Where is all news?

By Kepagt, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Hi. What is going whit this game, no news, no faq, nothing? Are FFG abandoned us?

That is no prove...look others game news....

So the fact that they have content actively coming out for the game isn’t proof that they haven’t abandoned it? I mean they have detailed what’s in the figure pack, showed some of the few cards in it, and gave a rough outline on the campaign. They might release an article detailing more about the campaign.....but at most I would expect a short announcement when it releases. What other news do you want to see? They probably aren’t going to announce anything new until the campaign and figure pack are out. This will probably be during GenCon and there is a good chance a new expansion is announced during the convention as well.

This game isn’t like the lcgs or xwing where we get monthly releases or tons of different products dropping at once. So we aren’t going to get multitudes of news stories like for those games. We will probably get a big box expansion once a year. And then either a smaller expansion once a year or maybe some figure packs instead.

Edited by pixcalcis

In the livestream from June where they were showing the first chapter of the new campaign (and the new figure pack) they repeatedly stated that they couldn't discuss the upcoming content at that time. Given the fact that Gen-Con is this week I'd be surprised if @pixcalcis wasn't right and we got an announcement there.

It seems there haven't been any news on Gencon live.. No Gandalf coming.. :(

So it doesn't look like we'll see anything out of GenCon for the game... the last article/news was April 15. Not the type of support I was expecting from this game. Just for comparison, MoM2e came out August 4, 2016, and the first expansion (Beyond the Threshold) was announced October 11, 2016, and that's ignoring the other two mini expansions that were released in September that were more to allow 1e stuff to be pulled into 2e. This was followed by the first app scenerio released on December 21, 2016. JiME has been since April 15 without an article. I like many assumed that it was just putting off any news until GenCon, but after the InFlight last night, I'm a bit concerned.

It's worth noting that Lord of the Rings properties also have to get a LOT of okays before the company behind it can post anything. I've been playing The One Ring RPG since it came out and there have been entire years where Cubicle 7 Publishing could only say they were working on sourcebooks and the like without any detail because they hadn't yet gotten the okay from the controllers of the LotR property overall.

I'm used to long stretches of silence regarding LotR properties, I'm not worried.

6 hours ago, BowTiesRCool said:

So it doesn't look like we'll see anything out of GenCon for the game... the last article/news was April 15. Not the type of support I was expecting from this game. Just for comparison, MoM2e came out August 4, 2016, and the first expansion (Beyond the Threshold) was announced October 11, 2016, and that's ignoring the other two mini expansions that were released in September that were more to allow 1e stuff to be pulled into 2e. This was followed by the first app scenerio released on December 21, 2016. JiME has been since April 15 without an article. I like many assumed that it was just putting off any news until GenCon, but after the InFlight last night, I'm a bit concerned.

So, comparing to mansions ( and discounting the 1st edition themed packs), That first fully 2e expansion came out in January. Then the next product ( a big box expansion) wasn’t announced until that June. So that’s a six month wait right there for news. I personally dont think we will wait 6 months for more JIME content to be announced, but that wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility.

We did have more news articles for the lead up to the first expansions in mansions but several considerations need to be taken into account. Firstly, the mansions expansion contained more physical stuff. We had tiles, tokens, enemies, new heroes and 2 distinct scenarios. Compare that to jIME which has 3 enemy figures and a few cards but also an entire campaign worth of digital content. The mansions physical product definitely lends itself for more news articles. Secondly, FFG has started doing some of their previews in their live streams for their games instead of written articles....JIME included, so the amount of news articles we get will be less due to that as well.

That said, due to the fact that we DID get the first edition conversion content for mansions, we did have more content front loaded on us in that game. I also did think it highly likely that FFG would mention something new for jIME in their in-flight report Despite that though, I personally still don’t think there is a reason to be concerned with the future of the game. As I stated above, there will likely be two releases a year. If they release stand alone scenarios for the game I could see those sprinkled in too. So, to me, large gaps in news should be expected.

Edited by pixcalcis

There was the huge info dump for new FFG products today. I should think there will be the standard "Villains of Eriador is now in stores" type announcement soon, plus an announcement about the new scenario being available for download. Maybe tomorrow so it's not lost in the middle of everything else today? Hopefully with some mention of what might be coming next?

Edited by Daverman

I thought the dlc was coming today but so far on IOS I haven’t been able to purchase it yet.

Must be a holdup on Apple's end, it's available on my Kindle Fire and the Villains of Eriador pack can be selected and enabled.

I ordered the $6.99 campaign on my iPad about 30 minutes ago, so it should be available, at least the US where I am. :) My wife and I just picked up the game last night in our LGS, who FINALLY got it back in stock...and discounted to boot! The game mat and figure pack are both available in the FFG store because I just ordered them. So it seems the content is coming, at least for now. We're so looking forward to diving into it.


The only thing I struggled with is where the new content is - I thought perhaps Collection but it's in the New section, you then purchase from there. £5.50 for UK.

The linked article seems to hint it's in your appropriate store - eg Amazon, Google Play, etc as an extra thing to download. It's not, open the app and go to New.

Edited by timbolton

What do you guys think? Will we get another campaign and/or expansion this year?

First expansion took about 3 1/2 months until release. So it should be possible, right?

Edited by Staelwulf
On 8/16/2019 at 6:53 AM, Staelwulf said:

What do you guys think? Will we get another campaign and/or expansion this year?

First expansion took about 3 1/2 months until release. So it should be possible, right?

I would say it's unnecessary. This isn't a skirmish type game with competitive organized play that requires frequent releases to keep interest up.

I would love an expansion with new battle map tiles and more characters

more characters is what I hope for the most.

Most likely in the next year!

FFG tend to spring surprises without much warning, perhaps they will aim for something around Christmas. If we're lucky.

Boxing day in Khazad-dûm would go down well!

Whilst I’m not worried about the future of the game as such, the slow pace (we’re unlikely to see any more new content this year) of releases is a concern. The figure packs don’t really interest me, unless they add new enemies to the campaign, the extra trinkets don’t seem to add that much - for instance in one campaign, I’m 8 scenarios in without a single trinket, and likewise 6 scenarios in, in another campaign.

I suppose the DLC campaign is a lot of content, just being digital, it doesn’t feel like a lot!

One of the Gimli cards states: "Before a nearby hero tests, you may discard this skill for that hero to reveal 2 additional cards; if they are a dwarf, you may scout 1." So i expect there will be more expansions, figure packs, and DLC coming. In the mean time we must be patient.

3 hours ago, benrp said:

One of the Gimli cards states: "Before a nearby hero tests, you may discard this skill for that hero to reveal 2 additional cards; if they are a dwarf, you may scout 1." So i expect there will be more expansions, figure packs, and DLC coming. In the mean time we must be patient.

The Dwarf-friend title can give a hero the Dwarf trait, so technically Gimli's card can work with the base game. (Note that I did in fact use that extra ability in a recent mission with Gimli and Legolas, where the latter had Dwarf-friend prepared -- very thematic!)