Frustrated! Conversion kits not in squad builder.

By Ro0ster, in X-Wing Squad Builder

Why sell the conversion kits and not allow for those ships to be built within a squad using the official Xwing Squad Builder app or website! I've waited, I've seen the 'reasoning' but for me, this severely limits my gaming! Had I known that none of the ships from 1.0 would be available in the official roster in the builder, I wouldn't have bought the conversion kits. Now, we're reliant on third-party builders of varying value to build a squad using our old ships.

If it's an 'official' decision for tournament rules or whatever, fine. For the casual player such as myself and my kid, we don't care! Yeah, we can manually do this with a 'list' that's tedious AF to use...or, you can listen to your customer base that would appreciate it if you allowed for those ships included in the conversion kits sold at the time 2.0 was released to be RELEVANT in 2.0!

I agree that the official squad builder is garbage, but all the ships are accessible. Just select "extended" from the format options and build the squad using any ship you would like.