On 7/22/2019 at 9:31 AM, Donovan Morningfire said:There's also the long-voiced concern of both the power creep that comes with constantly creating new equipment as well as a simple glut of gear that a lot of players may well never touch either because it falls outside their character's wheelhouse or the basic gear in the core rulebook does the job well enough without adding fiddly new rules to the game. By doing a compilation book of pre-existing gear, FFG can both alleviate some of the concern amidst veteran players/GMs who have most if not all of the books of yet more tech-stuff that may cause problems with the game, but also providing those newer or less affluent players/GMs with a selection of the good to be found in books that aren't readily available.
And more importantly - at least for me - doing this puts all the **** guns/ships/armor/aliens/force powers/whatever in one place instead of spreading it out among a dozen books. That's huge where I sit.