC Conversation

By GhostofNobodyInParticular, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

I'm in for anything. Halo preferred.

So, max 3 warships benefit, and from here on out all GF are the same (Spaarti cloning and Prudii-compromised droid factories), limit of 10 per world. No more double building either, as it was going to expire this turn anyway.

Edited by GhostofNobodyInParticular

Can we double build this turn? Asking for a friend who didn’t double build last turn assuming that they could this turn...

Turn 8 is the last turn for double building.

All changes will take effect at the start of turn 9.

Edited by GhostofNobodyInParticular

What's the cost of GF?

55 minutes ago, Bertie Wooster said:

What's the cost of GF?

We'll split the difference and make it 10.

Cool. Has turn 8 started yet?

23 hours ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

I'm in for anything. Halo preferred.

So, max 3 warships benefit, and from here on out all GF are the same (Spaarti cloning and Prudii-compromised droid factories), limit of 10 per world. No more double building either, as it was going to expire this turn anyway.

I too like non-Star Wars Sci-Fi (heresy, I know). I'd love Halo theme.

One consideration is how you want to handle ground combat. That's a universe with really fleshed out ground battles, units, tactics, etc.

I'd love to see the ability to make more than one kind of ground unit. Perhaps something like infantry company (10 pts), armor (15 pts), aerial (20 pts). For resolving combat, each 5pts worth of units gives you one dice. A hit (5 or 6) destroys 5 pts worth of hostile units. Infantry gets +1 against aerial, aerial gets +1 against armor, armor gets +1 against infantry, which is similar balance to Halo Wars. Alternatively you can say that those are tie-breaker rules instead of straight modifiers. Either way I love this idea and would be glad to help

@Npmartian @Ling27 @The Jabbawookie Your presence is requested in the team chat.

We still have a war on here, people! Just because we've already lost doesn't mean we stop fighting! Haven't you heard of "the lost cause" theory? How will future generations have arguments about statues if we don't fight to the bitter end?

Of course, if the Separatists had surrendered before Palpatine gave himself emergency powers... oh. It's too late, isn't it?

If the CIS is already surrendering/we're changing the rules of the game to stop them complaining fix some issues, is there a value in continuing this game?

Edited by FortyInRed
I can read, I promise

I'm not sure they've surrendered.

Orders submitted.

I am willing to fight to the end... but my team appears to have gone AWOL...

31 minutes ago, LTD said:

I am willing to fight to the end... but my team appears to have gone AWOL...

My forces will stand with you, Grand Admiral. We fall spitting in the face of tyranny.

4 hours ago, LTD said:

I am willing to fight to the end... but my team appears to have gone AWOL...

My internets been down at home (my entire street is having issues) and I have been busy at work. Ill get orders submitted by the end of today. I apologize everyone.

I don’t want people sending in orders until we have a unified plan - unite or die, etc.

5 hours ago, LTD said:

I don’t want people sending in orders until we have a unified plan - unite or die, etc.

I have orders from only half the players. I assume that we have decided to call this?

If so, thanks for tolerating me as GM guys, it was fun!

Thank you for doing a great job modding, it was a pleasure to play!

It was good fun. I am glad you guys grabbed me.

Thanks for modding GNIP!

Great to play with you all! Thanks for being my Republic buddies, @clontroper5 @FortyInRed @Matt3412 and thank you for choosing me as Grand Admiral.

I have a question for everyone: did it feel like team chat was a good thing for the game or no? It definitely led to less IC discussion, which was one thing I kind of missed from the previous games. On the other hand, I really liked being on a team, and I don't know how I would communicate some things to the team without team chat.

1 hour ago, Bertie Wooster said:

Thanks for modding GNIP!

Great to play with you all! Thanks for being my Republic buddies, @clontroper5 @FortyInRed @Matt3412 and thank you for choosing me as Grand Admiral.

I have a question for everyone: did it feel like team chat was a good thing for the game or no? It definitely led to less IC discussion, which was one thing I kind of missed from the previous games. On the other hand, I really liked being on a team, and I don't know how I would communicate some things to the team without team chat.

Thanks for leading us Grand Admiral @Bertie Wooster !

Reply teamchat: I personally liked the team chat alot, it allowes for interesting teamwork and effective corrodination but like you said it limits IC conversation.

I too would like to know everyones opinion on it.

14 hours ago, clontroper5 said:

Thanks for leading us Grand Admiral @Bertie Wooster !

Reply teamchat: I personally liked the team chat alot, it allowes for interesting teamwork and effective corrodination but like you said it limits IC conversation.

I too would like to know everyones opinion on it.

I'm on the fence about this game format. Balance issues aside, it felt a bit like the Republic was fighting a NPC and so was the CIS. I didn't really get the feel of a galactic-scale war between two super powers. I think that's mostly because only battles between CIS and Republic were mentioned directly. Actions against neutral systems weren't reported.

I did like the ship and planet modifiers though the shear number of planets seemed a bit overwhelming.

Perhaps if we could be provided with the graphics used to generate the map we could update our own map in real-time. Alternatively, the GM could publish a public map each turn from public info. No production, fleet sizes, or ground forces mentioned, just allegiances. That would remove an element of "keeping up with the turns", but personally I'd be ok.

1 hour ago, FortyInRed said:

I'm on the fence about this game format. Balance issues aside, it felt a bit like the Republic was fighting a NPC and so was the CIS. I didn't really get the feel of a galactic-scale war between two super powers. I think that's mostly because only battles between CIS and Republic were mentioned directly. Actions against neutral systems weren't reported.

I did like the ship and planet modifiers though the shear number of planets seemed a bit overwhelming.

Perhaps if we could be provided with the graphics used to generate the map we could update our own map in real-time. Alternatively, the GM could publish a public map each turn from public info. No production, fleet sizes, or ground forces mentioned, just allegiances. That would remove an element of "keeping up with the turns", but personally I'd be ok.

Hmm those are some good thoughts, I think I basically know how @The Jabbawookie makes the maps. I think I is a realistic possibility that I publish a updated map every turn

3 hours ago, clontroper5 said:

Hmm those are some good thoughts, I think I basically know how @The Jabbawookie makes the maps. I think I is a realistic possibility that I publish a updated map every turn

It’s really quite simple to do, and an excellent idea. I always modify my map round by round anyway.

The one thing I'd have to think about is maybe some sort of Bomber keyword for bombardment. Something like "When you bombard a planet, you may alter the die roll by +1 or -1. You may resolve this ability once per roll, and only on as many rolls as you have Bombers in your fleet."

Or maybe some sort of Swarm keyword ex. "If you have more fighters with Swarm in your fleet than your opponent and at least X points of fighters with Swarm (fleet percent based? I don't want to get too complicated), you gain +1 or -1 to the die roll.

6 hours ago, Npmartian said:

The one thing I'd have to think about is maybe some sort of Bomber keyword for bombardment. Something like "When you bombard a planet, you may alter the die roll by +1 or -1. You may resolve this ability once per roll, and only on as many rolls as you have Bombers in your fleet."

Or maybe some sort of Swarm keyword ex. "If you have more fighters with Swarm in your fleet than your opponent and at least X points of fighters with Swarm (fleet percent based? I don't want to get too complicated), you gain +1 or -1 to the die roll.

My modified combat rules has similar effects to these already, I am close to done with them, and then I will post a new thread and allow for further discussion of what I have.