Fast and the Furiest

By Talism, in Army Building

close assault rebel force.

++ Standard (Rebel Alliance) [798 Points] ++

+ Commander +

Rebel Officer [60 Points]: Improvised Orders

+ Corps +

Fleet Troopers [85 Points]: 2-1B Medical Droid, Scatter Gun Trooper

Fleet Troopers [85 Points]: 2-1B Medical Droid, Scatter Gun Trooper

Fleet Troopers [67 Points]: Scatter Gun Trooper

+ Special Forces +

Wookiee Warriors [77 Points]: Recon Intel

Wookiee Warriors [77 Points]: Recon Intel

Wookiee Warriors [77 Points]: Recon Intel

+ Support +

Tauntaun Riders† [90 Points]

Tauntaun Riders† [90 Points]

Tauntaun Riders† [90 Points]

Edited by Talism

Have you gotten a chance to run this? Would love to hear results. Also really enjoying the Fleets. People rag on them all the time about the range 2, but just play them around corners, and dice dump. The peirce they bring cannot be undervalued in a battlefield with Death Troopers roaming around

Hahahahahaha I love this

I woul play naked Rebels Troopers and put Bowcaster on the wookies. Bowcasters are amazing.

This looks like the most fun army ever made...maybe not super effective, but i bet its absurdly fun

This was my plan back in March. The medical droids might be worth it and I would look at Sabine as well since she can move fast and tie up units with the best of them. I like Sabine as an attrition piece much more than Jyn.

~Jyn tenacity Recon

~Wookiees Bowcaster tenacity Recon

~Wookiees Bowcaster tenacity Recon

~Tauntaun tenacity

~Tauntaun tenacity

~Tauntaun tenacity

~Rebel troops x3

Get up and close and stuck turn 1-2 then let your rebel troops sneek in the back and steal the objectives.

Edited by buckero0

so since I only own 2 wookies squads I and ran this to test vets as well. it was suprising effective.

I'm going to do more testing with different core options

++ Standard (Rebel Alliance) [800 Points] ++

+ Commander

•Leia Organa [100 Points]: Improvised Orders +

Corps +

Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper [38 Points]

Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper [38 Points]

Rebel Veterans [67 Points]: HQ Uplink, Rebel Comms Technician

Rebel Veterans [67 Points]: HQ Uplink, Rebel Comms Technician +

Special Forces +

Wookiee Warriors [110 Points]: Bowcaster Wookiee

Wookiee Warriors [110 Points]: Bowcaster Wookiee +

Support +

Tauntaun Riders [90 Points]

Tauntaun Riders [90 Points]

Tauntaun Riders [90 Points] +

Command Hand + Command Hand: •Ambush, •Coordinated Bombardment, ••No Time for Sorrows, ••Push, •••Assault, •••Somebody Has to Save Our Skins, ••••Standing Orders + Battle Cards + Condition Cards: Clear Conditions, Hostile Environment, Limited Visibility, Minefield Deployment Cards: Advanced Positions, Battle Lines, Disarray, Major Offensive Objective Cards: Breakthrough, Intercept the Transmissions, Key Positions, Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators ++ Total: [800 Points] ++ Created with BattleScribe

Edited by Talism

Fast and the Furriest actually.

Funny that Ive been working the exact same list. I dropped 3 AT-ST with flamers for the Tauntauns once I realised they grant cover to Wookies too!

Was thinking the same name...amazing. This must be a thing.

++ Standard (Rebel Alliance) [793 Points] ++

+ Commander +

•Leia Organa [103 Points]: Environmental Gear, Improvised Orders

+ Corps +

Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper [38 Points]

Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper [38 Points]

Rebel Veterans [48 Points]

Rebel Veterans [48 Points]

+ Special Forces +

Wookiee Warriors [118 Points]: Bowcaster Wookiee, Duck and Cover

Wookiee Warriors [118 Points]: Bowcaster Wookiee, Duck and Cover

+ Support +

Tauntaun Riders [94 Points]: Tenacity

Tauntaun Riders [94 Points]: Tenacity

Tauntaun Riders [94 Points]: Tenacity

+ Command Hand +

Command Hand: •Coordinated Bombardment, •Sabotaged Communications, ••No Time for Sorrows, ••Turning the Tide, •••Covering Fire, •••Somebody Has to Save Our Skins, ••••Standing Orders

+ Battle Cards +

Condition Cards

Deployment Cards

Objective Cards

++ Total: [793 Points] ++

Created with BattleScribe

Edited by Deadshane

With Tauntauns and Wookiees in your face tearing crap up, the troops you got can probably hang back by the deployment and have a leisurely picnic with Leia.

Edited by Deadshane

i really think you need the coms upgrades for the vets as it makes your activation order much better. otherwise your going to run into activation order problems