Firing an Inferno round at a surprised target

By Jan Solo, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

When you fire an Inferno round at a target and hit, the target must succeed in an Agility test or be set aflame. What about firing an Inferno round at a Surprised target? Does the target get an Agility test or not?

The reason this crossed my mind was me reading again the weapon descriptions in Inquisitor's Handbook. Not getting an Agility test would mean the Angelus bolt carbine would rule as a sniper rifle, no need anymore to drool over the Exitus and its too hard-to-get ammo. 2d10 X Pen 5 Tearing, a possible +2d10 damage from Accurate and the target is on fire after your shot! sorpresa.gif

Jan Solo said:

The reason this crossed my mind was me reading again the weapon descriptions in Inquisitor's Handbook. Not getting an Agility test would mean the Angelus bolt carbine would rule as a sniper rifle, no need anymore to drool over the Exitus and its too hard-to-get ammo. 2d10 X Pen 5 Tearing, a possible +2d10 damage from Accurate and the target is on fire after your shot! sorpresa.gif

I'm afraid it wouldn't.

If you read the description of the Angelus, you'll find that it, too, has a bit of an ammo conundrum. In this case, the angelus is specifically designed to fire one and only one kind of ammunition: Astartes Bolt shells. It can't fire inferno rounds, regardless of wether or not they get an agility test.

However, in answer to your question, I would say yes, they still get the test.

The Boy Named Crow said:

In this case, the angelus is specifically designed to fire one and only one kind of ammunition: Astartes Bolt shells. It can't fire inferno rounds, regardless of wether or not they get an agility test.

It could still use Inferno rounds... but they'd have to be ones made for use in Astartes bolters. That's the kind of gear that the Deathwatch get access to, so rare compared to Astartes bolter ammo.

just get a regular shotgun and inferno shells?

just get a bottle of cheap alcohol and a lighter? (fire bomb)

the get an agility roll or be set on fire is the same rule for every flame weapon afaik thing is it is no reaction or stuff so the target does not loose this roll if surprised

availability issues aside, I'd rule they do not get to roll. mostly because it sounds hilarious and its only for the surprise round. If the PC's have managed a good ambush, let them enjoy it with some cleansing fire. :)

I'd assume everyone would get the agility roll because it represents quickly smothering the fire, extinguishing it before it spreads or getting rid of the piece of clothing set ablaze. It's not like an unaware target won't notice it's being set on fire...