Road to Legend (off the mark...)

By Tancradus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Anyone have advice as to what direction to head once starting Road to Legend? (obviously heading straight for the lieutenant is a bad thing...

When should the special items like staff or boat be purchased?

And when should upgrades occur?

Tancradus said:

1. Anyone have advice as to what direction to head once starting Road to Legend? (obviously heading straight for the lieutenant is a bad thing...

2. When should the special items like staff or boat be purchased?

3. And when should upgrades occur?

It doesn't make a lot of difference. You probably shouldn't complete the first dungeon anyway because you absolutely must not concede more than 23 CT in the first dungeon (24CT +1 for the start of the second week = monster upgrade).

I tend to try and get the staff ASAP as well as upgrading the temple and/or Bazaar ASAP. The boat you also want fairly quickly in some cases. Generally by blitzing well one can usually afford the boat and staff and 2x tamalir upgrades (they cost XP instead of coins) before the OL can upgrade monsters. Then you head toward a Secret Master area doing the last dungeon all the way through before teh OL can upgrade his monsters. That one full dungeon should earn you enough Cash and CT for a Secret Master training then you come out and do another full dungeon before fleeing back to Tamalir.

But it all varies according to Avatar's plots and the way your results work out.