Dear Community!
I found this gem searching one the ships in the "Ship Art" thread:
I really love the design and I want to insert it into my games. I have no experience what so ever in putting stats to vehicles (we only use them for transportation so far) so some balance advice is much needed. I took the Lancer class pursuit craft as a basis and modified a bit as it looks like some kind of exploratory, or scout transport with the huge engines and the characterized sensors. (Maybe a spy ship? like those listening ice cream trucks :D)
Silhouette 4, Speed 4, Handling -2
Defense 1/0/0/1, armor 2
HTT: 25, STT: 15
Hyperdrive Class 1, Backup Class 12
Navicomputer: yes
Sensor range: Medium
Ship's complement: Pilot, co-pilot, navigator/sensor-crew, gunner?
Passenger Capacity: 2
greatest question mark in my mind
Hard points: 2
Weapons: As far as i see it there are 2 dual cannons facing forward from the engine, 2 solo canons facing forward under the cockpit, and a forward facing dual canon on the top. In this case there's no need for gunner, as the pilot can operate them in sync, but would seem more realistic to split them, maybe give the top cannon turret mounted trait and operate it separately and give a gunner crew, and the rest is a linked 4 laser turret (or just leave out the canons on the back and treat the forwards as linked 4 which can be operated by the pilot or the co-pilot.
What do you think? Maybe there's already a ship which fits this picture better?