Suppression everywhere

By azeronbloodmoone, in Army Building

General Veers 80
Strict Orders,
DF-90 Mortar 36
DF-90 Mortar 36
DF-90 Mortar 36
Shoretroopers 52
Shoretroopers 52
Shoretroopers 52
Bossk 115
Hunter, Tenacity,
E-Web Heavy Blaster Team 55
Barrage Generator,
E-Web Heavy Blaster Team 55
Barrage Generator,
Imperial Death Troopers 76
DT-F16, Overwatch, E-11D Focused Fire Config,

right now 753 points but leaving it open for 1-2 shoretrooper heavy weapon

generators are not worth the points. make veers krennic. shoretrooper don't want veers, they have better dice than storms and get an aim when you give them orders. krennic gives you entourage for some fun tricks.. 3 mortars + shores is excessive. you are going to want more r4.

- Director Orson Krennic (90) + Strict Orders (5) + Aggressive Tactics (10) + Electro Binoculars (8) = 113
- Bossk (115) = 115
- Stormtroopers (44) + FX-9 Medical Droid (19) = 63
- Shoretroopers (52) + T21-B Heavy (32) + Imperial Comms Technician (10) + HQ Uplink (10) = 102
- Shoretroopers (52) + T21-B Heavy (32) + FX-9 Medical Droid (19) = 101
- 2x Shoretrooper Mortar (36) + Comms Relay (5) = 82
Special Forces:
- 2x Scout Troopers Strike Team (16) + DLT-19x Sniper (28) = 88
- Imperial Death Troopers (76) + DLT-19D (34) + Comms Relay (5) + Recon Intel (2) + E-11D Grenade Launcher Config (8) = 125
Total: 793/800
- Voracious Ambition (1)
- Ambush (1) (over bombs so you can proc Aggressive Tactics)
- Deploy the Garrison (2)
- Reptilian Rampage (2)
- Lying in Wait (3)
- Annihilation Looms (3)
- Standing Orders (4)

Comms tech + Entourage + 3 Relays gives you a crazy amount of activation control. lets take your Voracious Ambition turn. normally you only get 2 activations( krennic + deathtroopers). This turn you will most likely win the pip war for first activation bc VA is the straight flush to Sorry about the Mess' Royal flush. you get to give out single order to Krennic for VA, but you have HQ uplink AND deathtroopers Entourage. you proc HQ to give an order to a shoretrooper + mortar. you then comms relay the mortar to your other shoretrooper who give a mortar an order, and then he gives his order to bossk. the deathtroopers give their order to the stormtrooper to give your order pool 3 Special forces order + 2 corps. you then take 3 of those and put it on Krennics card. almost certainly giving you perfect control of your order tokens. you also get to give out 2 aims to your shoretrooper units, and 4 surge tokens, which i would put on the 2 shoretrooper, 1 stormtrooper and bossk for extra defense! efficiency is off the charts. and since you get free aims, you can afford to recover with shores

Edited by Cleto0
edited point cost to reflect revealed points

Can you take heavy weapons and the mortars?

Veers is still useful imo. I do like krennic s cards though

I haven't played the eweb enough to know about the upgrades. I don't play the rebel version without the generators though