I thought I'd put out one of the lists we're thinking of running at Gen Con.
Master-Crafted Weapons [4] -
Combat Ingenuity [6] -
Remove Unit [56]
Lord Vorunthul [40] 1x1
Dimodian Blades [5] -
Thirst of Bilehall [5] -
Remove Unit [50]
Reanimate Archers [45] 3x2
Wind Rune [6] -
Raven-Standard Bearer [3] -
Combat Ingenuity [6] -
Remove Unit [60]
Death Knights [24] 2x1
Obcasiums Gauntlet [5] -
Rank Discipline [4] -
Remove Unit [33]
We tried to come up with something that was flexible in deployment since the units don't need to be next to each other to be effective (beyond what is normally required to cover a flank).
I figure Obcasiums to scare off heroes and the Reanimates Archers can suppress enemy archers with their I4 attack. We've gone back and forth about Wind Rune vs. Tempered Steel, but I think we like Wind Rune as the deficiency in Waiqar Inspiration tokens means you typically get only 1-2 uses with TS per game. We took Thirst with Lord V to make him scary for lower defense units although we're still wondering if Entrancing Gaze would be better...
Finally, the Wormstar is something we're not terribly familiar with but we figure that the way it's built, it can take advantage of the Blight's from the archers to deliver Mortal Strikes or just deliver hits if not fighting high defense units.