Juke Paint Challenge (Battle Reports)

By Bucknife, in X-Wing Battle Reports

// copied challenge over from Squad Lists forum.


- It has to have as many copies of Ferrosphere Paint as possible (2+) ** this is one of the most difficult requirements, but it is unique to Resistance and is part of what makes their version of a control list unique from other faction's control lists.

- Try to boost it's damage output indirectly via control upgrades (Juke instead of Trick Shot, Ion Missiles/Cannon or Homing Missiles instead of Concussion Mis. or HLC, etc).

-Try to incorporate dedicated blocking tactics as a component of control. This could be as simple as counting to 200 and building your list to move first, or as precise as using an I1 A-Wing with Intimidation or an I1 Bomber with no upgrades.

- Try to incorporate"Biggs-effect" target priority confusion as an element of control when selecting pilots. Look at a naked Lt. Bastion T70 or Tubbs T70 with R4, who can both punish your opponent for considering them "less-threataning" ships compared to your I5 aces.


Post any battle reports here if you try this challenge!!

Edited by Bucknife
Misspelling and idea clarification.

RZ4 Juke Paint A's (V.1) July 13 2019

(33) Blue Squadron Recruit [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 38

(36) Greer Sonnel [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
Points: 50

(36) Tallissan Lintra [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
Points: 50

(43) L'ulo L'ampar [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
Points: 57

Total points: 195



-5 point bid was clutch in my match, and gave my aces agency on their rotate and boost choices.

-Lulo was influential in damage output, but squad struggled without him.

- Blue Recruit ( I always call him "One-Eyed Willy" ... See what I did there? One I? I1? Okay, fine...) was an MVP, and all around great joke and addition to the chemistry of my squad. Optics provided some control by daring opponent to shoot off his focus before he shot, but he honestly was generally forgotten about...even by me! Making his damage output unexpected and clutch.

-Forcing evade actions for Juke on my RZ2s felt VERY unnatural. Each time I rolled focuses that I couldn't mod, it felt awful. But I pushed through in faith that my Jukes would pay off.

- Ferrosphere Paint.

Paint, oh, paint; my dream and my one White Stag in X-Wing. The three copies and cumulative 18 points of paint in this squad was another hard pill to swallow, but I pushed forward in faith that the control effect of forcing my opponent to make more difficult decisions was going to be valuable in a different way than pure damage output.

In total, my Paint handed out stress twice in my test game, and both times it was because my opponent FORGOT I was using Paint. The advantages gained from stress by limiting my opponent's maneuver options bought me time during two clutch turns of repostitioning my A-Wings or resetting their firing arcs. Not a lot, but maybe something...

-Heroic: triggered 1 time in defense and 2 times on offense, further frustrating my opponent. At least one time on offense, this combined with Juke to turn a no-damage attack into a damage (one or two, I can't remember). I've decided that Heroic used as a soft offensive upgrade on two attack dice is a valid choice for my Juke A-Wings, but becomes near irrelevant when I start trying to push to 4+ attack dice with ordinance or with Lulo's ability.

I think of the eight point Juke+Heroic combo (7points+1point as of season 2) as it's own version of an ordinance upgrade on the A-Wings.

Summary :

Grade: B-

Juke with Paint is definitely something I will be exploring more on my RZ2s, but more control is needed to seal the deal against non-target locking squad matchups. I'll be dropping Lulo for Zari in my next test and buying some Ion Missiles with the spare points.

Until next time...

Fly to Win!


Cool report! I hope more players take up this challenge!

On 8/21/2019 at 6:12 PM, Roller of blanks said:

Cool report! I hope more players take up this challenge!


This is my last version from the squad lists thread:


RZ3T Juke Paint A's

(33) Blue Squadron Recruit [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 38

(36) Greer Sonnel [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
Points: 50

(36) Tallissan Lintra [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
Points: 50

(36) Pammich Nerro Goode [Resistance Transport]
(4) Larma D'Acy
(6) Korr Sella
(5) Pattern Analyzer
(4) Shield Upgrade
(5) Ion Cannon
Points: 60

Total points: 198


To nab a bigger bid I'd drop Shield Upgrade for maybe E.Baffle.