Jorin sent his saber spinning down the corridor to the Droideka reeling from Chee'Okee's attack, the humming blades making quick work of it before Jorin called it back to his hand. Jorin smiled, satisfied he was getting quite good at this tactic.
PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: IC
Sergeant Raven and his squad duck out from the wall and start spraying bolts at the approaching battle droids, managing to down all but the droideka, who's shields are impervious to their attacks. It opens up with its twin blasters, spraying fire at the Republic forces. Ker'see, who was standing in the open, takes a very painful glancing hit as she tries to dodge out of the way, and Mireska has to wheel and batter away the barrage before it can hit either her or the clones, but some of the fire still gets through her defenses and she takes a hit to her torso armor.
Locking onto the Droid that managed to get a hit on her Ker'see aims down her bow and shoots the droideka. The rolling droid managed to survive the hit but its internal systems seemed to have locked somewhat and its movements became jittery.
Mireska patted out a smouldering burn on her tunics, cast a glance at the wounded Ker'see, and then glared at the remaining droideka.
"Now you've really annoyed me. That was an excessive use of force," she told it, "So allow me to return the favour."
She moved closer to the droid, then dug her metaphorical hands into the Force, pulling several threads at once while she simultaneously readied her lightsabre. The droideka was yanked directly towards her, and she impaled its central processing unit on her teal blade.
Perhaps I was a bit too enthusiastic myself, Mireska thought as the Force-summoned droideka fell on top of her. Luckily, the remaining legs supported most of its weight so she was only knocked prone.
"Umm, a little help here, maybe?" came her voice from the bottom of the pile of shattered metal, electronics, and other materials.
At least it's the end of this combat, so I know that I can relax for a few moments ...
Camouflage holsters his pistol and trots over to Mireska, struggling to restrain himself from chuckling. As the other clones sweep forwards, watching the halls in case any reinforcements show up, Camouflage helps Mireska extricate herself from the wreckage, lifting the bulk of the droid bodily and tossing it to the side. "There you go, general." He reaches down to help her to her feet.
"Thank you, Lieutenant," Mireska said as she grasped his hand and let him pull her to her feet.
Force, am I blushing? She put her hands to her cheeks in an attempt to both brush away the dust and check their surface temperature. Yes, I am. Drat, nothing looks as ridiculous as a mirialan with brown cheeks!*
Mireska looked over at Ker'see in an attempt to redirect any possible attention paid to her warm cheeks.
"Ker'see, if you - and anyone else who might be injured - come over here, then I can supply some healing."
* Since we established that the "chromatic humans" have red blood, I reasoned that an excessive surge of red blood under green skin would look like brown patches from the outside. This doesn't actually look ridiculous, but Mireska feels embarassed, hence she thinks that she looks ridiculous too.
"That would be appreciated, Mireska," said Ker'see walking across to her colleague, the Nexu following. "Luckily The Duchess was safe from the combat."
Mireska focused on the Force, and used it to re-weave Ker'see's numerous Wounds back together. Aside from rents in her clothing, she was as good as new.
Mireska then caught sight of Jorin.
"Padawan!" she exclaimed. "Why didn't you come for treatment earlier?!?"
Hurrying over to Jorin, she cast a metaphorical glance at him in the Force, then decided to use her physician's kit instead. She almost clucked over his condition as she applied the necessary first aid, but she could already feel him relaxing as she worked.
Finally done with healing the others, Mireska took a moment to call upon the Force to remove her own injuries. It answered her call, slowly but surely.
"The Force feels a bit sluggish in this place," she commented. "And I'm not making a joke based on the hutt species when I say that."
Edited by Bellona
Add the self-Heal results.
Apologizes Master.. I seem to have been.. caught in the moment.. Jorin said sheepishly.
Chee'Okee sees the combat is over in but a moment. It only took that moment for her to lose her discipline with the Force. The Jedi calmed herself and kneeled in a meditative pose while the others recovered. Closing her eyes, Chee'Okee quieted her mind and remembered her teachings. After a moment passed, she felt at ease again, yet waited to rise when the others were ready to go once more.
Drawing both his pistols, Camouflage moves quickly up to the line of advancing clones as they clear each room along the entrance way and then reach the split at the end of the long hall. "This is a pretty defensible place... Good thing the clankers never heard of cover."
As Raven and Poe set up a fire team covering either branch, just in case, Camouflage slips his deeces back into his holsters and walks back to the Jedi. "All clear, generals, commander. We've secured the main entrance of the monastery, and we have troops sweeping the outer buildings now. What are your orders?"
"We find the child. Let me open myself to the force and see what I can see."
Join took a moment to reach out to the Force and to center himself as Camouflage and the others cleared the corridor. He managed to refresh himself sufficiently to continue. Now, to find that huttlet..
"Let's move people, she's got the huttlet and heading to a hanger. We have to move fast and hit them hard. If you don't think you can keep up secure this area!"
And with that Ker'see calls on the force and thunders down the corridor with the Nexu in tow, swapping out her bow for the lightsaber. She didn't look to see who was following.
"'She'?" Mireska said with puzzlement as she followed Ker'see. "To whom are you referring?"
"That warrior from Christophsis!"
Chee'Okee could sense everyone's urgency, but had no idea what woman they spoke of. Hearing about her rushing to a hangar, though, made the Jedi think of an idea. She rose gracefully, in one swift motion, and made her way to the others.
Looking to the Lieutenant again, she asked him "Lieutenant. Are we able to call in fighter support? If she is attempting to flee on a starship, they could intercept in orbit with ion weapons if we are unable to stop her in time."
"You mean that ... Sith?!?" Mireska was dismayed.
I've been working on upping my game when it comes to lightsabre combat, but I'm still not enthused about meeting that ... woman.
Edited by Bellona
Camouflage barks orders to the clones as he runs, following the Jedi. "Varactyls, on me. Raven, hold this position. Poe, bring up the rear."
The ARC slips his pistols out of their holsters and responds to Chee'Okee, "No, general, the Immutable doesn't carry a fighter complement and it doesn't have ion cannons. We'll have to stop her ourselves." He holds his blasters up, trigger fingers outside the guard, as he charges forwards. This isn't good... he thinks.
"Rule number one and we'll all be fine." Ghost says blithely.
Continuing to consider the Jedi's suggestion, Camouflage says "Only air support we have are the gunships. Should we try to take out her ship while it's still on the pad?"
Chee'Okee sighs when she hears they do not have a fighter compliment with ion cannons. Even the starfighter she was travelling in did not have any weaponry.
"We should keep all options on the table, Lieutenant. If the gunship pilots can reposition and be ready to strike, they travel a lot faster than we can through the building."
"Yes, general. Lucky Lekku , Bad Kitty , fly to the east hangar and standby. There's a Separatist escape ship we may need you to disable."
"Clones, it'll be your job to keeps the droids of our backs!" orders Ker'see into her comm as she runs forward.
She's here too? Jorin asked astonished, as he ran after the others. I guess that means the Separatists are involved!
Getting more and more worried as they hurried through the monastery, Mireska started examing their surroundings for potential traps and ambushes.
I know that it's just a casual skimming of the environment around us, but it's better than not paying any attention at all! Hopefully the Force will give me some hints ...
Edited by Bellona
Suddenly Ker'see comes to a stop at a crossroads with The Duchess stopped beside her. The devaronian paused in her thinking and then remembered the way to go.
"This way!"
She ran down the corridor the force showed to her previously heading closer to the hanger.