Mon Calamari color questions

By allistorpreist, in Painting

So what colors are you using for your fishy flesh? Bonus points if you list the color and add a picture.

Edited by allistorpreist

Mon Cala


For those who are curious, GW wrathbone primer, GW contrast gryph-hound orange, and a very light highlight with Vallejo air aged white..

My Mon Cala snipers. Basic scheme for fishy bits - Mournfang Brown with Argax Earthshade wash and Skrag Brown highlights. Yellow blotches are Averland Sunset with bright yellow highlight. All paints GW except for the whites of their eyes (Warlord basic white). Apologies for picture quality.




Edited by RebelAlan

Those are really nice. Mine is inspired by the Admiral Raddus Lego minifigure. I believe it's Panzer grey, stone grey both Vallejo.


IMG-20190704-192225-029.jpg Ibtisam-head.jpg

Mine is based off the Rebel pilot Ibtisam. She was part of Rogue Squadron, and flew a B-Wing in the battle of Endor. Paint colors are mixed.

Edited by AldousSnow