Is there a timeline of when clone wars ships were used?

By Daeglan, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Like when did Jedi switch from Delta 7B to Eta Actis?

When did torrents get swapped for Z95s and ARC70s?

When did V wings come in?

So on?

This is going to be really tough since the CW were shown out of chronological order and written by people that never really put all that much thought into consistency.

The Eta-2 first shows up as a prototype in 21 BBY in a Clone Wars comic, but the first actual appearance is in 19 BBY so I'd guess it might have a limited early run in 20 BBY if needed but the Jedi definitely have a choice between the Delta 7/7B and it during the last year of the war.

Looking through the wiki they don't really ever entirely replace the V-19 Torrents entirely as they see use past the war when Thrawn is discovered. So its not so much a switch over, with some of the ships just being used together throughout the war. As for the ARC-170 you have two choices you can go with 21 BBY since that is when we first see it in the Clone Wars show, or go by the Legends Essential Guide to Warfare which states it was introduced in 22 BBY. Ditto for the Clone Z-95 as we first see it in the show in 20 BBY during the Umbara arc while the Legends Official Fact File puts it as being introduced in 21 BBY.

V-Wings are very late war and don't show up til 19 BBY both in Legends and Canon.

I can only recommend looking up stuff on Wookiepedia, and either going by the stated year introduced or the first appearance of the vehicle. Or you could use those dates as the point at which the vehicle was widespread in the military and have them show up a little earlier, 6 months maybe, in select units as they have started outfitting ships with the new equipment either by favoring ships that have gotten back to drydock or are resupplying giving them the excuse to get newer equipment or having some stuff sent to units that might need it for a mission like how they delivered the Carrion Spike to get past Admiral Trench's blockade.

2 hours ago, Daeglan said:

Like when did Jedi switch from Delta 7B to Eta Actis?

When did torrents get swapped for Z95s and ARC70s?

When did V wings come in?

So on?

Nothing official that gives clear-cut answers. Which given that there's not really an official calendar of what events occurred on which dates (apart from the Before/After Battle of Yavin) isn't all that surprising.

My own guesses are that the Eta-2 Actis fighters came into mass usage during early part of the final year of the Clone Wars, same with the ARC-170 and V-Wing, which is enough time for them to be broadly utilized by the Jedi and Republic Navy by the time that the events of Episode III occur.

Haven't watched the TV series, so no clue on the Clone Z-95, but you'd probably be safe with going with it being introduced either late in the first year or early in the second year of the war.

OK so how bout on the Separatist side. I know Vulture droids and the geonosian at the start. When did Hyena Bombers and Tri Droid ships come in. What other ships did they have?

A consistent clone wars time line ever wookiepedia has not figured that out (even after the reboot its kind of a mess)

7 hours ago, Daeglan said:

OK so how bout on the Separatist side. I know Vulture droids and the geonosian at the start. When did Hyena Bombers and Tri Droid ships come in. What other ships did they have?

Hyena Bombers are at the Blockade of Christophis which is during the first year of the Clone Wars, so either it is there from the start or is introduced shortly into the war, like not too long after Anakin is knighted. As for the Droid tri-fighter, it is a bit messier. An unsourced answer is on the wiki is 21 BBY on the Legends page, it is listed to appear in a number of books though which take place during 22 BBY, and its first chronological appearance on screen is in an episode that takes place during 20 BBY, so take your pick.

Dreadnoughts are 80+ years old by the start. Lucrehulk likewise predates the Battle of Naboo.

Beyond that I'd look at what's present for the First Battle of Geonosis, since that has a fixed place in the timeline that isn't near the end. That confirms Acclamators were there from the start.

So, in Rise of the Separatists, I try and give a bit of a feeling for this, by listing a lot of future vehicles that are in the prototype stages at the midpoint of the Clone Wars in the Republic Navy section and Separatist Navy section. But basically, there are a few things to consider that make this maybe not something to concern yourself with overly much:

1.) Remember your characters are heroes. They might get the new starfighters long before they get put into mass production to help test the prototypes.

If the new designs rolling out are a big part of your story, then having the PCs field test some new gear early, and getting pressure to help improve the gear (maybe mess with the stats to make it more buggy or ill fitting or something, and have the gear slightly improve each time until it's basically at the full stats the books give, after all the bugs are worked out). Or maybe start with like, 1 threat on any pilot or combat check, and something breaks. And after a few outings, it takes 2 threat, then 3, then 4, then a despair, etc etc, until things are working smoothly. A combination of those things can create a really cool subplot for your mechanical minded and pilot type heroes (of course this can work with armor or weapons too, not just starfighters).

2.) Conversely, if you like the designs in use during Attack of the Clones, merely say their unit hasn't switched over yet. The GAR is pretty big, and during big equipment upgrades like this, they don't hit every squad at the same time. It gets rolled out over time. If the party is on some higher up's $#!+list or something, they might not get any of the new stuff even when Order 66 hits. I mean, sure Anakin and Obi-Wan's units had all the shiny new toys, but of course they did. They're the two biggest heroes in the Clone Wars, and these are the units they're fighting alongside. Further down the chain of command, with lesser known Jedi or clone units without direct jedi oversight, you might see older, broken down gear.

3.) the most important thing in these games is to tell a story. Canon can be a part of that, but unless a major part of your story involves getting the new upgrades, I wouldn't stress it. And if it does include that, I'd have it happen when it benefits the story the most, vs when it agrees with an EU comic none of your players have read (and that doesn't count in the canon anymore anyway), or whatever. So really, as a rule of thumb, I'd say as soon as 1 year after Geonosis, and any time afterward, is a fine time for new gear to start finding its way to PCs or NPCs.

I was doing research for my campaign (nothing so complex as tracking GAR acquisition activities, just lining up some events) but I found this:

Not sure it's perfect, but it's probably close enough. Go through that and it will list vehicles used and key participants in many actions, and give you some frame of reference.

Also remember acquisition isn't an instant-on thing. The Z-95 didn't immediately replace all V-19s throughout the GAR overnight, it took time. So like we know the Z-95 came into use sometime between the second battle of Felucia and the battle of Umbarra, but that's just when we saw it. The Z-95 was probably already being rolled out to some units before then and the V-19 was still in use well after as well.

49 minutes ago, Ghostofman said:

I was doing research for my campaign (nothing so complex as tracking GAR acquisition activities, just lining up some events) but I found this:

Not sure it's perfect, but it's probably close enough. Go through that and it will list vehicles used and key participants in many actions, and give you some frame of reference.

Also remember acquisition isn't an instant-on thing. The Z-95 didn't immediately replace all V-19s throughout the GAR overnight, it took time. So like we know the Z-95 came into use sometime between the second battle of Felucia and the battle of Umbarra, but that's just when we saw it. The Z-95 was probably already being rolled out to some units before then and the V-19 was still in use well after as well.

It's also possible that some GAR gear originated with local militias. After being adopted for GAR use, production would increase by 100000x and the units would take some time to see general use among the clones.

Edited by HappyDaze
22 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

It's also possible that some GAR gear originated with local militias. After being adopted for GAR use, production would increase by 100000x and the units would take some time to see general use among the clones.

Allowing it to not only appear earlier, but also to field different versions. Indeed a local variant might be better than the GAR version as the locals might not be willing to divulge the exact capabilities to the Republic at large... US does that with foreign sales all the time...

13 minutes ago, Ghostofman said:

Allowing it to not only appear earlier, but also to field different versions. Indeed a local variant might be better than the GAR version as the locals might not be willing to divulge the exact capabilities to the Republic at large... US does that with foreign sales all the time...

Or the local version was only workable, affordable, or both for limited-scale use. For the numbers the GAR needs, corners might need to be cut as faster manufacturing and more common materials are substituted. This would also explain why the Separatists didn't widely field Umbaran designs beyond Umbara despite their effectiveness.

Edited by HappyDaze
**** autocorrect