RPQ Veers/Krennic Special Forces

By Anaxander, in Army Building

This list is designed to advance under fire, suppress and eliminate enemy troopers and secure objectives. Relatively weak vs armor, but DT can fish crits with free aims and precise 2. Krennic sweeps the field clean on turn 5 or 6 with Annihilation Looms. Impressions?

General Veers 80

Director Orson Krennic 90

Stormtroopers 44
HH-12 Stormtrooper,
Stormtroopers 44

Stormtroopers 44

Imperial Death Troopers 76
DLT-19D Trooper, E-11D Focused Fire Config,
Imperial Death Troopers 76
DLT-19D Trooper, E-11D Focused Fire Config,
Imperial Death Troopers 76
DLT-19D Trooper, E-11D Focused Fire Config,
Imperial Death Troopers 76
DT-F16, E-11D Focused Fire Config,

Maximum Firepower, Voracious Ambition, Deploy the Garrison, Push, Imperial Discipline, Annihilation Looms, Standing Orders,

I personally like the list. It's a little different. I like that you took one HH-12. Some people may criticize you for it but this is a rare example of a list that I think needs at least one. Think this list can handle 3 flame AT-RT's?

7 minutes ago, Dcalov said:

I personally like the list. It's a little different. I like that you took one HH-12. Some people may criticize you for it but this is a rare example of a list that I think needs at least one. Think this list can handle 3 flame AT-RT's?

armor is definitely it's weakness. I would use terrain and concentrate fire at range 4 to kill them on the approach. Hope to kill 2. Death Troopers do tend to hit everything they shoot.

This list did pretty well at my RPQ, won 2 games, but lost 1 due to showing up late, lol. High point was gunning down Vader after he tank charged 3 Death Troopers. He took one out, engaged an adjacent Stormtrooper unit (who then activated and withdrew - exposing Vader), the last 2 DT's gunned him down for 5 and and then 7 damage (IIRC). Had a great time and played against great opponents!

Thoughts on cutting a death trooper squad to add heavy weapons to the corps squads and maybe add a few medical droids?

I wouldn't drop the DLTs from the deathtrooper squads, given the range 4 all deathtroopers can have from the focused fire configuration DLTs go very well with the rest of the squad. I also don't think you need med droids as much when you have so many deathtroopers, I'd be more worried about having some med droids if I only had a squad or two of them. What I might drop though is DTF-16, really don't need a 2nd source of compel when the list already has Krennic, and her attack pool is nothing special. She's just under the cost of a DLT unfortunately, but you could drop the HH-12 and take 2 DLTs instead.