Sarlacc Table by Manukaman

By Manukaman, in Terrain Building


Edited by Manukaman

Wow, that looks like it has some real depth to it. Nicely done!

Who builds a house next to a Sarlacc pit?!

its his waste disposal unit.

On 7/21/2019 at 9:29 PM, Proton Torpedo said:

Who builds a house next to a Sarlacc pit?!

It's gotta smell pretty bad. The door is facing the pit as well, let's hope he doesn't drink

its been on the market for quite a while. Its devalued all the housing in the desert area....

3 hours ago, Manukaman said:

its been on the market for quite a while. Its devalued all the housing in the desert area....

I heard there was a Hutt interested in buying recently, but he said he was waiting until after his latest party-barge rave to check it out. Hasn't called back in a while. Shame, too; there's a really nice place that opened up in the Dune Seas that he could've put the money towards. Lots of space, good security, Rancor pit...

Do you play so you can force push someone into the pit?

Worst AirBnB ever. One star.

Proper job

On 7/21/2019 at 10:29 PM, Proton Torpedo said:

Who builds a house next to a Sarlacc pit?!

Oh, that's the garden caretaker's house, he nourishes the Sarlacc so it can grow big and strong. He's feeding it his.... Waste... currently. Doesn't have a proper bathroom that man. Once it's big enough he's going to feed it his house and leave to work as a Rancor keeper. Heard he was interested in buying a house by a Terantetek's den on Kashyyyk.