I flew Jonus and 4 Scimitars all with Barrage Rockets. Didn’t have much faith going in so wanted to fly something that should blow stuff up and have fun.
Round 1- Duel fire sprays. Boba and Emon. Soooo many bombs. Emon survived on one hull. Just could put him away but solid victory for me. 151-125
Round 2: My only loss in swiss was to a cowboy hat wearing guy from ATL, Sir Charles. Temmin Wexley, Jess Pava, Lt. Bastian and Talli. I rolled five evades all game and he rolled 7 in one round of combat with Talli. So frustrating. He ended Swiss as the only undefeated person. He did a great job preventing me from shooting rockets. Only shot three all game. 50-200
Round 3: I beat Todd from Central Florida. Super nice guy and I won 51-45 lol. We just had good green dice. I unfortunately don’t recall much from this game. I know it was very methodical.
Round 4: Republic list. Super nice guy named Jason. He had two Resistance transports with ion cannons and a decked out Poe. It was a good game overall and very close.
I one shot Lulo at range 3 with rockets. His dice let him down. We circled each other and no huge swings but he slowly started pulling away.
Time ended and I got a range one unmodded shot on a 4 health Poe needing to kill him. I rolled hit, crit & crit and got lucky and got a direct. He was pissed but it happens. I was very gracious but sucked out there. 160-137. He had worlds dice very good player.
Round 5: I played a guy named Christian. He finished 6th overall in Swiss one spot behind me. He flew 4 t-70s, one was Jess. Very close game. I won 127-107. Came down to me partially evading a range three and range 1 shots to not give up half on two different ships. I rolled just enough evades. Dice clinched!!!
Round 6: I played Andrew. Nice guy and got my sportsmanship vote. Luke, Wedge, Jake and Arvel. I caught him off guard first round of combat by not chasing Jake and got both Luke and Wedge in arc and range of all my ships. Wedge clipped a rock so no mods and Luke burned both force offensively. I killed both Luke and Wedge in that round of combat. Luke took a direct, it was brutal. He was slowly creeping back in because it was really tough to pin down the a-wings and they rolled their greens well but I eventually got enough shots off to win and get my only game to kill all ships. 200-101
Top 8: I played Curtis. He flew QD, Scorch, Revasand Tavson. Initial engagement I got all of my barrage rockets off. Killed both Rivas and Scorch, should have killed QD. Phasma sucks! I couldn’t get away from Tavson. Eventually comes down to Tavson and QD vs a very hurt Jonus and healthy Scimitar. I swing around to get two arcs on QD and Tavson is away from the fight after chasing down a bomber and killing it. QD comes in and shoots Jonus and leaves one hull. Jonus returns and gets the second shield off of QD because I have to be aggressive. QD returns fire killing Jonus. Final Scimitar shoots a rocket at QD landing hit, crit and crit and he blanks out. Crit was a direct so I shockingly kill QD. Caught everyone off guard because that game was all but over. After calming down around he table and looking at the clock there is 21 minutes left. I have a fully healthy Scimitar against a 4 hull Tavson. I should have been aggressive because Tavson had a damaged engine and all hard maneuvers were red and he had his back to me but I played it cagey, for once. I ultimately ran away and dodged him for the rest of the game. He got one shot on me with a lock but only rolled two and I evaded them. I won 164-162. Crazy game
Top 4: My first experience against a Sinker Swarm and I can officially say it sucks. I played Carlos. I should have burned down Sinker but went after low hanging fruit. Not being able to fully kill a ship hurt. Left two different ships on one hull two different times which really hurt. I lost big time 63-181.
Overall I overachieved but had a blast!
5-1 and 5th overall in Swiss and finished 4th after the cut. My first time getting dice and FFG didn’t put them in the kit. They will be mailing them so I will get them eventually!