So, I just picked up Sympathetic energies, a rank 2 invocation. Basically, make your check, and cause an existing persistent invocation effect on someone nearby to spread to your water ring worth of other people. It states that the effect lasts on the new people as long as it effects the original. With opportunity, you can instead spread a Condition.
One, if the invocation effect is ended early by another effect on character prime, does this end it for everyone? or does it mean, it would last as long on each person as it was originally intended to last? (And on that topic, what if the effect is ended by, say, the original character dying?)
Two, conditions? okay, how about the dying condition? boom. you 3 are now dying, next to the Bushi who just got disembowled. Is this doable? Could they actually die from it? If character prime dies, does the dying condition go away?
Also, this makes an excellent prepared invocation "suicide bomb" Trigger, the dying condition is inflicted on me. Share with the character who inflicted it and anyone else nearby who is attacking me.
Or even not a suicide bomb. Put the ward on another person, and have them go into a fight against a foe sure to kill them. Hmmm.