Story 3, mission 4 (the last one) play test notes..

By LTuser, in X-Wing Battle Reports

2 nd running at 5 ships.

Using 5 Y-wings. Crack (PS 6, takes his seismic bomb and flechette torpedo), Cmoz (PS5, goes with his Cluster mine and proton torpedo), Shunt (PS5, goes with his proton bomb and Plasma torpedo), Unca (PS 6 just has his seismic bomb and proton torpedo) and Dozer (PS6 foes with his proximity mine and his plasma torpedo). Squad leader will be on Dozer. Only mine 1 is present.

Alpha starts on spot 3, Beta on spot 5.

Cmoz and Dozer start up in the NW corner, Angled towards the center of the map, will plan moves to drop their mines to catch Falcon squad. The 2400 is next to them. The 1300 is in the NE corner, angled towards fuel tanks 3 and 4, with Crack, Unca and Shunt in the middle. Gamma squad shifts to being Strikers.

Round 1) Cmoz plans a 2 bank right, 3 for Dozer. 3 straights for Shunt, Crack and 4 straight for Unca. Both YT's plan a 2 straight.

Alpha squad straights 5 and evades, Beta squad straights 3 and evades.

All rebels move. Other than Cmoz and Dozer planting their mines, all that happened was Unca shot Alpha-1, dealing 1 hull. Shunt used Wingman to remove Unca's stress.

The return shot from Alpha-1 took 1 shield and his stealth device.

1xp Unca, 0xp all others.

Round 2) Unca plans a 1 straight, 2 straight both Crack and Shunt, 3 bank left Cmoz, 3 bank right Dozer, and 1 straights for both the YT's.

Alpha-1 straights 5 and focuses. Alpha 2-4 all turn 3 left, 2 has a shot so focuses, 3 and 4 have to evade. All in Beta 4 straight and focus.

The rebels move. The 1300 locks onto Beta-3, the 2400 docks on fuel tanks 3 and 4, Dozer locks Beta-1, so does Shunt, Crack locks Beta-2, Unca locks Beta-3, and Cmoz protects the YT-1300.

Unca's proton torpedo destroys Beta-3 outright. Dozer kills Beta-1, Crack's Flechette torpedo misses, So do Shunt and Cmoz.

Dozer 2xp, 3xp Unca, 0 still Crack, Shunt and Cmoz. The 2400 finishes off Alpha-1. Is now docked.

Alpha-2 misses Shunt, and 3-4 both shoot but miss the YT-1300. Beta-2 misses as well.

The 1300 deals 1 hull to Beta-2.

Round 3) Delta's two advance, show up in SW corner. The YT-2400 starts to drain tank 4, 1300 plans a 2 right bank, same for Dozer. 2 turn right for Cmoz, 4k for Unca, 1 bank left for Crack and 3 bank right for Shunt.

Alpha-2-4 all turn right 1. Alpha-2 and 4 both focus, but Alpha-3 bumps into Beta-2. Beta-2 straights 2 bumping into Shunt.

The 1300 moves and focuses.

Delta-1 and 2 too far to lock. Both straight 4 and focus.

The rest of the rebels move. Dozer locks Delta-1, Shunt locks Delta-2, Crack locks Alpha-4, Unca takes a stress again, and Cmoz bumps into Beta-2. Dozer fires his plasma torpedo taking just 1 shield off of Delta-1, Crack fires his torpedo and deals 1 shield to Delta-2. Unca kills Beta-2, Cmoz misses and Shunt takes the last shield off Delta-2, gives it 1 hull and a Minor Hull breach critical. Shunt uses Wingman to remove Unca's stress (though after ranging it, was just out of range to do so). All in Beta squad dead.

Delta-1 takes 1 shield off the YT-1300, Delta-2 misses.

The 2400 gives a Stunned pilot critical to Alpha-3.

Alpha-2 takes 2 shields off of Cmoz, Alpha-3 takes his 3 rd , and Alpha-4 misses.

The YT-1300 uses opportunist to add a 4 th attack die, but still misses the blasted Tie advance... BOO.

Fuel tank 4 now drained.

Unca now at 5xp, 3xp for Dozer, 1xp for Shunt and Crack, still 0 for Cmoz.

Round 4) Falcon-1, 2 and 3 show up in NW corner. Falcon-1 will trip mid and right part of Cmoz's cluster mine, while Falcon-2 will trip Dozer's Proximity mine.

The YT-1300 plans a bank 1 left, to clear his stress, 2 turn left for Unca, 2 bank left for Dozer, 3 bank right for Cmoz, 2 turn right for Crack and 2 turn left for Shunt. The 2400 will drain tank 3.

Alpha-2 turns right 1 and focuses, Alpha-3 does a 3k, while not killing self from Stunned pilot critical. The 1300 moves and bumps into Delta-1, does not clear its stress, but blocks Delta-1 from locking him.

Delta-1 no lock, so tries a 2 left turn, but won't clear the YT-1300, so stays where he is. Delta-2 locks the 1300, then banks bumping into him. So both Advances are bumped!!

Falcon-1 to 3 too far to lock. All roll a 2 turn right. However, all have to shift to a bank, to avoid running off the west map edge side. Even a 2 straight, would put Falcon-1 through both parts of the mine, so sticks with his bank, rolls the 4 damage, loses his shield, and takes a hull and a stunned pilot critical. Falcon-2 loses his shield from the proximity mine, and also takes a stunned pilot critical (wow, 3 of those crits right out the get go).. Falcon-3 banks, and focuses. Cmoz and Dozer +1xp.

The rest of the rebels move. Crack locks Alpha-2, Unca Alpha-4, Shunt re-locks Delta-2, Dozer re-locks Delta-1 and Cmoz locks Alpha-3. Dozer misses, declines to waste his lock (the bugger rolled 3 evades, so no matter what I rolled, I wouldn't have damaged him). Shunt takes the 2 nd shield off Delta-2, and deals him 2 hull. Crack deals 1 hull Alpha-2, Unca blows up Alpha-4, and Cmoz again misses.

Unca now at 7xp, 4 for Dozer, 2xp Crack, 2xp Shunt, 1xp Cmoz.

Falcon-1 shoots Cmoz, taking his last shield. Falcon-2 takes 2 shields off the YT-1300, while Falcon-3 is just out of range to shoot anyone. Delta-1 takes a shield and the stealth device off Shunt, while Delta-2 misses.

The 2400 gives a Damaged engine critical to Alpha-2.

Alpha-2 takes one shield off the 2400 in return fire, while Alpha-3 takes one off Unca.

The 1300 destroys mine 1, and the 2400 finishes draining tank 3.

Round 5) Gamma's strikers show up in the SE corner (rolled a 3). The 1300 plans a 2 turn left (will keep stress for now), 2 left bank Dozer, 2 straight for the 2400, 2 turn left for Shunt, 2 turn right for Cmoz, 3 bank right for Crack and 1 bank left for Unca.

Alpha-2 straights 2 and evades. Alpha-3 banks right 2 and focuses. All in Gamma squad bank 3 right. Gamma-1 and 3 barrel roll left to get arc, 2 evades.

The 1300 moves. Keeps its stress.

Delta-1 and 2 lock the 1300. Delta 1 then 4ks, while Delta-2 also tries a 4k, but bumps into Delta-1.

Falcon-1 locks Cmoz, then Turns 2 left and focus. Neither Falcon-2 or 3 can lock. Falcon-2 straights 4 and focuses, while Falcon-3 Turns 3 left, bumping Falcon-1.

The 2400 moves, locks Alpha-3.

The rest of the rebels move. Shunt locks Gamma-1, Cmoz locks Falcon-1, then boosts forward, Dozer shifts lock to Delta-2, Unca locks Falcon-3 and Crack shifts lock to Delta-1.

Unca's shot takes the shield off of Falcon-3. Dozer kills off Delta-2, Crack misses. Shunt kills Gamma-1, then uses Wingman to remove the 1300's stress. Cmoz then deals a damaged cockpit critical to Falcon-1. His PS is now 0.

Unca now at 8xp, Dozer now at 7xp, Crack still at 2xp, Shunt now at 5xp, and Cmoz now at 2xp.

Falcon-1 takes the last shield off the YT-1300, Falcon-2 gives him 1 hull damage, and Falcon-3 takes the last shield off Unca. Delta-1 then gives a 2 nd hull to the 1300.

The 2400 shoots his proton rockets, killing off Alpha-3.

Alpha-2 and all in Gamma no shot. Alpha squad down to 1 ship!

Round 6) Jericho's elite bomber, shows up in the SW corner. The YT-1300 plans a 1 straight, same for the 2400. 2 bank left Dozer, 2 turn right Cmoz, 2 bank right Shunt, 4k Crack and 2 turn left Unca.

Falcon-1 re-locks the 2400, then banks 2 right and focuses. Alpha-2 does a 3k. Gamma-2 and 3 JUST out of range to lock, then straights 3, and both evade.

The 1300 moves, Docks onto Tank 1 and 2.

Delta-1 then re-locks the 1300, and turns 2 left and focuses. Falcon-1 locks the 2400, then banks right 2 and focuses, while Falcon-2 locks the 1300, and straights 3 and focuses. Falcon-3 just out of range to lock either freighter, so turns 2 left and focuses.

The YT-2400 moves, and docks onto Tanks 5 and 6.

Jericho is just out of range to lock the 1300, straights 4 and focuses.

The rest of the rebels move. Dozer locks Jericho, Cmoz focuses, Unca shifts his lock to Delta-1, Shunt shifts lock to Falcon-2 and Crack takes a stress. Dozer gives 3 hull to Jericho, Unca takes the last shield and gives 1 hull to Delta-1, then Crack kills it off.

Jericho gives a 3 rd hull to the 1300. EEK, close to being disabled.

Shunt deals a 2 nd hull to Falcon-2, and Cmoz misses.

Unca now at 9xp, Dozer now at 8xp, Crack at 5xp, Shunt now at 6xp, and Cmoz still at 2xp.

Falcon-1 then takes a 2 nd shield off the 2400, Falcon-2 disables the 1300, and Falcon-3 takes 2 more shields off the 2400.

The 2400 misses his shot.

None in Gamma or Alpha-2 has a shot.

The 2400 now docked on tanks 5 and 6.

Round 7) The 2400 will start draining tank 6. Crack plans a 1 straight to clear his stress, 2 turn left for Shunt and Cmoz, 3 bank left for Unca and 2 bank left for Dozer.

Falcon-1 re-locks the 2400, turns 3 right bumping into it.

Alpha-2 banks 3 left and focuses. Gamma-2 and 3 still out of range to lock, both Bank 2 left. Gamma-3 bumps into Alpha-2, Gamma-2 has no shot so evades.

Falcon-2 and 3 lock the 2400, Falcon-2 turns 3 left and focuses, while Falcon-3 banks 3 right and focuses. Jericho no lock, turns 3 left and focuses.

The rest of the rebels move. Cmoz barrel rolls left, Shunt locks Falcon-2, Dozer focuses, Crack clears stress then locks Falcon-1, and Unca focuses. Unca then causes a 4 th hull to Jericho, while Dozer deals it a damaged Sensor array critical. Crack kills off Falcon-1.

Jericho takes the last shield off the 2400 and gives him a weapons malfunction critical. Cmoz misses, and Shunt deals a 2 nd hull to Falcon-2.

Unca now at 10xp, 9 for Dozer, 8 for Crack, 7 for Shunt and still 2 for Cmoz.

Falcon-3 misses the YT, while Falcon-3 deals 2 more hull to it, disabling it. The rebels now shift to needing to blow up the remaining tanks before they can flee.. THIS will unfortunately destroy the 2400 and the 1300.. RATS...

Gamma-2 and 3 no shot. Alpha-2 misses.

Round 😎 Obsidian 1 and 2 show up in the NW corner, angled towards Cmoz.

Dozer plans a 2 bank left, same for Crack, 2 turn right Shunt, 4k for Unca and 3 bank right for Cmoz.

Alpha-2 turns 3 left. Both left in Gamma turn 1 left and focus. Falcon-2 locks Shunt then turns 2 right and focus, while Falcon-3 locks Cmoz and turns 2 right and focuses.

Jericho Straights 1, clears his damaged sensor array. Obsidian 1 and 2 lock Cmoz, then roll a 4 straight. This takes Obsidian 2 over the last part of Cmoz's cluster mine, and even downgrading to a 3 bank still will have him run over it.. So he sticks with his 4 straight, but takes NO damage (lucky bugger).. Obsidian 1 then focuses.

The rebels move. Shunt drops his first proton bomb, then locks Alpha-2. His bomb kills off Falcon-2 and gives a Thrust control fire to Alpha-2. Crack drops his Seismic bomb, dealing a 5th Jericho, giving a 5 th hull to the YT-1300, and 1 hull each to Fuel tank 2, then bumps into the 2400. Dozer shifts his lock to Gamma-3. Cmoz takes a focus, and Unca stresses. Unca then destroys tank 2, which gives 1 hull to tank 1 and kills off the 1300 as well kills off Jericho (YAY, +1xp all for the Elite!). Dozer misses, and Crack deals a hull to Gamma-3.

Obsidian-1 shoots his Assault missile at Cmoz, stripping his last shields, dealing him 1 hull. Also deals 1 to each of Fuel tank 5 and 6, and a 4 th to the 2400. Obsidian-2's missile kills Cmoz, the 2400, and destroys off the 2 fuel tanks. -2 xp to all rebels! .

Shunt then kills off Alpha-2.

Unca now at 11xp, 8 for Dozer, 1 for Cmoz, 8 for Shunt and 8 for Crack.

Falcon-3 deals 2 more hull to Crack, Gamma-2 takes 2 shields off Dozer, while Gamma-3 takes a 3 rd .

Round 9) Unca plans a 1 bank left to clear stress, 3 straight Dozer, 2 bank left Crack and 3 bank right Shunt.

Gamma-2 and 3 lock Dozer, Gamma-2 then straights 2 bumping into 3's back, while Gamma-3 does a 2k. Falcon-3 locks Crack then turns 2 right and focuses. Due to Cmoz dying, Neither in Obsidian close enough to lock anyone, so both straight 4 and focus.

The rebels move. Unca clears his stress, and focuses, Shunt locks Gamma-3, Dozer bumps, and Crack locks Gamma-3. Crack deals a 2 nd hull to Gamma-2, Unca destroys the last fuel tank, which unfortunately blows up taking another shield off of Shunt. All rebels can now get out. Dozer misses.

Obsidian-1 and 2 miss crack.. man was he lucky! Falcon-3 however, ruined his luck killing him.

Gamma-2 takes the last shield off of Dozer, and gives him 1 hull. Gamma-3 no shot.

Unca still at 11xp, 1 still for Cmoz, 8 still for Shunt and Dozer, and 9 for Crack.

Round 10). Unca plans a 1 bank right, 4 straight for Dozer and 3 bank left for Shunt.

After the imperials move, Unca preps for hyperspace, Shunt locks Falcon-3 and Dozer takes a stress and has no shot. Unca safely enters hyperspace. Falcon-3 takes a 2 nd hull from Shunt, shifting him to 9xp. Dozer takes 2 more hull damage.

Round 11) Both the remaining rebels enter hyperspace safely, after Shunt dropped his 2 nd proton bomb, killing off Falcon-3 and giving a hull to Gamma-2.

A 2 nd straight Rebel loss.. Unca made out with 11xp, Cmoz sucked only netting 1, 12 for Shunt (thanks to his bombs), 8 for Dozer and 9 for Crack. 8.2xp average.

3 rd running at 5 ships

Using the B-wing Spot (PS5, sensor jammer, ion cannon, Proton and plasma torpedo), X-wing Shatter (PS5, goes with his proton torpedo), Y-wings Snoopy (PS 6, goes with his ion bomb and proton torpedo and his twin laser turret) and Imo-thep (PS4, ion turret, goes with his plasma torpedo and proximity mine), and the A-wing Drogo (ion pulse missile, also PS4). Averages to PS5. Only mine 1 present. Squad leader on Snoopy.

Alpha squad starts on spot 7, Beta on spot 5, Gamma will be back to interceptors.

The YT-2400 lines up in the NE corner, facing fuel tanks 3 and 4, while the YT-1300, is just on his inside. ALL the rebel fighters are towards the NW edge, with Imo-thep being outside, followed by Snoopy, then Spot, and Shatter. Drogo is over in the NE corner with the YT's, in between the two freighters.

Round 1) The YT-1300 plans a straight 1, 3 straight for the YT-2400, 5 straight for Drogo, 4 straight for Shatter, and 3 straight for all others.

All tie fighters straight 5 and evade.

The rebels move. The 1300 focuses, do does Spot. Shatter locks Alpha-2, Snoopy uses SQL to give an action to Shatter, so he focuses defensively, Drogo boosts right, Imo-thep drops his proximity mine, the 2400 starts docking. Snoopy, Imo-thep and Spot all no shot. Drogo misses Beta-2, while Shatter's proton torpedo misses Alpha-2.

Alpha-1, 2, 4, and Beta-3 all no shot. Beta-1 and 2 miss, so does Alpha-2.

Round 2) Drogo plans a 2 bank right, 1 bank left for the 1300, 1 straights Spot, Shatter and Snoopy, 3 bank left Imo-thep, and the 2400 plans to drain tank 4.

Alpha squad all straights 4 and focuses. Beta squad all 5 straights and focuses.

The rebels move. The 1300 bumps into Beta-2, no action. Drogo locks Beta-2, Imo-thep locks Alpha-1, Snoopy locks Alpha-3, Spot locks Alpha-2, and Shatter protects the 1300. Snoopy's proton torpedo deals 3 hull and a critical, blowing up Alpha-3 right out the docks. Spot kills Alpha-2, Shatter deals a Minor Hull Breech critical to Beta-3, Drogo's ion pulse missile deals 1 hull and 2 ion tokens to Beta-2, while Imo-thep deals 1 hull and 1 ion to Alpha-1 (didn't spend his lock). The 2400 takes a pot shot at Beta-2, but misses.

Drogo 0xp, Imp-thep and Shatter 1xp, Spot and Snoopy 2xp.

Alpha-1 then hits Snoopy, taking 2 of his shields and his stealth device, Alpha-4 misses Spot thanks to his Sensor jammer, Beta-2 no shot, Beta-3 takes 1 shield and Shatter's stealth device, while Beta-1 takes a shield off the 1300.

Then the 1300 shoots, but misses Beta-1, took a stress to add a dice, but with 3 evades from the fighter, and his 4 dice rolling ALL focuses, it was a bleh shot.

Fuel tank 4 drained.

Round 3) Delta squad shows up in the SW corner. The 1300 plans a bank 1 right, to clear his stress. Drogo plans a 5 straight, 3 straight for Imo-thep and Snoopy, 4 straight for Shatter, and 2k for Spot.

Alpha-1 straights 1 bumping into Snoopy, does not bleed off his ion. Beta-2 also can't bleed his ion off, as can't pass the 1300. Alpha-4 straights 2 bumping into Spot, and Beta-1 does a 3k, while Beta-3 banks left two and as has no arc to shoot, and cannot barrel roll to get one, evades.

The 1300 moves, clears his stress and starts docking on tanks 5 and 6.

Both in Delta too far to lock, so straight 3 and evade.

The 2400 will drain tank 3. Drogo protects the 1300, Spot takes a stress, Imo-thep locks Delta-1, Snoopy locks him too, while Shatter focuses. Snoopy's shot, takes 1 shield off Delta-1. Shatter has no shot on either Delta, so takes out mine 1. Spot deals a 2 nd hull and 2 nd ion to Alpha-1. Drogo misses, and Imo-thep's plasma torpedo takes the 2 nd shield off of Delta-1.

Drogo still at 0xp, 2 for Shatter and Imo-thep, 3 for Spot and Snoopy.

The 2400 misses again.

Neither in Delta have a shot.

Of the remaining tie fighters, only Beta-1 has a shot, and he takes a 2 nd shield off the YT-1300. Then the 1300 gives a 2 nd hull to Beta-2. The 2400 drains tank 3. Can move next round. The 1300 is now docked.

Round 4) Falcon group shows up in the NW corner, Falcon-1 will trip Imo-thep's mine.

Drogo plans a 2 bank right, 2 turn right for Snoopy, 1 bank left for Spot to clear his stress, 3 bank left for the 2400, 2 turn left for Imo-thep and 1 bank right for Shatter. The 1300 plans to drain tank 5.

Beta-2 and Alpha-1 both bleed off their ion tokens, straighting 1 and both evade. Alpha-4 does a 4k, no action, while Beta-1 banks 2 right and bumps into Alpha-4. Beta-3 does a 3k, takes damage from his Hull breech critical, (+1xp for Shatter, pushing him to 3xp with Snoopy).

Both in Delta too far to lock still, Delta-1 straights 5 and focuses, while Delta-2 straights 4 and focuses.

All in Falcon too far to lock, Falcon-1 trips the mine, losing its shield and taking a direct hit critical, so is now at 2 hull damage. Then all straight 2 and focuses.

The 2400 moves, does a protect action on the 1300. Imo-thep focuses, Spot shifts lock to Falcon-2 after clearing his stress, Shatter bumps Delta-2, Drogo boosts forward, and Snoopy uses Squad leader to give an action to Imo-thep, he locks Delta-1. Snoopy's turret deals 2 hull to Delta-1, who then dies to fire from Imo-thep. Spot's proton torpedo takes Falcon-3's shield and deals him 1 hull as well as gives him a minor hull breech critical. Drogo kills Falcon-3 off, Shatter no shot.

Snoopy now at 4xp with Spot and Drogo. 3 for Shatter and 5 for Imo-thep.

Delta-2 misses the YT-1300, while Falcon-1 and 3 have no shot at it, so shoot Spot taking 3 total shields off him.

The 2400 misses Delta-2.

Alpha-4 takes a 4 th shield off Spot, Alpha-1, Beta 2 and 3 all no shots.

The YT-1300, kills Beta-2 with a 3 rd hit. Drains tank 5.

Round 5) Gamma squad shows up in the SW corner (rolled a 4 for their starting location).

The 1300 plans to drain tank 6. The 2400 plans a 3 bank right, 2k for Spot, 3k for Dogo, 2 turn right for Snoopy and 4k for Shatter, while Imo-thep plans a 3 bank left.

Alpha-1 bumps into Falcon-1, can't bleed off his last ion token, Alpha-4 tries a 4k but bumps Spot. Beta-1 straights 2 and focuses, while Beta-3 turns 2 left bumping Falcon-1. All in Gamma straight 5. Gamma 1 bumps Snoopy, 2 bumps Imo-thep, 3 focuses.

The 1300 will start draining tank 6.

Delta-2 locks onto the 1300 then straights 5 bumping into him. Falcon-1 and 3 too far to lock the 1300, Falcon-1 then straights 4, but can't get past all the ships in his path, so bumps and can't act, while Falcon-3 bumps into Falcon-1. No action either.

The 2400 moves and focuses. The rest of the rebels move, Imo-thep locks onto Delta-2, Spot, Drogo and Shatter all Stress, while Snoopy drops his ion mine, then locks Falcon-2. His ion bomb deals 2 ion tokens to all 3 interceptors.. Then his turret blows up Falcon-2.. bye bye aggressor! (two gone!).. Shatter, no Shot. Spot kills Alpha-4, Drogo kills Alpha-1, and Imo-thep takes the last shield off Delta-2, and gives it 1 ion token. All in Alpha squad now gone. Just Beta-1 and 3 left for fighters.

Snoopy now at 7xp, 6 for Spot, Drogo and Imo-thep, 3 still for Shatter.

Delta-2 no shot. Falcon-1 takes another shield off Snoopy.

The 2400 hits Delta-2 dealing it a damaged engine critical.

None of Gamma have shots, (Gamma-3 is in arc but not range). Beta-1 misses Spot while Beta-3 misses Drogo.

Fuel tank 6 drained, after the 1300 missed Beta-1.

Now Delta-2, Falcon-1 and those in Jericho and Obsidian squad shifts their AI to striking to destroy the remaining 2 fuel tanks.

Round 6) Jericho shows up in the SW corner.

The 1300 plans a 2 turn right, 3 turn right for the 2400, 1 bank left Shatter to clear his stress, 1 straight for Imo-thep, 1 bank left for Shatter, and 2 bank left for Drogo to clear their stresses, while Snoopy plans a 4k, will take a stress.

Beta-1 does a 4k, Beta-3 banks left 2 and focuses. All in Gamma straight 1 bleed off their first ion tokens. Gamma 1 and 3 focus, 2 evades (just out of arc to shoot Spot).

The 1300 moves and locks Gamma 3.

Delta-2 locks fuel tank 2, then straights 1, clears his ion and evades. Falcon-3 just out of range to lock the fuel tanks, banks 3 right and focuses.

The 2400 moves and starts docking on the last 2 tanks.

Drogo bumps into Falcon-3, which causes Spot to bump him. Neither clear their ion tokens. Imo-thep locks Delta-2.

Jericho just out of range to lock FT 1 or 2, Straights 4 bumping into Shatter. No action.

The rest of the rebels move. Shatter clears his stress, locks Gamma-3, Spot bumps and Snoopy takes a stress. Then his two turret shots miss Falcon-3.

Jericho shoots, dealing 1 hull to tank 1.

Shatter deals a stunned pilot and damaged engine critical to Gamma-3, Spot takes the shield off Falcon-3 and gives it 1 hull, after dealing it a minor explosion critical, which caused no extra damage Drogo misses, and Imo-thep deals a hull and 1 ion to Delta-2.

Snoopy now at 7xp, 6 for Drogo, Imo-thep and Spot, 4 for Shatter.

Delta-2 no shot. Falcon-3 takes 2 more shields off Snoopy, who's now bare.

The 2400 deals a blinded pilot critical to Jericho.

Beta-1 misses, Beta-3 hull's Snoopy 3 times (OUCH).

Gamma-1 takes a shield off of Spot, then Gamma-3 misses him (barely).

The 1300 fires his homing missile into Gamma-3, killing it off with 3 more hits!. The 2400 is now docked.

Round 7) The 2400 plans to drain tank 1. 2 straight for Spot, 2 bank left for Snoopy (thanks R2) to clear his stress, 2 turn left Imo-thep, 1 bank right Shatter, 5 straight Drogo (clears his stress) and 2 turn right for the YT-1300.

Beta-1 banks 2 left bumping Falcon-1 again. Beta-3 turns 2 left and focuses. Both Gamma-1 and 2 bleed their 2 nd ion token off and both then focus.

The 1300 moves and locks Gamma-2.

Delta-1 bleeds his ion token off and evades as has no possible way to shoot. Falcon-3 just out of range still, so straights 2 and focuses.

Drogo moves, clears his stress then boosts right, Imo-thep locks Falcon-3.

Jericho locks tank 1, then moves 1 bumping the 2400.

The rest of the rebels move. Shatter bumps Gamma-2, Spot clears his stress, and barrel rolls right (barely), uses intensity EPT to assign himself an evade token. And Snoopy locks Falcon-3. Hi shot deals 2 more hull to it, so now shifts to 8xp.

Due to the blinded pilot critical, Jericho AUTO misses the fuel tank (great!)

Spot then kills off Falcon-3, shifting up to 9xp, Shatter blows up Gamma-1 with two direct hit criticals, now at 7xp. Imo-thep misses. Drogo also misses. Both stay at 6xp.

Delta-2 no shot.

The 2400 misses Jericho.

Beta-2 kills Snoopy (DOH), while Beta-1 takes a shield off Imo-thep and his stealth device.

The 1300 then deals a damaged sensor array critical to Gamma-3. The 2400 drains tank 1.. One more to go!

Round 😎 Obsidian squad shows up in the NW corner. 2 turn left Drogo, 2 bank right Spot, 1 bank left for the 1300, 2 turn left Imo-thep and 1 straight for Shatter.

Beta-1 turns 2 right, while Beta-3 straights 5, both focus. Gamma-3 straights 2 and evades.

The 1300 moves, bumping into Beta-3. No action.

Delta-2 does a 4k. Way out of it for now. Jericho locks tank 2 and can't clear the YT-2400 with a 2 bank right. No action. Neither Obsidian have range to lock, so both straight 4.

Shatter focuses, Imo-thep bumps Beta-1, Drogo focuses, and Spot focuses.

Jericho's shot on tank 2 whiffs, even with him spending his lock (two focuses, and a blank, then 3 focuses). Good thing he didn't have a focus to spend!! . Obsidian 1 and 2 no shots.

Spot misses Jericho, Shatter deals a Damaged cockpit critical Obsidian 2, its PS now drops to 0. Shifts up to 8xp. Drogo kills Delta-2, shifts up to 9xp, Imo-thep misses.

The 2400 misses Beta-3.

Gamma-3 no shot. Beta-1 takes the 1300's last shields, while Beta-3 takes 2 off the 2400.

The 1300 misses Beta-3.

Tank 2 now drained. The rebels can escape...

Round 9) 2 straight for the 2400, so he can try to hyper out, 5 straight for Drogo, 3 bank right for the 1300, 2 straight for Imo-thep, 4k for Shatter, 2 bank right for Spot.

Beta-1 does a 3k, so does Beta-3. Obsidian 2 locks the 1300, then straights 3 and focuses. Gamma-3 does a 5k.

The 1300 moves and bumps Spot. The 2400 moves and focuses for hypering. Drogo evades, and Imo-thep focuses.

Obsidian 1 locks the 1300 then 3 straights, bumping Imo-thep, Jericho locks the 2400, then 3 turns left, focuses. Obsidian-1 barely misses the 1300 (it rolled 1 evade, the bomber 1 hit only, even on the reroll). Jericho however hits, dealing 2 hull and a blinded pilot critical to the 1300..

Spot then deals 3 hull to Jericho, shifts up to 10xp. Imo-thep deals 3 hull to Obsidian 2. Now at 7xp.

The 2400 hypers out.

Beta-1 deals a direct hit critical to the 1300, disabling it, then Beta-2 blows it up.

One rebel freighter escaped, so as long as at least 1 rebel fighter gets out its a win!

Round 10. After the imperials and rebels move, Spot takes his last shield and 1 hull damage from Obsidian 1, while Imo-thep loses 2 more shields to Jericho. Neither however, can prevent them entering hyperspace, or Drogo from escaping by the North edge...

Wow, a close hard fought win.. 1 st out of 3 runnings..

Good XP too. 10 for Spot, 9 for Drogo, 7 for Imo-thep, 8 for Shatter, and 7 for Snoopy. 8Xp average.

Snoopy would have rolled a loss of his most expensive upgrade (his turret) for his EVA roll.

4 th running at 5 ships

Using the B-wing Wilt (PS5, Plasma and Advance Proton torpedos), X-wings Jinn (PS6, Proton torpedo) and Gruff (PS 6, equips Plasma torpedo), And the Y-wings Dozer (PS6, equips his Proximity mine and Plasma torpedo) and Shunt (PS5, equips his Proton Bomb and Plasma torpedo, with extra munitions). PS average is still 5. Mine 1 and 2 are present.

Alpha starts on spot 7, Beta on spot 9. Gamma is still Interceptors.

The YT-2400 is square on in the NE corner, while the 1300 is lined up square on to Tanks 3 and 4. Jinn lines up in the NW corner, with Dozer, next to him, then Wilt, then Shunt and lastly Gruff.

Gruff has Squad leader.

Round 1) Both YT's plan a 3 straight, 4 straight for Jinn and Gruff, 3 straight Wilt, Dozer and Shunt.

Alpha squad all straights 4 and evades, Beta straights 5 and evades.

The YT-1300 moves, and docks on tanks 3 and 4. The 2400 moves and focuses. The rest of the rebels move. Jinn locks Beta-2, No other shots, though Dozer does drop his proximity mine in the NW corner!.. Gruff uses Squad leader to give Jinn and action which he focuses with. Even with that, his torpedo goes wildly off course (3 blanks vs 3 evades and a focus for the fighter), so his Saturation Salvo EPT kicks in, dealing one hull, to Beta-1, Beta-3 and a Damaged Engine critical to Alpha-1.

1XP Jinn, 0xp all others.

The return shots of Beta-1 and 3 miss, thanks to his Focus.

The 2400 deals 1 hull to mine 2, while the 1300 misses it. The 1300 is now docked.

Beta-1 and 3 each at 1 hull damage, 1 hull via a crit for Alpha-1.

Round 2) The 1300 will drain tank 3. The 2400 will bank 3 right. 1 straight for Gruff and Jinn, 2 straights for Wilt, Shunt and Dozer.

Alpha-1 straights 5 and focuses, while Alpha-2, 3 and 4 also straight 5 and focus. Beta-1 straights 4 and focuses, while Beta-2 does a 3 straight, and Beta-3 does a 4 straight. All focus as well.

The 2400 moves, too far too do anything, so focuses.

The rest of the rebels move. Shunt locks Alpha-1, Wilt locks Alpha-2, same with Gruff, Dozer locks Beta-2, and Jinn bumps into Beta-1.

Jinn still has a shot on Beta-2, and deals it a Thrust control fire critical (1 hull and 1 stress). Gruff blows up Alpha-2. Shunt misses. Dozer kills Beta-2, now at 2xp. And Wilt 1 hull to Alpha-3. Now at 1xp. The YT-2400 has no shot.

2xp for Jinn, Gruff and Dozer. 0Xp Shunt, 1XP Wilt.

Alpha-1 and 3 each shoot Wilt, but misses. Alpha-4 shoots Shunt, taking 2 shields and his Stealth Device. Beta-1 no shot, while Beta-3 takes 2 shields off of Dozer.

The YT-1300 misses mine 2. Fuel tank 3 drained.

Enemies dead, Alpha-2, Beta-2. Beta-1 still at 1 hull, Alpha-3 now at 1 hull.

Round 3) Delta squad shows up SW corner. The YT-1300 will drain tank 4. The 2400 plans a 2 bank right. Shunt plans a 3 straight, will drop first of his two proton bombs. Dozer also plans a 3 straight. 4 Straight for Jinn, 3 straight for Gruff and 2k for Wilt.

Alpha 1 does a 4k. So does Alpha-3. Alpha-4 straights 2 bumping into Shunt. Beta-1 does a 3k, Beta-2 does a 2 straight bumping Dozer.

Both in Delta too far to lock, so both straight 3 and evade.

The 2400 moves and locks mine 1. The rest of the rebels move. Jinn and Dozer lock Delta-1, Shunt and Gruff lock Delta-2, after Shunt drops his first proton bomb, and Wilt stresses. Shunt's bomb kills off Alpha-3, deals a Structural damage critical to Alpha-1, and a minor hull explosion (does no extra damage) to Alpha-4. Shunt now at 2XP.

Jinn's shot misses, even with spending his lock. Gruff's torpedo misses, but is not wasted. Dozer's torpedo also misses. Man this sucks! Wilt then kills Alpha-1, while Shunt''s first plasma torpedo then takes both shields off of Delta-1 and gives it a direct hit critical (=2 hull).

Shunt Still at 2xp. 3Xp Wilt, 2xp still Jinn, Dozer and Gruff.

Shunt then uses his Wingman EPT to remove Wilt's stress.

Neither in Delta have a shot.

The 2400 deals 2 hull to mine 1.

Alpha-4, Beta-3 both no shot. Beta-1 does but misses.

The 1300 blows up mine 2, then finishes draining tank 4.

Enemies dead, Alpha-1, 2 and 3, Beta-2. Beta 1 at 1 hull, Beta-3 untouched.

Round 4) Falcon squad shows up in NW corner. Falcon-1 will trip the proximity mine of Dozer.

The YT-1300 plans a 2 bank left, 2 turn right for the 2400. 2 bank left for Dozer, 2 turn right for Shunt, 3 bank left for Jinn, 3 straight for Wilt and 4k for Gruff.

Alpha-4 does a 4k, Beta-1 banks 2 left bumping into Beta-3. Beta-3 then does a 3k.

The YT-1300 moves and focuses.

Both in Delta, still too far to lock. Delta-1 then straights 5 and focuses, while Delta-2 does the same. All in Falcon too far to lock, all straight 3. Falcon-1 trips Dozer's mine, losing his shield and takes a munitions failure critical, but as has no ordinance, just becomes 1 hull. Dozer now shifts to 3xp. Falcon-1's move causes him to bump into Alpha-4, Falcon-2 and 3 move ok, and both focus.

The 2400 moves and focuses. The rest of the rebels move. Jinn moves, and has no shot. Shunt locks Delta-2, Gruff takes a stress, Wilt locks Falcon-2, and Dozer locks mine 1. Dozer kills off the mine. Gruff kills Delta-1. Shunt's 2 nd torpedo takes both shields off Delta-2, and Wilt's advance torpedo takes of the shields from Falcon-2, and gives it 3 hull (2 from a Direct hit critical, and a weapons malfunction critical).

Jinn stays at 2xp, Dozer shifts to 3, Gruff shifts to 5, Shunt shifts to 3xp, and Wilt shifts to 4xp.

Delta-2's shot on the YT-2400 misses. Falcon-1 and 3 each shoot the 2400, but bad rolls meant it lost only 1 shield. Falcon-2 just out of range to shoot it, but has a shot on Wilt, taking 2 of his shields and his stealth device.

The 2400 shoots, finishing off Falcon-2.

Alpha-4 then shoots Wilt, taking off a 3 rd shield, Beta-1 no shot, Beta-3 misses.

The YT-1300 no shot.

Enemies killed, Alpha-1, 2 and 3, Beta-2, Falcon-2, and Delta-1. Delta-2 missing both shields, Falcon-1 missing its shield and down 1 hull.

Round 5) Gamma squad's interceptors show up in the NE corner (rolled a 2).

Both freighters plan 2 right turns. Gruff plans a 1 bank right to clear his stress, 2 turn right for Shunt, and Wilt, 3 turn left for Jinn and 2 turn left for Dozer.

Alpha-4 does a 4k. So does Beta-1 and 3. All in Gamma straight 3 and boost forward.

The 1300 moves and focuses.

Delta-2 locks the YT-2400 then straights 3. Has to barrel roll to his left to get a shot in. Falcon-1 locks the 2400, then Straights 2, and focuses, while Falcon-3 just out of range to lock, so Straights 3 bumping into Falcon-1's rear.

The 2400 moves and locks onto Gamma-1. The rest of the rebels move. Wilt bumps into the side/rear of Falcon-3 (still has shot on Falcon-1). Gruff and Jinn both lock Delta-2, after Gruff clears his stress. Dozer locks Beta-1, and Shunt locks Beta-3.

Jinn's shot deals 1 hull to Delta-2, Gruff totally whiffs. Dozer blows up Beta-1. Wilt misses, and Shunt deals 2 hull to Beta-3.

Jinn now up to 3xp, Gruff still at 5xp, Shunt now at 4xp, Wilt still at 4xp, an Dozer now at 5xp.

Falcon-1 misses the 2400, but Falcon-3 hits, taking another shield. Delta-2's Concussion missile takes 3 more, leaving it with only 1 remaining shield (DOH!).

The 2400 deals 2 hull to Gamma-1.

Gamma-1 misses Wilt, Gamma-2 takes a shield off him, Gamma-3 just out of range. Alpha-4 misses, Beta-3 hits for a 5 th shield off of Wilt.

The 1300 misses Delta-2.

Enemies killed, Alpha-1, 2 and 3, Beta-1 and 2, Delta-1, Falcon 2. Delta-2 down both shields and 1 hull, Falcon-1 down its shield and 1 hull, Gama-1 down 2 shields. Falcon-3, and both Gamma-2 and 3 untouched.

Round 6) Jericho shows up in SW corner.

The YT-1300 plans a 4 straight, 4k for the 2400. Jinn plans a 3 straight, 2 straight for Gruff. Dozer plans a 3 bank left, 3 bank right for Shunt, and 3 straight for Wilt.

Alpha-4 banks 2 left, bumping Wilt. Beta-3 does another 4k. Gamma-1 straights 4 and focuses. Gamma's 2 and 3 try a 5 straight. Gamma-2 bumps into Falcon-3, while Gamma-3 bumps into the rear of Gamma-1. Both no actions.

The YT-1300 moves and focuses.

Delta-2 locks the YT-1300, then turns 2 right and focuses. Falcon-1 and 3 lock the 2400. Falcon-1 then straights 4 and focuses, Falcon-3 bumps into his side/rear, doing the same speed move.

The 2400 moves and takes a stress.

Jericho too far to lock anyone. Straights 4 and focuses.

The rest of the rebels move. Wilt locks Falcon-3 along with Jinn, while Dozer locks Falcon-1. Shunt locks Beta-3 and Gruff locks Delta-2 again. Dozer's shot kills Falcon-1 with two critical hits (a minor hull breach and Thrust control fire). Gruff kills Delta-2. Jinn takes the shield off Falcon-3.

Jericho misses the YT-1300.

Wilt deals 2 hull and a Blinded critical to Falcon-3 and Shunt blows up Beta-3. (NOW all of Beta dead!).

Jinn now at 4xp, Gruff up to 8xp, same for Dozer. Shunt now at 6xp, and Wilt now at 5xp.

Falcon-3 misses his shot at the YT due to the blinded pilot critical. Shifts over to a 3 rd hull.

The 2400 misses badly against Falcon-3 (2 blanks vs 3 evades!)

Gamma-1 and 2 no shots, same for Alpha-4. Gamma-3 misses Wilt, barely!

The 1300 misses Jericho.

All in Beta and Delta squads now dead, Alpha-4 only tie fighter left, Falcon-3 only aggressor left. Gamma-1 down 2 hull, Gamma-2 and 3 and Jericho untouched.

Round 7) Wilt plans a 2 turn right, 2 straight for Dozer, 3 straight for Shunt, 4k for Gruff and Jinn, 2 turn right for the YT-1300, and 2 straight for the YT-2400 to clear it's stress.

Alpha-4 turns 2 left and has to barrel roll left to get an arc to shoot Shunt.

Gamma-1 rolls a 3k, this has him bumping Alpha-4. Gamma-2 also rolls a 3k. While Gamma-3 gets a 3 straight. This causes Gamma-3 to bump into Gamma-1.

The YT-1300 moves, and starts docking on Tank 1 and 2.

Falcon-3 locks the 2400, then straights 4 and focuses.

The 2400 moves, clears its stress and locks Falcon-3.

Jericho locks the 1300, then Banks left 1. Has no arc to shoot the 1300, and can't barrel roll to get one. Focuses.

The rest of the rebels move. Gruff, fails to complete his K-turn after bumping into Falcon-3, takes a stress. Jinn completes his K turn and takes a stress. Shunt and Dozer lock Gamma-2, after Shunt drops his 2 nd proton bomb (thanks extra munitions!!). Wilt Focuses. Shunt's bomb deals a damaged sensor array critical to Alpha-4, (now at 1 hull and 1 critical), and a Weapon's malfunction critical to Gamma-2. This shifts him to 7xp.

Dozer deals 1 hull to Gamma-2. Jinn and Gruff have no shots.

Jericho has no shot.

Wilt just out of arc to shoot anyone. Shunt misses.

Dozer shifted up to 9xp, Shunt to 7. Jinn stays at 4, 8 for Gruff and 5 for Wilt.

Falcon-3 too close to the 2400 to shoot, and just out of range to shoot the 1300. So shoots Jinn, finally hitting him (no one else has!), taking 2 of his shields and his stealth device.

The 2400 then kills the last aggressor (YAY).

None in Gamma nor Alpha-4 have shots.

The 1300 deals 1 hull and a Damaged Cockpit critical to Jericho (drops his PS down to 0). And is now docked on Fuel tanks 1 and 2.

Round 😎 Obsidian squad shows up in the NW corner.

The 1300 plans to drain tank 2, the 2400 plans a 1 straight. 1 bank left for Gruff to clear his stress. 2 straight for Jinn to clear his, 2 turn right for Shunt and Dozer, and 1 straight for Wilt.

Jericho re-locks the YT-1300, then banks right 1 bumping into it.

Alpha-4 does another 4k. Cannot clear its damaged sensor array critical. Gamma-1 does a 3k, while Gamma-2 banks 3 to the right bumping into Gamma-3. Cannot clear his weapons malfunction critical. Gamma-3 tries a 5k, has to slow it down to a 3k. This has Gamma-3 again, bumping Gamma-1.

The 2400 moves straight, focuses.

Obsidian-1 and 2 too far to lock, both try a 4 straight. Obsidian 2 bumps into Gamma-2's side, while Obsidian 1 focuses.

The rest of the rebels move. Jinn clears stress then locks Jericho. Gruff clears stress and uses Squad leader to give Wilt an Action. Wilt locks Jericho and then uses his free action from Gruff, to barrel roll to his left (and slightly forward), this clears a path for the YT-2400, to move and dock onto Tanks 5 and 6 next round. Dozer and Shunt lock onto Obsidian 2.

Gruff has no shot. Jinn deals 2 more hull damage and a Damaged Engine critical to Jericho. While Dozer deals 1 hull to Obsidian 2.

Neither in Obsidian have shots.

Shunt then deals a 2 nd hull to Obsidian 2, along with a Direct hit critical (2 more hull) and a Munitions failure, taking one of its two Assault missiles. (This puts it at 5hull overall). Both Dozer and Shunt spent their locks.

Wilt then kills off Jericho with his Plasma torpedo.

XP now 10 Dozer, 8 Shunt, 5 Jinn, 8 Wilt, and still 8 Gruff. Due to Jericho being an Elite, this adds 1xp to all. (11 Dozer/9 Shunt/6 Jinn/9 Wilt/9 Gruff).

Gamma-2 takes a 2 nd hull from the 2400.

None in Gamma, nor Alpha-4 has a shot.

Fuel tank 2 drained by the 1300.

Enemies down to Obsidian 1, Obsidian 2 (at 5 out of 6 hull), Gamma-1 and 2 both down 2 hull, Gamma 3 untouched, same as Obsidian 1 and Alpha-4.

Round 9) The 2400 will turn left 2, to dock on tanks 5 and 6. The YT-1300 will drain tank 1. 2 turn left for both Shunt and Dozer,3 turn left for Gruff, 3 turn right for Jinn, 2 turn right for Wilt.

Alpha-4 straights 3 and fails to clear his damaged sensor array critical, again. Gamma 1 banks 3 right and focuses. Gamma-2 does same move but fails to clear weapons disabled critical. Gamma-3 turns 2 left and boosts left to get an arc to shoot someone.

The YT-2400 moves, and starts docking on tanks 5 and 6.

Obsidian 1 and 2 lock the YT-2400. Obsidian 1 then straights 3, bumping into Gamma-1, Obsidian 2 straights 4, likewise bumping Gamma-1. Both no action.

The rebels move. Shunt and Jinn lock Obsidian 1. Dozer locks Gamma-2, Wilt protects the YT-2400, and Gruff locks Obsidian-2. Gruff's shot blows the elite bomber away, while Jinn gives 2 hull and a Damaged Cockpit critical to Obsidian 1 (It's PS is now 0). Dozer kills Gamma 2.

Unfortunately, this does not prevent Obsidian 1 from firing the first of his Assault missiles, taking the last shield off the YT-2400, and dealing it both a Stunned pilot critical, and a Structural damage critical.

The missile, also takes Wilt's last shield, and deals 1 hull to tanks 5 and 6. DOH! Thanks to Wilt's evade, the YT did NOT GET Disabled! (one more hit would have done it, which Wilt's protect action took away!)

Wilt's shot, brings the last bomber, up to 5 hull, with a direct hit critical, Shunt gets in the kill. ALL Elite bombers now deceased! YAY. +2 xp all for the death of the two elites.

XP now 16 for Dozer, 14 for Shunt, 9 for Jinn, 14 for Gruff, and 12 for Wilt.

The YT-2400 then hits Gamma-1 for a 3 rd hull. Not enough to kill it.. Darn.

Gamma-1's shot hits Wilt, dealing him a Stunned pilot critical. Gamma-3 barely misses, thanks to his sensor jammer and his evade die canceling both hits it got. Alpha-4 then takes Shunt's last shield.

The YT-1300 then misses. Tank 1 drained. Tank 5 and 6 now docked with.

Only imperials left, Gamma-1, Gamma-3 and Alpha-4.

Round 10) The YT-1300 plans a straight 1, same for Wilt, 4k for Jinn, 2 bank left for Gruff, 2 turn left for Shunt and Dozer.

Alpha-4 banks 3 right, and again fails to clear his sensor array critical. Gamma-1 banks 3 right, and focuses, while Gamma 3 straights 5, and has to barrel roll to his left and rear, to get an arc to shoot Wilt. This unfortunately will cause Wilt to bump into him.

The YT-1300 moves, and locks Gamma-3. The rest of the rebels move. Wilt takes a 2 nd hull from Bumping Gamma-3, Gruff locks Gamma-3, Shunt locks Gamma-1and Dozer locks Alpha-4, and Jinn Stresses. Gruff's shot deals 2 hull to Gamma-3, Jinn misses his shot. Dozer kills Alpha-4. Shunt misses, Wilt kills Gamma-1 and The YT-2400 misses.

Gamma-3 has no shot.

The YT-1300 then kills Gamma-3.

Now there's no stopping the rebels... The YT-1300 makes it into hyperspace in round 11, Wilt goes in round 12, so does Shunt. Dozer, Jinn and Gruff stay with the 2400, who escapes in round 13. All the others escape in round 14..

Solid rebel win, NO losses, though 2 ships down into their hull..

Ending XP, 18 for Dozer, 14 for Shunt, 9 for Jinn, 15 for Gruff, and 15 for Wilt. A massive 14xp average.

2 wins, 2 losses so far, at 5 ships..

Well. Am 5 rounds into the 5th running. ITS NOT going that well..

5 th running at 5 ships

Using the B-wing Grood (PS5, Plasma torpedo and advance proton torpedo, Nera Dantels pilot), the X-wings Chaka (PS6, proton torpedo), and Squeaky (PS6, plasma torpedo), and the Y-wings Cmoz (PS5, equips his proton torpedo and cluster mine) and Crack (PS6, equips his seismic bomb and flechette torpedo). PS still averages to 5. Only mine 1 is present.

Alpha starts on spot 9, Beta on spot 2. Gamma is back to Strikers.

The YT-2400 starts near the NE corner, directly facing tanks 3 and 4, while Chaka and Jinn are to his outside. Grood, Cmoz and Crack are in the NW corner, with the YT-1300 inside them.

Round 1) Both YT's plan 1 straights, 4 straight for both Chaka and Squeaky, 3 straights for everyone else.

Alpha squad all straights 5 and evades, while Beta squad all 3 straight and evade.

The rebels move. The YT-2400 docks onto tank 3 (just half an inch off docking on tank 4 as well, should have planned a 2 straight, DOH). Cmoz drops his cluster mine. No other actions.

No shots. YT-2400 docked.

Round 2) Both Chaka and Squeaky plan 3 banks right, 2 straight Grood, Crack and Cmoz, 3 bank left for the YT-1300. The 2400 will drain Tank 3.

Alpha squad all straights 4. Beta squad all straights 3 again. ALL focus.

The YT-1300 moves, docks onto Tanks 5 and 6. The rest of the rebels move. Cmoz locks Alpha-2, Crack locks Alpha-3, Squeaky locks Beta-1, Chaka locks Beta-2. Grood via, Nera Dantels locks Alpha-2.

Crack misses his shot (2 focuses, 1 hit, 1 additional hit on the lock re-roll, vs 2 evades and a focus). Cmoz doesn't, dealing 1 hull to Alpha-2. Chaka deals 1 hull to Beta-2, while Squeaky totally buggers up his shot (even with spending his lock, he got 2 hits, vs 3 evades of the tie). Grood's shot likewise whiffs vs Alpha-3, but thanks to his fail-safe, his torpedo is not wasted. Reacquires the lock via FCS.

1xp Cmoz and Chaka. 0Xp Grood, Crack and Squeaky .

The YT-2400 shoots Beta-1, but misses.

Alpha-1 has no shot. Alpha-2, 3 and 4 all shoot Cmoz, taking all 4 of his shields (OUCH). Beta-1 and 3 shoot, stripping Squeaky of all HIS shields and dealing him a Console fire critical. Beta-2 shoots but misses Chaka.

The YT-1300 takes a pot shot at mine 1, destroying it with a lucky 2 crits vs no evades result.

Fuel tank 3 drained. Fuel tanks 5 and 6 docked with.

Round 3) Delta squad shows up SW corner. The 2400 plans a 2 bank right, 2 turn right Grood, 4k for Cmoz, 3 straight for Crack, 1 bank right for Squeaky (to regenerate a shield), 4k for Chaka. The YT-1300 will drain tank 5.

Alpha-1, 3 and 4, all roll a 2 turn right. Alpha-1 makes it ok and Focuses. Alpha-3 bumps into Alpha-2, before hitting Cmoz. Alpha-4 bumps Crack. Alpha-2 does a 4k. Beta-1 and 3 also do 4ks. Beta-2 banks 2 left, bumping into Chaka before completing. No action either.

Delta-1 and 2 too far to lock, so Straight 5 and evade.

The 2400 moves and locks Beta-1. The rest of the rebels move. Cmoz and Chaka both take a stress. Grood shifts his lock to Alpha-4. Crack locks Delta-2 after dropping his Seismic bomb, dealing 1 hull to Alpha 1 and 4. Squeaky regenerates his shield and clears his Console fire.. Grood's shot misses, after rolling nothing but focuses, and then 1 hit, 2 blanks and a focus on the re-roll, vs 2 evades. Darn, should have taken a focus instead.. GRR). Chaka kills Beta-2. Squeaky no shot, Crack's flechette torpedo misses, and Cmoz misses Alpha-3. Grood reacquires the lock via FCS.

Xp, 1 still for Cmoz, 1 now for Crack, 3 for Chaka, 0 still for Squeaky, and Grood.

Delta-1 and 2 no shots.

The YT-2400 misses Beta-1, lock spent.

Alpha-1 has no shot on Grood (Just out of arc), so takes a pot shot at the YT-1300, but misses. Alpha-2 takes a shield off of Grood. Alpha-3 no shot, Alpha-4 takes 2 shields off of the YT-1300.

Beta-1 hits Squeaky, taking his just regenerated shield and giving him a 2 nd hull, Beta-3 misses him.

The YT-1300 misses Beta-3. Fuel tank 5 drained.

Round 4) Falcon squad shows up in the NW corner. Falcon 1 will trip the central and left parts of the cluster mine, while Falcon-2 will trip the right part.

Squeaky plans a 3 left bank (to rush and engage Delta), 4 straight for the YT-2400, 1 bank left Chaka, to clear his stress. 1 bank right for Cmoz to do same, 2 turn left for Crack, and 2 turn right for Gruff.

Alpha-1 straights 2 and focuses. Alpha-2 straights 4, bumping into Alpha-3. Alpha-3 then does a 4k, while Alpha-4 turns right 1, and focuses. Beta-1 and 3 turn right 2, Beta-1 bumps into Beta-3 before hitting the YT, Beta-3 bumps Squeaky. No actions either.

Both in Delta just out of range to lock the YT-1300, so straight 3 again and focus. All in Falcon, too far to lock. All straight 3. Falcon-1 loses its shield and take 2 hull damage from the mine, then focuses, while Falcon-2 fails to suffer any damage.. but bumps into Alpha-3. Falcon-3 focuses ok. (+1xp Crack).

The rebels now move. The YT-2400 locks onto Delta-1, Crack locks Delta-2, Squeaky locks Delta-1, Chaka fails to clear his stress, just bumps into Beta-3 (still has arc to shoot Beta-1 though). Grood bumps into Alpha-2. No clears his stress either. Cmoz locks Alpha-4.

Chaka's shot misses. Crack takes 1 shield off Delta-2. Squeaky's shot takes both shields off Delta-1 and gives it a Damaged engine critical. Cmoz kills Alpha-4. Grood just out of arc to shoot anyone.

Delta-1 and 2 both hit the YT-2400, taking it down 4 shields. Falcon 1 and 2 shoot the YT-1300 taking its last 2 shields. Falcon-3 just out of range to shoot it, so shoots Grood, taking 2 more of his shields.

The 2400 shoots, killing Delta-1 with his proton rockets.

Alpha-1 hulls the YT-1300 twice. Alpha-2 hits Cmoz for 2 hull via a Direct hit critical. Alpha-3 takes a fourth shield off Grood. Beta-1 hits Chaka taking 2 of his shields and his stealth device, while Beta-3 misses the YT-1300.

The YT-1300 misses Alpha-1. Drains fuel tank 6.

XP now 3 Cmoz. 2 Crack. 0 Still for Grood. 1 for Squeaky. And 3 still for Chaka.

Only Alpha-4, Beta-2 and Delta 1 dead.. not a good start...

Round 5) Gamma squad's strikers, show up in the NW corner (rolled a 1).

Grood hopes to do a 1 bank right, same for Squeaky to regen another shield, 3 bank left for the YT-2400, so it can dock on tanks 1 and 2, same for Chaka (will keep stress), 2 turn left for the YT-1300 and Crack, 1 bank left for Cmoz.

Alpha-1 turns right 1 and focuses. Alpha 2 does a 3k, Alpha-3 does a 4k. Beta-1 banks 2 left bumping into Beta-3. Beta-3 does a 3k. All in Gamma lock Grood, then straight 3 and focus.

The YT-1300 moves, bumping into Beta-1.

Delta-2 locks the YT-2400, then straights 2, has no shot on it, but does on the YT-1300, so focuses. All in Falcon too far to lock, so Falcon 1 straights 3 and focuses, Falcon-2 and 3 both straight 4. Falcon-2 bumps Alpha-1, while Falcon-3 rear-ends Falcon-1.

The 2400 moves and docks on tanks 1 and 2. The rest of the rebels move. Grood bumps Gamma-1. No action. Squeaky, regenerates a shield, locks Alpha-3. Crack moves and focuses, as still has lock on Delta-2. Cmoz locks Gamma-3, is barely at range 2 of it, so can shoot its torpedo. Chaka moves, keeps his stress. Chaka's shot then deals a 3 rd hull to Falcon-1. Squeaky's plasma torpedo, blows up Alpha-3. Cmoz hits Gamma-3 for a Damaged engine critical and 1 hull, Grood deals 2 hull and a Damaged cockpit to Gamma-2. Crack whiffs his shot on Delta-2.

XP now 1 for Grood, 4 for Chaka and Cmoz, 3 for Squeaky, and still 2 for Crack.

Delta-2 deals a 3 rd hull to the YT-1300, Falcon-1 disables it with a 4 th hull. Falcon-2 and 3 shoot Crack, taking 3 shields off of him, and his stealth device.

The YT-2400 misses Beta-3.

Alpha-1 deals 2 hull to Crack. Alpha-3 takes the last shield off of Grood. Gamma-1 deals 2 hull to Cmoz, Gamma-2 deals a hull and a weapon's malfunction to Grood. Gamma-3 kills Grood off with 2 more hits. Beta-1 no shot, Beta-3 misses Chaka..


Round 6) Jericho shows up in the SW corner. The rebels see this mission as a bust. Chaka will straight 2, clear stress, and prep for hyperspace. 1 bank left for Squeaky, to do same. Crack turns 2 right, Cmoz 4ks. The YT-2400, plans a 2 turn right. Will hyper out next round with Crack and Cmoz.

Gamma-2 locks onto Cmoz, then straights 3, bumping into Alpha-3.

Alpha-1 banks 2 right, has no shot, and can't barrel roll to get one. Evades. Alpha-3 turns 1 right and focuses. Beta-3 does a 3k. Beta-3 turns 3 left, bumping into the disabled YT-1300. Gamma 1 and 3 also lock Cmoz,then Gamma-1 does a 2 Serngor's loop left, but bumps into Alpha-3 before completing. Gamma-3 straights 1 and focuses.

All in Falcon, just out of range to lock. Falcon-1 turns 2 right and focuses. Falcon 2 and 3 do same. Delta-2 re-locks the YT-2400, then turns 2 right. Has no arc to shoot, and can't barrel roll to get anyone in arc. Evades.

The 2400 moves and focuses.

Jericho locks the YT-2400, then banks 1 right and focuses.

The rest of the rebels move. Chaka clears his stress and preps for hyperspace. Squeaky does same. Crack focuses, while Cmoz takes a Stress. Crack blows up Falcon-1. Squeaky and Chaka enter hyper space safely.

Jericho takes a 5 th shield off the YT-2400.

Cmoz kills Gamma-2.

Now at 7xp, 4 for Chaka, 3 for Squeaky, 5 for Crack, and 1 for Grood (RIP).

Gamma-1, 3, Alpha-3, bothi n Beta and Delta-2 all have no shot. Falcon-2 and 3 do. Crack takes 2 hull damage from Falcon-2, while Cmoz gets blown up by Falcon-3.

The YT-2400 deals a disabled sensor array critical to Jericho.

Round 7). The YT-2400 plans a 1 bank right, will try to hyper out. 3 Bank left for Crack, to get as close to the north edge as possible.

Alpha-1 banks 2 left and evades. Alpha-2 turns 2 left and bumps Falcon-1. Beta-1 4ks, while Beta-3 turns left, re-bumping the YT-1300. Gamma-1 straights 3, and Gamma-2 turns left 3. Delta-2 no lock Turns 3 left and evades as has no shot. Falcon-2 and 3 too far to lock. Falcon-2 turns 2 left, while Falcon-3 banks 2 left. Both focus.

The YT moves and preps for hyperspace.

Jericho hard turns 2 left. Can't clear his damaged sensor array critical.

Crack moves and focuses.

No one shoots him. Falcon-2 and 3 each shoot the YT-2400, dealing it 2 hull damage, not enough to disable it.

The YT-2400 enters hyperspace safely.

No other shots.

Round 😎 Obsidian shows up in NW corner. 1 bank left for Crack, will hyper out.

All the imperials move, but no one can shoot at Crack before he successfully escapes.

Solid rebel loss. 3 rd loss, with 2 wins..

7xp ending for Cmoz, 4 for Chaka, 3 for Squeaky, 5 for Crack, and 1 for Grood. 4Xp average. Grood would have lost his most expensive EPT from going eva..

Cmoz would have lost all XP from rolling 2 focuses.

DAM that was a swift defeat. The Imperial's dice were just HOT as heck..

Edited by LTuser

So i know i have a 'scheduled' 6th running to do, but as i hit the store this Wednesday, i ran it there, with 2 guys helping me..

They agreed to take some of the pre-gen ships I had for play testing this mission. One of the guys, chose Doc, and went with his plasma torpedo and proton bomb, and Imo-thep, who went with his plasma torpedo and his proximity mine.

The other took Unca, going with his proton torpedo and seismic bomb and Tin-bok, with his plasma torpedo. I selected Drogo.

This gave us a PS average of 4 (Since it rounds down). Neither YT is upgraded in PS, Jericho and Obsidian bombers are at PS4 line, so no Red-line. Squad leader is on Unca. Only mine 2 and 3 present. Gamma squad are interceptors. Alpha squad starts on spot 6, Beta on spot 8. Due to this, we had the two YT's line up in the north east corner, Imo-thep, Doc and Tin-bok lined up more to the NW corner, I put Drogo in between the two YT's, and Unca went just to the center of the west side.

Round 1) WE had the YT-1300 do a 3 straight, to land on Tank 3 and 4, 4 straight for the YT-2400, 5 straight for Drogo, 3 straight for Doc, Imo-thep and Unca, and 4 straight for Tin-bok.

Alpha squad performed a 4 straight and evaded, while Beta all 5 straighted and evaded.

After the moves were all done on our side, Imo-thep placed his proximity mine in the NW corner to catch Falcon, Drogo boosted right, the YT-1300 started docking, and Tin-bok locked onto Beta-2. Unca used squad leader to give him a focus action, and he needed it. His shot barely hit, causing only 1 hull to the fighter. Drogo's shot hit and caused a 2 nd . The YT-2400 took a pot shot on mine 2, but missed. The 1300 shot it but blew it up. Then docked successfully.

Of the fighters, only Beta-1 and 2 had counter shots, each took a shield off of Tin-bok.

Round 2) The 2400 plans a bank right 3, 4 straight for Drogo, 2 straight for Tin-bok, 2 bank right for Doc, 2 straight for both Imo-thep and Unca.

Alpha went 5 straight and all focused. Beta-1 and 3 also went 5 straight and focused, while Beta-2 banked 3 right and focused.

The rebels moved. The YT-2400 locked Beta-2, Drogo boosts right again, Imo-thep locked Alpha-1, then boosted left out of his arc via his R7=T1 droid. Doc moved, out of Tin-bok's path with a barrel roll, Tin-bok locked mine 3, and Unca focused. Unca's shot gave a weapon's malfunction critical to Alpha-2. Tin-bok barely hit the mine dealing 1 measly hull. Doc killed Beta-2 with 2 critical hits. Imo-thep missed and Drogo just out of arc to shoot. The YT-2400 misses.

Alpha-1 and 2 barely misses Unca, thanks to his Stealth device, while Alpha-3 takes ALL 3 of his shields, neuters his device. Then he takes a hull from Alpha-4. Neither Beta-1 or 3 have shots.

Tank 4 drained.

Round 3) Delta squad shows up in the SW corner.

The YT-1300 stayed where it was to drain tank 3, a 4 straight for the YT-2400. Drogo went for a 3 turn right, 4 straight for Tin-bok, 2 turn right for Doc, 2 turn left for Imo-thep and 3 straight for Unca.

Alpha-1, 3 and 4 all rolled a 1 turn right, with Alpha-1 bumping into Unca, Alpha-3 bumping 1, and 4 taking a focus. Alpha-2 banks 2 right, and fails to clear his weapons disabled critical. Beta-1 and 3 both did a 4k, getting in behind the rebels.

The YT-2400 moves and takes a focus.

Both in Delta too far to lock the YT-2400, so did a 4 straight and evaded.

The rest of the rebels moved. Drogo barrel rolls to get out of Alpha-4's arc, Imo-thep locks Delta-1, so does Unca, after dropping his Seismic bomb. Doc locks Alpha-4, and Tin-bok locks Delta-2. Unca's bomb deals 1 hull to Alpha-1, and 4, and a 2 nd hull to Alpha-2. Then his torpedo takes both shields off of Delta-1. Doc uses Sabine Wren before the bomb token dropped by Unca got taken off, to deal a 3 rd hull to Alpha-2 killing it. Then his shot MISSES (Darn). Drogo kills Alpha-4 though with a lucky 3 crit roll vs no evades.. Tin-bok's torpedo gets wasted as he missed Delta-2, while Imo-thep's torpedo deals a console fire critical to Delta-1.

Delta-1 just out of range to shoot, but Delta-2 does, however he misses the freighter.

The YT's return shot misses. Alpha-1 and 3 no shots, Beta-1 misses Doc, and Beta-3 also misses.

Tank 3 now drained.

Round 4) Falcon showed up, and Falcon-2 will trip the mine of Imo-thep. The YT-1300 plans a 2 bank right, same for the YT-2400, 3 straight for Imo-thep, 4 straight for Drogo, 1 bank right for Tin-bok and 3 straight for Unca and Doc.

Alpha-1 doe a 4k, while Alpha-3 turns right 1 and focuses. Beta-1 and 3 both straight 5, and focus.

The YT-1300 moves and takes a focus.

Delta-1 too far to lock onto the YT, so banks 3 right and clears his console fire critical. Now at 1 hull. Delta-2 does lock the YT, does the same move and focuses. All 3 Falcon's too far to lock, so roll a straight 2. Falcon-2 loses ONLY his shield from the mine, but once again Doc uses Sabine wren, to make it also deal him a hull damage. YAY for Sabine!. Falcon-2's straight move though has him bumping Alpha-1.

The YT-2400 moves, and bumps into Delta-2. GRR

The rest of the rebels move. Imo-thep locks Delta-2, then boosts left, Unca locks Delta-1 again, Tin-bok bumps into him unfortunately. Drogo and Doc lock Falcon-2. Both shots from Unca's turret miss, so does Bok, and Doc's torpedo gets wasted (rolled 4 blanks vs the 2 evade of the aggressor, and then 1 hit and a focus on the 2 die re-roll from Predator, GRRR). Drogo deals it just a 2 nd hull. Then Imo-the misses.. Wow only 1 shot hit.. man that bites .

Falcon-1 shoots Doc, taking 1 of his shields, and his stealth device, Falcon-2 takes a 2 nd , and Falcon-3 takes a 3 rd . Neither had shots on the YT-1300, so he was closer. Delta-1 takes a shield off the YT-2400, while Delta-2 has no shot.

The YT-2400 gives a Stunned pilot critical to Delta-1. The YT-1300 finishes off Mine 3. Tin-bok then takes 2 hits from Beta-3. Alpha-1 take a shield and the stealth device off Drogo (with a lucky shot)..

Round 5) bad news for Doc, as the player of him rolled for what corner Gamma would show up in, and it wound up being the TOP RIGHT (North west) corner.. EEK!

The YT-2400 plans a 2 straight, 4k for Unca, and Tin-bok, 2 turn left for Doc, 3k for Drogo, as he hopes to get in behind those in Falcon. A 2 bank right for the YT-1300, and a 2 turn left for Imo-thep.

Alpha-1 and 4 both roll a 4k separately. Beta-1 and 3 also do a 4k. Beta-1 is ok but Beta-3 bumps into Imo-thep. All 3 interceptors in Gamma roll a 5k (cause Doc is at range 2 and closing, so they used the inner movement line, and a 5 rolled gives a 5k!!). Gamma-1 bumps into Dock, Gamma-2 does ok, while Gamma-3 bumps Drogo.

The YT-1300 moved, and starts docking onto Tanks 5 and 6.

Delta-1 locks the 2400, then tries a 4k. Delta-2 can't lock, but also 4ks. Falcon-1 and 3 turn 3 right after being unable to lock due to range, BOTH wind up bumping Gamma-1 though. Falcon-2 straighted 4.

The 2400 moved, bumping Imo-thep, so couldn't start docking (we planned that poorly). The rest of the rebels moved, with the 3 “K-turns” each taking a stress, Imo-thep protects the YT-2400, and Doc barrel rolls to his left to get out of Gamma-2's arc. Unca's shot deals only a hull damage to Beta-3, Imo-thep kills Delta-1, Doc blows up Alpha-1, Tin-bok deals a 2 nd hull to Beta-3, and Drogo misses.

Unca now at 3xp, 4 for Drogo, 2 Tin-bok, 7xp Doc and 5 for Imo-thep.

Delta-2 misses, however ALL 3 of the aggressors shoot the stationary YT-1300, stripping ALL 4 of his shields and dealing him 2 hull.. OUCH!

The YT-2400 then misses his counter shot.

Alpha-4 misses Doc, but Beta-1 hits him for 1 more shield. Beta-3 takes 2 more off Doc, leaving him just 1 left. Gamma 1 and 3 no shots, but Gamma-2 does, however he misses. (Doc breaths a sigh of relief).

The YT-1300 then deals a 2 nd hull to Alpha-4, while docking on tank 5 and 6.

Round 6) Jericho's elite bomber showed up in the SW corner. The YT-1300 to drain tank 6. Doc to turn 2 left, 1 bank right for Unca to clear his stress, 4k for the 2400, 2 turn left for Drogo to clear his stress (gotta love the dial for an A-wing), 1 bank right for Tin-bok to clear his, and 2 straight for Imo-thep.

Beta-1 turns 1 right and focuses, Beta-3 straights 2 bumping into the YT-2400. Alpha-4 turns 3 right has no shot, so evades. Gamma-1 does a 3k, Gamma-2 turns 1 lft and evades, while Gamma-3 banks 3 left and evades, as neither had shots on Doc. Delta-2 re-locks the 2400, then bumps into him doing a 4 straight. All in Falcon lock the 1300. Falcon-2 then banks 2 right, while Falcon-1 and 3 turned 3 left. Falcon-1 bumps into Gamma-1, while Falcon-3 runs into his backside.

The 2400 stresses. Imo-thep locks Falcon-3, Drogo clears his stress and boosts right.

Jericho locks the 2400, then bumps into him banking 3 left.

The rest of the rebels move. Bok bumps into Delta-2, no shot and can't clear his stress. Unca does, and locks him. Doc drops his proton bomb, then barrel rolls to his right, to get an arc on Jericho. His bomb deals a kill to Alpha-4, an injured pilot critical to Gamma-2, a Blinded pilot critical to Falcon-1, 2 hull to Gamma-3 with a minor explosion critical, and a direct hit critical to Falcon-3 which takes its shield and deals it 1 hull. THEN HE uses Sabine wren, to add a 2 nd hull to the aggressor. Unca's shot takes 1 shield only from the 2 nd advance.

Jericho misses Unca, barely.

Tin-bok has no shot. Doc then gives 2 hull via a minor explosion critical to Jericho, Imo-thep blows up Falcon-3, while Drogo blows up Falcon-2.

Falcon-1 auto misses, due to his blinded pilot critical. Now at no shields after the critical's 'flipped over'. Delta-2 takes the remaining shields off the YT-2400.

Gamma-1 no shot. Gamma-2 and 3 do shoot him, but miss thanks to his sensor jammer. Beta-1 smacks the 1300, disabling it with 3 more hull hits. Beta-3 then kills Tin-bok. OUCH.

Round 7) With the 1300 disabled AND the 2400 down all shields, we all saw this mission as a loss.. So we planned a 1 bank left for the 2400, to try and hyper out, same for Doc, to do the same (to the right though). Unca plans a 3 bank left, 3 straight for Drogo, 3 bank left for Imo-thep.

Beta-1 turned into and bumped the YT-1300, while Beta-3 straight 2, has no shot so evaded.

Gamma-1 banks 3 left, has no shot again on Doc, so evades, same for Beta-3. Gamma-2 focused though.

Delta-2 re-locks the 2400, then straights 3 and focuses. Falcon-1 can't lock the 2400 (too far) so turns 2 right bumping into Imo-thep.

The 2400 moves, and as he can't clear Delta-2, bumps Unca, and can't clear his stress. Drogo moves locks onto Tank 5, Imo-thep focuses.

Jericho no lock, tries a 5k, bumping into Doc.

The rest of the rebels move. Doc safely enters hyperspace, Drogo blows up tank 5, which deals a hull to Falcon-1 and Beta-1, but unfortunately also blows up the YT-130. Unca deals only 1 hull to tank 2. Then Unca takes 2 more hull damage from Jericho. Imo-thep deals 1 hull and 1 ion to Gamma-1. Beta-1 misses. No other shots other than Delta-2, who deals 2 hull to the YT-2400.

Round 😎 Obsidian shows up in the NW corner. Unca planed a 1 straight, 2 turn left for Imo-thep, 5k for Drogo, and 2 straight for the YT-2400.

Beta-1 did a 3k, while Beta-2, turned 1 left, evaded.

Gamma-1 bled off his ion, then evaded, while Gamma-2 and 3 moved on Unca. Gamma-3 bumped into him, Gamma-2 focused. Delta-2 locked onto the 2400 again, and tried a bank 1 left, but couldn't complete it. Falcon-1 banks 1 left, and locked the 2400.

The YT moved and prepped for hyperspace. Drogo stressed, and Imo-thep locked onto Gamma-3 this time.

Jericho locked onto the 2400, then completed his 5k. Obsidian 1 and 2 were too far to lock the freighter, so both straight 4 and focus.

Unca moved, and locked Tank 1, and blew it up. Then Gamma-2 killed him. Drogo blows up tank 6. The YT gets disabled by Falcon-1. Delta-2 no shot. Drogo loses a 2 nd shield to Beta-1. No other shots hit.

Round 9), Drogo planned a 5 straight and 1 straight for Imo-thep.

After the imperials moved, Drogo safely entered hyperspace, Imo-thep failed. Lost all 4 of his shields to imperial fire, and took 2 hull. Then he died in round 10, before he could escape.. BOOO..

Solid rebel loss. 4 th loss, 2 wins. Let's see how the 6 th proper running with all the B-wings go.. Before I decide if I need an 8 th ... However both liked the scenario.

6 th running at 5 ships

Will use nothing but B-wings, Wilt (PS5, Plasma and proton torpedos,Ion cannon), Spot (PS5, plasma and proton torpedos, Ion cannon), Grood (PS5, Plasma torpedo and advance proton torpedo, Heavy laser cannon), Doc (PS5, equips his proton bomb and plasma torpedo, Mangler cannon) and Twitch (PS 5, plasma torpedo, Ion cannon). PS still averages out to 5. Mine 2 is the only one here.

Alpha starts on spot 3, Beta on 9. Gamma back to being Interceptors.

The 2400, lines up in the NE corner. The 1300 in the center, with Spot and Twitch in between him and the 2400, while Grood, Doc and Wilt line up in the NW corner.

Round 1) All B-wings plan 3 straights, 1 straights both YT's.

Alpha squad and Beta squad, both 5 straight and evade.

The YT-1300 moves, locks onto mine 2, then the 2400 moves and focuses. The rest of the rebels move. None have shots, so all take a focus. The YT-2400 deals 1 hull to mine 2, so does the YT-1300. No other shots.

Round 2) 2 bank left for Wilt, 2 straight Grood and Doc, 3 straight for Twitch and 2 bank left for Spot. The YT-1300 plans a 4 straight, 1 straight for the 2400.

All in Alpha, straight 5 again and focus. All in Beta straight 4 and focus.

The YT-1300 moves, and starts docking on tanks 5 and 6, while the YT-2400 takes a focus. The rest of the rebels move. Twitch bumps into Alpha-1, Doc focuses, Grood locks Beta-2, Wilt locks Alpha-3, Spot locks Alpha-1. Doc's shot deals 1 hull to Beta-1 (both spent their focuses), Grood deals a Damaged engine critical and gives 1 hull to Beta-2 (re-locks via FCS), Twitch kills Alpha-2 with a direct hit critical and 1 regular hit, while Spot deals a damaged cockpit and structural damage crits to Alpha-1, and Wilt misses. Doc, Grood and Spot 1xp. 2Xp Twitch, 0xp Wilt.

The 2400 then deals a blinded pilot critical to Alpha-4.

Alpha-1 has no shot, Alpha-3 takes a shield off Spot and Alpha-4 auto-misses due to blinded pilot. Now at 1 hull. Beta-1 misses Doc, so does Beta-2 (wow their dice sucked). Beta-3 however hits taking 2 shields and Doc's stealth device.

The YT-1300 docks, then misses Alpha-3.

Round 3) Delta squad shows up SW corner. The YT-2400 plans a 3 turn right, 3 straight Doc and Grood, 2 turn left Wilt, 2 turn Right Spot and 2k Twitch (he will stress). The YT-1300 to drain tank 6.

Alpha-1 3 ks, cannot clear structural damage critical. Alpha-3 banks 2 left, then barrel rolls left to get an arc to shoot. Alpha-4 does a 4k. Beta-1 also 4ks, so does Beta-3, while Beta-2 straights 2 and evades as has no shot. Both in Delta too far to lock, so Straight 5 and evade.

The YT-2400 moves and focuses. The rest of the rebels move. Wilt bumps Alpha-3, Spot protects the YT-1300 as has no shot, Twitch take a stress and both Doc and Grood lock Delta-1. Doc also drops his Proton bomb behind him, killing both Beta-3. +3xp. His torpedo then shanks both shields off Delta-1. Grood's torpedo then deals it a stunned pilot critical. Wilt deals 2 nd hull and 1 ion token to Alpha-4, Twitch misses. Doc now at 4xp, 2 for Grood and Twitch, 1xp Spot and Wilt.

Delta-1 misses the YT-1300, but Delta-2 hits taking a shield.

The YT-2400 kills Alpha-1.

Beta-3 misses Doc, does NOT take a damage from his console fire critical. Alpha-3 and 4 both have no shots.

The YT-1300 drains tank 6 and finishes off mine 2.

Round 4) Falcon squad shows up in NW corner. The YT-2400 plans a 3 turn right, the YT-1300 plans a 3 bank right, leaves tank 5 for now. 2 straight for Spot, 1 bank left for Twitch to clear stress, 2 turn left for Wilt, Doc and Grood.

Alpha-3 does a 4k, Alpha-4 bleeds its ion token straighting 1 and then as has no shots, barrel rolls right and to the rear, to get space on the map edge. Beta-3 does a 5 straight, bumping into Doc, and so can't clear his critical.

The YT-1300 moves, locks Delta-1.

Delta-1 and 2 both lock the YT-1300. Delta-1 straights 2 and focuses, Delta-2 also does a 2 straight, but bumps into the freighter. All in Falcon too far to lock, all roll a 2 bank right and focus.

The YT-2400 moves and focuses. The rest of the rebels move. Wilt, Doc and Grood all focus, Spot locks Delta-2 and Twitch after clearing his stress also takes a focus. Wilt deals 1 hull to Alpha-3, Twitch gets in the kill of it. Spot's torpedo takes off both shields from Delta-2, Doc deals it 2 hull, and Grood kills off Delta-1. Doc now at 5xp, same for Grood. 4Xp for Twitch, 2 for Wilt and Spot.

Delta-2 no shot. Falcon-3 no shot. Falcon-2 misses Doc with both shots (had no shot on either YT), and Falcon-1 takes a shield and Wilt's stealth device.

The YT-2400 kills Alpha-4 with a lucky roll (2 hits, vs 1 evade and 3 blanks!)

Beta-3 lucks out again failing a 2 nd round, to suffer any damage from his Console fire critical, then misses Doc.

The YT-1300 deals a 2 nd hull to Beta-3.

Round 5) Gamma squad shows up in the SE Corner (rolled a 3). The YT-2400 plans a 3 straight, 3k for the YT-1300, 2 turn left for Doc, Grood and Wilt, 2 bank left for Twitch and 2 bank right for Spot.

Beta-3 rolls a 3 straight, STILL fails to clear his critical. Has no shot, and can't barrel roll into getting one. Gamma all straights 4. Gamma-1 and 3 focus, while 2 bumps into the YT-2400.

The YT-1300 moves, takes a stress.

Delta-2 re-locks the YT-1300, then tries a 4k, bumping into Spot. No shot or action.

All in Falcon still too far to lock, so Straight 3 and focus.

The YT-2400 moves and locks Gamma-2. The rest of the rebels move. Doc and Grood both barrel roll left to get arcs to shoot the Falcons, Wilt and Twitch lock onto Falcon-3, while Spot locks Falcon-1. Twiches torpedo takes the shield off Falcon-3, while Wilt's torpedo deals it a damaged cockpit and stunned pilot criticals. Doc then kills it off. Grood barely hits Falcon-1 taking its shield, and Spot's proton torpedo deals it 2 hull and a structural damage critical. Both torpedos gone for Spot. Twitches torpedo gone, Both of Doc's ordinance gone, Grood's plasma torpedo gone and Wilt's plasma torpedo gone. Both still have their advance torpedo remaining. Doc now at 8xp, 5xp Twitch, 3xp Wilt and Spot, while Grood is now at 5xp.

Delta-2 no shot, Falcon-1 takes 2 more shields off Spot, while Falcon-2 takes 2 off the YT-1300. Leaves it with 1 shield left.. DOH.

The YT-2400 misses Gamma-3.

Gamma-1 and 2 no shot, and Gamma 3 takes 2 shields off the YT-2400. Then Beta-3 takes the last shield off the YT-1300. HE then dies to the YT-1300's counter fire.. ALL Tie fighters now gone.

Will finish up round 6 and beyond later.. Got EPL to go watch.

This makes 8 + 8 + 8 + 14 + 4 + 14 + 6 = 12xp average for 5 players. Adding to the 8xp average from what I had at 3 players, that gives 10xp average overall.

Will add 10xp to ALL ships used (except Twitch/Shatter/Shrek and Snoopy).

So for the upgrades; For the B-wings - Doc purchased the name pilot of Gemmer Sojan, banked his remaining XP, Wilt and Grood both upped their PS to 6, Spot also upped his PS to 6, but also had XP in the bank, so purchased the crew slot of Baze Maibus, and Shunt converted from a Y-wing to a B-wing, with the Sabine wren crew slot. He's yet to get a cannon or system though.

For the Y-wings - Crack acquired the EPT of Saturation Salvo, sold back his Flechette torpedo, to replace it with an Ion torpedo, and purchased the Extra munitions modification. Dozer upped his PS to 6, and purchased a 2nd shield upgrade, Cmoz just purchased the Wingman EPT, and Unca purchased a proton bomb and extra munitions.

For the X-wings - Gruff converted over to an A-wing, Jinn banked all of his, so did Squeaky and Chaka. Tin-bok acquired the EPT of Opportunist.

And joining Drogo in an A-wing is now Gruff..

Gruff – PS6, EPTs of Determination, Lone wolf and Opportunist, Hull upgrade, stealth device and munition's failsafe, and. the missile of an Assault missile. Drogo upped his PS to 5

Edited by LTuser