A couple of thoughts / questions on this kiho. Obviously, the intent is to walk on water. BUUUT...
The monk shifts and matches their movements to their surroundings, sliding to their feet and righting themself like a duck bobbing to the surface of a pond. In this state, the monk can even traverse water, their ki buoying them where they contact the waves.
This sounds like it should provide other possible bonuses? Even if not around water? Plus, the burst effect doesn't state that the extra movement has to be across water. Could this kiho be activated at any time to remove the prone and immobilized condition and move two bands?
On a trickier note. My GM let me do this after some good rolls, because it made a fun scene, and wasn't a critical thing to do, but... its some wuxia nonsense. I was two stories above the rest of the party, with a large skin of water. I poured the water out the window, activated the kiho, and jumped down, bouncing off the large falling chunks of water to get to the ground safely. acceptable, or pushing it? thoughts?