Played my first game using a lot of squadrons last night against my son.
My list was:
Admiral Sloane
VSD1, Cpt Brunson, Boosted Comms, Ex racks
VSD1, Boosted Comms, Ex racks
Interdictor title
Projections experts
Targeting Scramblers
G7-X Grav Well Projector
Squadrons: Maarek Steele, Col Jendon, Ciena Ree, Lambda shuttle, 2 x Tie fighter squadrons, Howlrunner
400 points.
My son had:
General Dodonna
MC80 Command Cruiser, Boosted Comms, ECM, Fighter Coordination Team, SW7 Ion Batteries, Raymus Antilles
Pelta Command Ship, Boosted Comms, Fighter Coordination team, Flight Commander, All Fighters Follow Me!
GR75, Bomber Command, Boosted Comms , Lando
GR75, Comms Net
Squadrons: Shara Bey, Jan Ors, Rogue Squadron, 2 x B-Wing, Y-Wing, Scurrg Bomber
He won roll off, chose first player and my Targeting Beacons objective.
Highlights / lowlights depending on your point of view were the non-flagship VSD being destroyed before it could get to shoot with black dice, Maarek and Jendon are great! Lucky bombing rolls (especially with BCC re-rolls) really hurt (see VSD destruction above!), Shara Bey is b.tch, but then my lad thinks the same of Ciena. Last two bombing dice of the game killed the flagship VSD exactly.
At the end, I'd got the MC80 and a squadron or two, but lost both the VSDs and a number of my squadrons.
It was a rebel win by 74 points.
If either VSD had survived, a draw/narrow Imperial win would have occurred. For first time using a lot of squadrons, I’m ok with the result, but definitely need to practice using them.
Really enjoyed getting back to Armada (having not played it for a few weeks) and also enjoyed playing it using something completely different.