Beginner game box character as painted minis

By Agis, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game


I started a L5R campaign using ht new FFG rules recently. We used the Beginners game box and had a lot of fun. Consequently I had to get and paint some suitable minis. From left to right:
Doji Ren Courtier of the Crane Clan - I used a Samurai from the core Okko box and swapped the head for a female Statuesque mini head. I underlines his soft androgen Crane look.
Togashi Yoshi Tatooed Monk of the Dragon Clan -A Pathfinder Human Male Monk that is just painted in suitable Dragon colours.
Isawa Aki Shugenja of the Phoenix Clan -A Rising Sun boardgame mini in Phoenix colours.

more pics on my site:

Magnificent. All of them. I especially loved the Chinese Sung Swordsmen.

Very impressive.

I keep meaning to sit down with our players and help them produce a customised Heroforge model for their characters.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

Since years I am interested in Asian warfare. Ancient Japan and China was always a place special to my imagination. Asian warfare, especially Sun Tzu and the Bushido Code of honour had fascinated me for years. I have countless books about Samurai and Chinese armies.

As far as miniatures and miniature games are concerned I was less enthusiastic. That changed when Clan War was coming out back in the 90s. Great setting and - at that time - great minis. Unfortunately their later minis were less then good and all in all the game fumbled quite soon. I still like the game, but nobody is playing it. The setting itself is still one of my favourite Fantasy settings. I can only recommend the Clan War novels and the recent FFG RPG!
The good thing is that today we are spoiled with good new miniature ranges for almost every setting. For the domain of Fu Leng - the Shadowlands - the above undead Samurai from the great Kensai range are very fitting!
I use colours of the Unicorn clan, the next 5 will be Crab colours. Lost patrols...

more pics on my site:

On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 12:28 PM, Agis said:

That changed when Clan War was coming out back in the 90s. Great setting and - at that time - great minis. Unfortunately their later minis were less then good and all in all the game fumbled quite soon. I still like the game, but nobody is playing it. The setting itself is still one of my favourite Fantasy settings. I can only recommend the Clan War novels and the recent FFG RPG!

I would be interested to see a resurrected version of Clan War. Given that FFG's Runewars has died a death, they may be hesitant to pump resources into the game, but I'd love to see it - maybe on a slightly larger scale? Something closer to Warmaster or whatever* than the "I brought twelve models....look I have an army!" that a lot of recent 'battle' games use.

Not least because you'd be tripping over the excellent Test of Honour at the moment if you did that.

* If I wanted to just do something with my gaming group, I believe Pike and Shotte has a Samurai army list for roughly the right period, and a lot of multipart models and terrain .

Edited by Magnus Grendel

I designed a bunch of Rokugani armies for DBA / HotT back in the day. They're still around somewhere..

More Kensai undead Samurai!
The group shot shows Kensai Samurai together with AEG Clan War minis from the 90s!
The big Oni in the back is still one of my favourite Oni minis!

more pics ->

Edited by Agis

You can also find samurai minis in games like Test of Honor ( ) and Kensei the miniatures game ( )

Kensei generaly only have metal minis, while Test of Honor come in plastic spruce, with a bit more customization possible.
They both work rather well with L5R, but are a bit lacking in the fantastical areas.