Anyone ever try to stat these for Star Wars RPG?

By bblaney001, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

So I am NOT a big fan of bringing other franchises into another franchises universe, though there are a few ships that I love immensely, no matter the game/franchise.

Has anyone converted any of these to Star Wars FFG RPG?

Also looking for this one

Mind you an argument can be made they are basically the same ship, though I'd say one is faster, while the other tougher.

Thanks guys and gals

You may be better off asking over in the Genesys forum - there's almost certainly at least one Star Trek setting being worked on and maybe a Babylon 5 too.

I did size the Defiant down to roughly YT-1300 size waaaaay back in the WEG days, and then converted it over when I started playing this system--

On 7/20/2019 at 7:13 AM, bblaney001 said:

So I am NOT a big fan of bringing other franchises into another franchises universe, though there are a few ships that I love immensely, no matter the game/franchise.

Has anyone converted any of these to Star Wars FFG RPG?

Also looking for this one

Mind you an argument can be made they are basically the same ship, though I'd say one is faster, while the other tougher.

Thanks guys and gals

Try using the nubian design Collective's whole vehicle crafting handbook. I'd say sil 5 patrol ship frame and either a gunship or ship of the line hull and ion turbine engines. From there it's just a matter of picking attachments and crafting upgrades.

Do you think the defiant should have bigger guns (gunship) or more guns (ship of the line)?

With a gunship hull (3xmodded for oversized weapons) and 2x oversized weapon mounts (modded for linked) you could have 4 twin medium turbolasers, which would be a decent representation of the forward phase cannons on the defiant. The gunship hull would likely be 2x modded for add Sil hp AND double the crew requirements... which would give the patrol ship a crew of 32, which seems about right.

What follows assumes you have already schematic'ed the mechanics check difficulties down to simple for the core components.

So a sil 5 patrol ship would start with 40 htt, 20 enc, 27 hp, 8 crew, 10 passengers, with the integrated improvements to double passenger capacity to 20 and an extra hard point as crafting upgrades bringing it to 28 hp. Might want to spend a triumph on the "unusually agile" patrol ship specific crafting upgrade so it can punch it despite violating the normal size restrictions.

Ion turbine engine uses 3 hp, fully modded => 40 sst, 1/1/1/0 defense, speed 2, 25 hp left, crafting upgrades to increase speed to 4 (special feature of patrol ship is its max speed can be 1 higher than normal for it's silhouette), and enhanced power to deflectors for 1/1/1/1 defense.

Gunship hull, 3x modded for oversized weapons, 2x modded to add sil hp and double crew, 1x modded to increase defense by one in all arcs. => 35 hp, 32 crew, 2/2/2/2 defense, armor 3, handling -2 with crafting upgrades to increase armor to 6, handling to 0 (you will have needed 10 advantage, or 8 advantage and a triumph)

So 35 hp to spend, 4 for oversized weapon mounts and another 4 for 4 twin medium turbolasers for the main guns, brings you to 27 hp. 1 hp for sensors (modded to medium) , 1 dedicated cargo bay, 1 dedicated hanger bay, 1 dedicated medical bay brings you to 17 hp, it has 265 enc, and can carry 25 sil of craft (1 can be sil 4 the rest have to be sil 3 or smaller).

Hyperdrive modded to x1 and navicomputer, 2x lifesupport fully modded (200 days of consumables), military grade shield generators (4/4/4/4 defense) leaves 12 hp left.

3 twin proton torpedo launchers (maybe concussion missile launchers or the heavy variety) 9 hp left.

3 quad heavy laser cannons, 6 hp left

Engineering access (Jeffrey's tubes) 5 hp left (with an even better hull crafting check you could have gotten this without spending the hp)

2x reinforced frame (=> 50 htt) and 1 hp left (if you got 10+ advantage and a triumph you could use the triumph for integrated systems crafting upgrade to get one of these without spending 2 hp on it)

A high output ion turbine gets you to speed 5, 0 hp left.

Assembly has safety features, extra hard point, and masterful construction crafting upgrades. Leaving you with 1 unspent hp.

This is a pretty maxed out/specialized ship but that describes the defiant in universe and with the right build for the designer you have a good shot of pulling it off (tr alking a 7 int (cybernetics) 6 mechanics (again cybernetics) with the right talents maybe starting as gambler (double or nothing talent, unmatched fortune signature ability) probably has droid tech (eye for detail speaks binary and improved for lots of boosts), scientist, and shipwright in the mix, not sure what else of the top of my head, oh yeah and an assistant using valuable facts to grant an automatic triumph.

edited to correct mistakes after being liked by @bblaney001

Edited by EliasWindrider
23 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Try using the nubian design Collective's whole vehicle crafting handbook. I'd say sil 5 patrol ship frame and either a gunship or ship of the line hull and ion turbine engines. From there it's just a matter of picking attachments and crafting upgrades.

Do you think the defiant should have bigger guns (gunship) or more guns (ship of the line)?

With a gunship hull (3xmodded for oversized weapons) and 2x oversized weapon mounts (modded for linked) you could have 4 twin medium turbolasers, which would be a decent representation of the forward phase cannons on the defiant. The gunship hull would likely be 2x modded for add Sil hp AND double the crew requirements... which would give the patrol ship a crew of 32, which seems about right.

What follows assumes you have already schematic'ed the mechanics check difficulties down to simple for the core components.

So a sil 5 patrol ship would start with 40 htt, 20 enc, 27 hp, 8 crew, 10 passengers, with the integrated improvements to double passenger capacity to 20 and an extra hard point as crafting upgrades bringing it to 28 hp. Might want to spend a triumph on the "unusually agile" patrol ship specific crafting upgrade so it can punch it despite violating the normal size restrictions.

Ion turbine engine uses 3 hp, fully modded => 40 sst, 1/1/1/0 defense, speed 2, 25 hp left, crafting upgrades to increase speed to 4 (special feature of patrol ship is its max speed can be 1 higher than normal for it's silhouette), and enhanced power to deflectors for 1/1/1/1 defense.

Gunship hull, 3x modded for oversized weapons, 2x modded to add sil hp and double crew, 1x modded to increase defense by one in all arcs. => 35 hp, 32 crew, 2/2/2/2 defense, armor 3, handling -2 with crafting upgrades to increase armor to 6, handling to 0 (you will have needed 10 advantage, or 8 advantage and a triumph)

So 35 hp to spend, 4 for oversized weapon mounts and another 4 for 4 twin medium turbolasers for the main guns, brings you to 27 hp. 1 hp for sensors (modded to medium) , 1 dedicated cargo bay, 1 dedicated hanger bay, 1 dedicated medical bay brings you to 17 hp, it has 265 enc, and can carry 25 sil of craft (1 can be sil 4 the rest have to be sil 3 or smaller).

Hyperdrive modded to x1 and navicomputer, 2x lifesupport fully modded (200 days of consumables), military grade shield generators (4/4/4/4 defense) leaves 12 hp left.

3 twin proton torpedo launchers (maybe concussion missile launchers or the heavy variety) 9 hp left.

3 quad heavy laser cannons, 6 hp left

Engineering access (Jeffrey's tubes) 5 hp left (with an even better hull crafting check you could have gotten this without spending the hp)

2x reinforced frame (=> 50 htt) and 1 hp left (if you got 10+ advantage and a triumph you could use the triumph for integrated systems crafting upgrade to get one of these without spending 2 hp on it)

A high output ion turbine gets you to speed 5, 0 hp left.

Assembly has safety features, extra hard point, and masterful construction crafting upgrades. Leaving you with 1 unspent hp.

This is a pretty maxed out/specialized ship but that describes the defiant in universe and with the right build for the designer you have a good shot of pulling it off (tr alking a 7 int (cybernetics) 6 mechanics (again cybernetics) with the right talents maybe starting as gambler (double or nothing talent, unmatched fortune signature ability) probably has droid tech (eye for detail speaks binary and improved for lots of boosts), scientist, and shipwright in the mix, not sure what else of the top of my head, oh yeah and an assistant using valuable facts to grant an automatic triumph.

edited to correct mistakes after being liked by @bblaney001

This thing also needs a tractor beam on a turret and maybe a pseudo cloaking device (special modifications page 66 I think) the 3 quad heavy lasers would be on a turret too. If through exceedingly awesome crafting checks you managed to free up another 3+ hp (4 is possible with only one triumph, with a second triumph you could get a second integrated systems which would save another 2 hp) , I'd spend them on a second dedicated cargo bay to add another 245 enc. Conceivably the ships chief engineer has the modder spec which could use custom loadout talent to add 2 hp, one of which could be used to add a pseudo cloaking device.

Now the crew is 32 with 20 passengers (e.g. troops) to get close to the 50 complement of the star trek defiant. But you could instead use integrated improvements to halve the crew instead of double the passengers which would get you to 16 crew and 10 passengers. With the highly automated systems attachment (2 hp) twice modded, you could get the crew down to 4, which makes this appropriate to PCs except it has 10 weapons (11 if you ad a tractor beam) of course 4 of them have slow firing 1, and 2 gunner could each man 2 of them. And the 2 forward torpedo launchers are slow firing 1 as well, bringing the needed number of gunners down to 7 or 8 with tractor beam.... or because sil 6 ships can mount heavy turbolasers which have slow firing 2 (and because sil 5 gunship, plus oversized weapon mounts) you could have 1 quad heavy turbolasers, and 2 twin heavy turbolasers for 1 gunner to cycle through linked 3, linked 1, linked 1, linked 3, linked 1, linked1, ... attacks which would bring the number of required gunners down to 6 or 7 with tractor beam, if you replaced the 3 quad heavy lasers with 3 quad light turbolasers (slow firing 1) one gunner could man 2 of them and attack every round by alternating between them. Then another gunner could alternate between a quad light turbolaser, an a twin proton torpedo launcher, bringing the number of required gunners down to 4 (or 5 counting tractor beam) but one of them could be the pilot and the gunnery droid brain (0 hp attachment) can fill one of those spots, and the pilot droid brain (0 hp attachment) can free up the pilot to pay more attention to the guns. So 3 (or 4 counting the tractor beam) gunners, minimum if you want to fire all weapons as often as possible. You still need an engineer etc. ... so the crew shouldn't be less than 8. Which could free up the integrate improvements to double passengers, so if you wanted a PC party appropriate version of the ship it could have a crew of 8 and 20 passengers. But you'd need highly automated systems and a different weapons load out. But conceivably operated by a skeleton crew of 1 (thanks to pilot droid brain, gunnery droid brain, and astrogation droid brain. If you were willing to forego a second dedicated cargo bay and had extra good rolls you could add an astromech droid socket (droid room on a ship this size) to handle engineering and a crew of 4, with 10 passengers could fully man a single shift of the ship... so very PC appropriate and it would still be reasonably effective with a skeleton crew of 1 (very starfleet).

Edited by EliasWindrider

Thanks for your insight. Very cool

On 7/28/2019 at 7:26 AM, bblaney001 said:

Thanks for your insight. Very cool

Yeah, when it comes to ship stuff like this, Elias is the go to guy.

2 hours ago, Jareth Valar said:

Yeah, when it comes to ship stuff like this, Elias is the go to guy.

Almost anyone can use the nubian design collective rules as well as I can, not everyone could have made as good a ruleset. Btw I've had a lot of help with the nubian design collective rules (development is on going and a lot of the help is identifying problems for me to fix, anyone who wants to help is invited to do so)

5 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Almost anyone can use the nubian design collective rules as well as I can, not everyone could have made as good a ruleset. Btw I've had a lot of help with the nubian design collective rules (development is on going and a lot of the help is identifying problems for me to fix, anyone who wants to help is invited to do so)

And he's humble too. What a guy. ๐Ÿคจ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜œ

Edited by Jareth Valar