Added some Runebound creatures to my Bestiary

By IamGazrok, in Realms of Terrinoth

But I'm still learning the GENESYS system. If any of you that work on your Bestiaries or conversions want to take a crack at these, I'd appreciate the assist. In each entry, I included the original source card (Whether Runebound, Descent, Runewars, or Battlelore), to help with stats.

I put all the ones needing stats in this folder:

They are also in the main Bestiary folder, but not called out there. These are just the ones still needing stats.

I did add some new ones that I had stats for (based on Direach's Creature List)...

These are:

Night Wolves:

Giant Beetles:

Flora, Carnivorous:

I included the two pdf Bestiaries I've been working off (Direach's and Archellus' and Flobio's), they are tabs on the folder link above.

Thanks to any who assist!

Ill convert these np. The carnevous flora is part of ROT you can find the stats on page 258 if i remember correct.

I have stats for the last 3...but they are new calling them out.

Hi again

Taking a look at your list i have a few questions before diving in.

From a quick glance i would say its safe to use these stats

  • Sabercat = Leonx Source: ROT p. 180
  • Beserker Ent could just use the Forest Guardian stats ROT p 179 or AYMHELIN SCION p. 179
  • If you want i can do a slightly twisted berserk version but it would be just a matter of
  • adding a small ability to the same talents.
  • Bone Lich - again as a Genesys GM i would prob just use the necromancer stats Source: ROT p. 166 and add the undead ability Abilities: • Undead: Does not need to breathe, eat, or drink, and can survive underwater; immune to poisons and toxins. Unless there was some better describtion of what this monster is ?
  • Do you have more information on Ferrox Bloodwraiths or are they just Ferrox ? The Ferrox is stattet in ROT 165
  • The Giant Spider you can either use my own stats for cave spider or the Arachyura. Or the Bane spider from the Genesys Core Rule book p. 147
  • The Worms sound like they could be the Carrion Grub and Carrion Worms that i have stats for in the Beastary ?
  • The Uthuk Grotesque is stattet in ROT p 215
  • You have a Rune Summoner if its meant as part of the Uthuk you could use the bloodsister and nightbrother ROT p. 213
  • Ventala Centaurs i have added to my document

Some of the unique creatures will be hard to stat out unless there is more lore. Like the Dar Hilzernod you could just use my stats for the Barrow Worm but from googling his name it looks like its a spectral dragon and not physical ? is this the case ?

Sabercat is different, but could certainly use those stats. (or the Tiger from Direach's)

Agree on the Berserker Ent.

Good idea on Bone Lich.

Not much on the Ferrox Bloodwraiths, just what's on the card. Possibly just add the undead ability to Ferrox?

Agreed on the spider. (Cave Spider stats)

The worms are different, notice all the mouths on each worm segment!!! Yikes!

I thought I had stats for the Grotesque, but thanks!

I think the Rune Summoner is actually a human seeking the same as the original Uthuk did.

Yes, I think Dar Hilzernod is an undead dragon, like a Dracolich from D&D, but more powerful than the Crypt Dragon.

Followed the above advice and knocked out some of them.

Went through more Runebound cards, so adding even more creatures.

At over 170 now, verified Terrinoth creatures from official lore!