This list is designed to advance under fire, suppress and eliminate enemy troopers and secure objectives. Relatively weak vs armor, but DT can fish crits with free aims and precise 2. Krennic sweeps the field clean on turn 5 or 6 with Annihilation Looms. Impressions?
General Veers 80
Director Orson Krennic 90
Stormtroopers 44
HH-12 Stormtrooper,
Stormtroopers 44
Stormtroopers 44
Imperial Death Troopers 76
DLT-19D Trooper,
E-11D Focused Fire Config,
Imperial Death Troopers 76
DLT-19D Trooper,
E-11D Focused Fire Config,
Imperial Death Troopers 76
DLT-19D Trooper,
E-11D Focused Fire Config,
Imperial Death Troopers 76
E-11D Focused Fire Config,
Maximum Firepower,
Voracious Ambition,
Deploy the Garrison,
Imperial Discipline,
Annihilation Looms,
Standing Orders,