But I'm still learning the GENESYS system. If any of you that work on your Bestiaries or conversions want to take a crack at these, I'd appreciate the assist. In each entry, I included the original source card (Whether Runebound, Descent, Runewars, or Battlelore), to help with stats.
I put all the ones needing stats in this folder: https://www.scabard.com/pbs/campaign/235523/folder/332840
They are also in the main Bestiary folder, but not called out there. These are just the ones still needing stats.
I did add some new ones that I had stats for (based on Direach's Creature List)...
These are:
Night Wolves: https://www.scabard.com/pbs/campaign/235523/character/333006
Giant Beetles: https://www.scabard.com/pbs/campaign/235523/character/332897
Flora, Carnivorous: https://www.scabard.com/pbs/campaign/235523/character/332870
I included the two pdf Bestiaries I've been working off (Direach's and Archellus' and Flobio's), they are tabs on the folder link above.
Thanks to any who assist!