hints and advices when writing rtl story

By Moneseki, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My group has finished one campaign and are now on our second. I am the writer/scribe/sage/loreteller/bard keeping track of the tales. Beeing rookie at the job, I am asking other descent players to give hints and advices, so that I can improve the story and the webpages. Now the sites are quite simple, mostly because I am unskilled in html, unfamiliar with scripts, php etc etc.

Here is my request:

1) Read my campaign story(1 and 2), what can I do to improve the story/make it more interesting to read?

2) For those with knowledge of websites: any advices to improve the websites technically? I did suffer quite alot to make the tableframe, and hate to copy-paste it over and over again, then write in the numbers each week. If anyone knows a script able to add each game weeks CT and XP gained/used each week I would be happy to know/learn about it.

In advance thanks for all hints/advices

The website has this address: http://home.lyse.net/famperu/descent_rtl1.htm

BTW! rtl campaign 1 and 2 is the only things of interest there, the other parts are just some norwegian part I hope to get up when I have the time.


I had hoped for some posts here by now, but seeing the post is quite off-topic and probably not of interest for other descentgamers. I take it the story is poor to mediocre, and layout the same. I will seek the answers I need on other websites. If any moderators read this, I request the thread to be deleted.