Glyphs RTL

By Idontunderstand, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Don't get the glyph rule in ROL. I can be standing next to it, spend 3 fatigue to hop on and open it (I have 4 movement) and stand there like an idiot until my next turn then go through it? Somebody please in plain english explain why? because I can spend 1 fatigue move close to a door, spend 2 more fatigue to open the door and continue 4 more spaces I find this exactly the same thing. A Glyph is just a doorway to another place. This is how it was explained to me, to use fatigue requires movement so there for it is not possible. Okay, if fatigue requires a movement point then why at the end of my turn when I have no movement left can I spend a fatigue to move away?

Take your pick:

1) It's a different game with different rules. Just like Undying has been tweeked and the monsters have different stats.

2) The dungeons are smaller and the glyphs tend to be closer together.

3) Ask Kevin Wilson next time you see him.

That's my thinking as for why as well. The glyphs are closer together so to use them, you have to basically do nothing that turn you use them, otherwise would be too easy to sprint, attack, flee to town, etc. (and it doesn't cost any movement points to activate a glyph, well, except the 1MP to move onto the glyph).


Idontunderstand said:

1. Don't get the glyph rule in ROL. I can be standing next to it, spend 3 fatigue to hop on and open it (I have 4 movement) and stand there like an idiot until my next turn then go through it? Somebody please in plain english explain why?

2. because I can spend 1 fatigue move close to a door, spend 2 more fatigue to open the door and continue 4 more spaces I find this exactly the same thing. A Glyph is just a doorway to another place.

3. This is how it was explained to me, to use fatigue requires movement so there for it is not possible. Okay, if fatigue requires a movement point then why at the end of my turn when I have no movement left can I spend a fatigue to move away?

1. If you are standing next to it and it is unactivated then you can't use it. If you are standing next to it and want to activate it it requires 1MP to move onto it and therefore activate it. But it is now too late to go to town because the glyphs require yo to use at the start of turn before (without) declaring any action - and you can't spend MP before declaring an action, not even MP from fatigue. It does not require any fatigue or MP to open or activate a glyph.
The reason why? Balance. The glyph rules are very different in RtL. Glyphs are more frequent and healing very much easier and cheaper. If you could just run out through a glyph the same way as in vanilla the OL would have almost no chance. So tactics change. That is not a bad thing, it is just different, and made different because the old way wouldn't balance in the smaller RtL dungeon levels.

2. A glyph could be metaphorically described as a 'doorway to another place', but that does not make it have anything in common with a real door.

3. That sounds like a misexplanation and/or a misunderstanding of the explanation.
The expenditure of fatigue gives (not requires) movement points . But you still may not use those MP until you have declared an action (DJitD pg8 A hero is not allowed to do anything except refresh and equip before he declares the action he is taking. )
Also note the difference between movement/moving/moved and movement points. The first is the physical act of changing spaces. The second is an abstract currency that may be spent on movement or on non-movement. It is possible to spend the second without doing the first. For example a hero with 4 Speed might declare an Advance (gains 4MP and 1 attack), open a door (spends 2MP), swig a potion (spends 1 MP) makes an attack (spends 1 attack) spends a fatigue for an extra MP (gains an MP) and then shuts the door (spends 2 MP). The hero has not moved .

Perfect, thank you Carbon, but you are the second person that has told me that it takes no MP to activate it you just get on and it's activated, where our OL tells us it takes 2 mp to activate it. Where is this located at so I may show him.

Idontunderstand said:

Perfect, thank you Corbon, but you are the second person that has told me that it takes no MP to activate it you just get on and it's activated, where our OL tells us it takes 2 mp to activate it. Where is this located at so I may show him.

Idontunderstand said:

Perfect, thank you Carbon, but you are the second person that has told me that it takes no MP to activate it you just get on and it's activated, where our OL tells us it takes 2 mp to activate it. Where is this located at so I may show him.

In the core rules:

" Once a hero moves through a space containing a glyph, the glyph is flipped over to its white (activated) side and the heroes gain three conquest tokens. "

Note also that it's not in the list of things that cost movement points.

Cymbaline said:

Idontunderstand said:

Perfect, thank you Carbon, but you are the second person that has told me that it takes no MP to activate it you just get on and it's activated, where our OL tells us it takes 2 mp to activate it. Where is this located at so I may show him.

In the core rules:

" Once a hero moves through a space containing a glyph, the glyph is flipped over to its white (activated) side and the heroes gain three conquest tokens. "

Note also that it's not in the list of things that cost movement points.

Exactly. Activating a glyph is not changed in RtL, only how to use it. In Vanilla, it takes nothing more than moving onto the glyph-space (1MP), so too in RtL.

It sounds like your OL is seriously mistaking a glyph for a door, when it is not a door except metaphorically. Not once in the rules are the words door and glyph connected in any way.