Just made my last purchases of Runewars miniatures. 2 more packs of heavy crossbow and the Baron. A bit of melancholy now that the game has died but also some satisfaction that things went about well as I'd hoped.
I knew from the beginning in 2017 that Runewars would be short lived but my goal was a bit of fun with this new game while I collect and paint an army of Good Guys that could face my Chaos Bad Guys in a variety of games.
I had fun with the game until the closing of an FLGS killed the game locally. I painted most of 4 starter boxes and some additional. My 4 boxes of archers will likely never see a game of Runewars but when I paint them and a few others I'll have an army big and varied enough for KoW or any other fantasy wargame.
So my overarching feelings are satisfaction and some thankfulness.
-I enjoyed learning a new (I'd not played XWing)kind of rules system that was quite a nice change of pace.
-It was a neat experience to be playing a current game with a fairly active community at an FLGS.
-I've got everything I need for mass battle ( KoW, etc.) Good Guy Army.
-Due to some box trading and closeouts it was actually fairly affordable!
-I came to appreciate the Terinoth setting and I'm now enjoying it more with Battlelore 2nd that my son and I have been playing.
So, thanks to FFG and the community. I got out of this just what I'd expected and a bit more. I'm mostly going back to indie gaming but I enjoyed my time at the cool kids table and I'm sure it won't be the last time FFG gets some of my gaming dollars.
Good Luck and Godspeed.