2 nd running at 5 ships.
Using 5 Y-wings. Crack (PS 6, takes his seismic bomb and flechette torpedo), Cmoz (PS5, goes with his Cluster mine and proton torpedo), Shunt (PS5, goes with his proton bomb and Plasma torpedo), Unca (PS 6 just has his seismic bomb and proton torpedo) and Dozer (PS6 foes with his proximity mine and his plasma torpedo). Squad leader will be on Dozer. Only mine 1 is present.
Alpha starts on spot 3, Beta on spot 5.
Cmoz and Dozer start up in the NW corner, Angled towards the center of the map, will plan moves to drop their mines to catch Falcon squad. The 2400 is next to them. The 1300 is in the NE corner, angled towards fuel tanks 3 and 4, with Crack, Unca and Shunt in the middle. Gamma squad shifts to being Strikers.
Round 1) Cmoz plans a 2 bank right, 3 for Dozer. 3 straights for Shunt, Crack and 4 straight for Unca. Both YT's plan a 2 straight.
Alpha squad straights 5 and evades, Beta squad straights 3 and evades.
All rebels move. Other than Cmoz and Dozer planting their mines, all that happened was Unca shot Alpha-1, dealing 1 hull. Shunt used Wingman to remove Unca's stress.
The return shot from Alpha-1 took 1 shield and his stealth device.
1xp Unca, 0xp all others.
Round 2) Unca plans a 1 straight, 2 straight both Crack and Shunt, 3 bank left Cmoz, 3 bank right Dozer, and 1 straights for both the YT's.
Alpha-1 straights 5 and focuses. Alpha 2-4 all turn 3 left, 2 has a shot so focuses, 3 and 4 have to evade. All in Beta 4 straight and focus.
The rebels move. The 1300 locks onto Beta-3, the 2400 docks on fuel tanks 3 and 4, Dozer locks Beta-1, so does Shunt, Crack locks Beta-2, Unca locks Beta-3, and Cmoz protects the YT-1300.
Unca's proton torpedo destroys Beta-3 outright. Dozer kills Beta-1, Crack's Flechette torpedo misses, So do Shunt and Cmoz.
Dozer 2xp, 3xp Unca, 0 still Crack, Shunt and Cmoz. The 2400 finishes off Alpha-1. Is now docked.
Alpha-2 misses Shunt, and 3-4 both shoot but miss the YT-1300. Beta-2 misses as well.
The 1300 deals 1 hull to Beta-2.
Round 3) Delta's two advance, show up in SW corner. The YT-2400 starts to drain tank 4, 1300 plans a 2 right bank, same for Dozer. 2 turn right for Cmoz, 4k for Unca, 1 bank left for Crack and 3 bank right for Shunt.
Alpha-2-4 all turn right 1. Alpha-2 and 4 both focus, but Alpha-3 bumps into Beta-2. Beta-2 straights 2 bumping into Shunt.
The 1300 moves and focuses.
Delta-1 and 2 too far to lock. Both straight 4 and focus.
The rest of the rebels move. Dozer locks Delta-1, Shunt locks Delta-2, Crack locks Alpha-4, Unca takes a stress again, and Cmoz bumps into Beta-2. Dozer fires his plasma torpedo taking just 1 shield off of Delta-1, Crack fires his torpedo and deals 1 shield to Delta-2. Unca kills Beta-2, Cmoz misses and Shunt takes the last shield off Delta-2, gives it 1 hull and a Minor Hull breach critical. Shunt uses Wingman to remove Unca's stress (though after ranging it, was just out of range to do so). All in Beta squad dead.
Delta-1 takes 1 shield off the YT-1300, Delta-2 misses.
The 2400 gives a Stunned pilot critical to Alpha-3.
Alpha-2 takes 2 shields off of Cmoz, Alpha-3 takes his 3 rd , and Alpha-4 misses.
The YT-1300 uses opportunist to add a 4 th attack die, but still misses the blasted Tie advance... BOO.
Fuel tank 4 now drained.
Unca now at 5xp, 3xp for Dozer, 1xp for Shunt and Crack, still 0 for Cmoz.
Round 4) Falcon-1, 2 and 3 show up in NW corner. Falcon-1 will trip mid and right part of Cmoz's cluster mine, while Falcon-2 will trip Dozer's Proximity mine.
The YT-1300 plans a bank 1 left, to clear his stress, 2 turn left for Unca, 2 bank left for Dozer, 3 bank right for Cmoz, 2 turn right for Crack and 2 turn left for Shunt. The 2400 will drain tank 3.
Alpha-2 turns right 1 and focuses, Alpha-3 does a 3k, while not killing self from Stunned pilot critical. The 1300 moves and bumps into Delta-1, does not clear its stress, but blocks Delta-1 from locking him.
Delta-1 no lock, so tries a 2 left turn, but won't clear the YT-1300, so stays where he is. Delta-2 locks the 1300, then banks bumping into him. So both Advances are bumped!!
Falcon-1 to 3 too far to lock. All roll a 2 turn right. However, all have to shift to a bank, to avoid running off the west map edge side. Even a 2 straight, would put Falcon-1 through both parts of the mine, so sticks with his bank, rolls the 4 damage, loses his shield, and takes a hull and a stunned pilot critical. Falcon-2 loses his shield from the proximity mine, and also takes a stunned pilot critical (wow, 3 of those crits right out the get go).. Falcon-3 banks, and focuses. Cmoz and Dozer +1xp.
The rest of the rebels move. Crack locks Alpha-2, Unca Alpha-4, Shunt re-locks Delta-2, Dozer re-locks Delta-1 and Cmoz locks Alpha-3. Dozer misses, declines to waste his lock (the bugger rolled 3 evades, so no matter what I rolled, I wouldn't have damaged him). Shunt takes the 2 nd shield off Delta-2, and deals him 2 hull. Crack deals 1 hull Alpha-2, Unca blows up Alpha-4, and Cmoz again misses.
Unca now at 7xp, 4 for Dozer, 2xp Crack, 2xp Shunt, 1xp Cmoz.
Falcon-1 shoots Cmoz, taking his last shield. Falcon-2 takes 2 shields off the YT-1300, while Falcon-3 is just out of range to shoot anyone. Delta-1 takes a shield and the stealth device off Shunt, while Delta-2 misses.
The 2400 gives a Damaged engine critical to Alpha-2.
Alpha-2 takes one shield off the 2400 in return fire, while Alpha-3 takes one off Unca.
The 1300 destroys mine 1, and the 2400 finishes draining tank 3.
Round 5) Gamma's strikers show up in the SE corner (rolled a 3). The 1300 plans a 2 turn left (will keep stress for now), 2 left bank Dozer, 2 straight for the 2400, 2 turn left for Shunt, 2 turn right for Cmoz, 3 bank right for Crack and 1 bank left for Unca.
Alpha-2 straights 2 and evades. Alpha-3 banks right 2 and focuses. All in Gamma squad bank 3 right. Gamma-1 and 3 barrel roll left to get arc, 2 evades.
The 1300 moves. Keeps its stress.
Delta-1 and 2 lock the 1300. Delta 1 then 4ks, while Delta-2 also tries a 4k, but bumps into Delta-1.
Falcon-1 locks Cmoz, then Turns 2 left and focus. Neither Falcon-2 or 3 can lock. Falcon-2 straights 4 and focuses, while Falcon-3 Turns 3 left, bumping Falcon-1.
The 2400 moves, locks Alpha-3.
The rest of the rebels move. Shunt locks Gamma-1, Cmoz locks Falcon-1, then boosts forward, Dozer shifts lock to Delta-2, Unca locks Falcon-3 and Crack shifts lock to Delta-1.
Unca's shot takes the shield off of Falcon-3. Dozer kills off Delta-2, Crack misses. Shunt kills Gamma-1, then uses Wingman to remove the 1300's stress. Cmoz then deals a damaged cockpit critical to Falcon-1. His PS is now 0.
Unca now at 8xp, Dozer now at 7xp, Crack still at 2xp, Shunt now at 5xp, and Cmoz now at 2xp.
Falcon-1 takes the last shield off the YT-1300, Falcon-2 gives him 1 hull damage, and Falcon-3 takes the last shield off Unca. Delta-1 then gives a 2 nd hull to the 1300.
The 2400 shoots his proton rockets, killing off Alpha-3.
Alpha-2 and all in Gamma no shot. Alpha squad down to 1 ship!
Round 6) Jericho's elite bomber, shows up in the SW corner. The YT-1300 plans a 1 straight, same for the 2400. 2 bank left Dozer, 2 turn right Cmoz, 2 bank right Shunt, 4k Crack and 2 turn left Unca.
Falcon-1 re-locks the 2400, then banks 2 right and focuses. Alpha-2 does a 3k. Gamma-2 and 3 JUST out of range to lock, then straights 3, and both evade.
The 1300 moves, Docks onto Tank 1 and 2.
Delta-1 then re-locks the 1300, and turns 2 left and focuses. Falcon-1 locks the 2400, then banks right 2 and focuses, while Falcon-2 locks the 1300, and straights 3 and focuses. Falcon-3 just out of range to lock either freighter, so turns 2 left and focuses.
The YT-2400 moves, and docks onto Tanks 5 and 6.
Jericho is just out of range to lock the 1300, straights 4 and focuses.
The rest of the rebels move. Dozer locks Jericho, Cmoz focuses, Unca shifts his lock to Delta-1, Shunt shifts lock to Falcon-2 and Crack takes a stress. Dozer gives 3 hull to Jericho, Unca takes the last shield and gives 1 hull to Delta-1, then Crack kills it off.
Jericho gives a 3 rd hull to the 1300. EEK, close to being disabled.
Shunt deals a 2 nd hull to Falcon-2, and Cmoz misses.
Unca now at 9xp, Dozer now at 8xp, Crack at 5xp, Shunt now at 6xp, and Cmoz still at 2xp.
Falcon-1 then takes a 2 nd shield off the 2400, Falcon-2 disables the 1300, and Falcon-3 takes 2 more shields off the 2400.
The 2400 misses his shot.
None in Gamma or Alpha-2 has a shot.
The 2400 now docked on tanks 5 and 6.
Round 7) The 2400 will start draining tank 6. Crack plans a 1 straight to clear his stress, 2 turn left for Shunt and Cmoz, 3 bank left for Unca and 2 bank left for Dozer.
Falcon-1 re-locks the 2400, turns 3 right bumping into it.
Alpha-2 banks 3 left and focuses. Gamma-2 and 3 still out of range to lock, both Bank 2 left. Gamma-3 bumps into Alpha-2, Gamma-2 has no shot so evades.
Falcon-2 and 3 lock the 2400, Falcon-2 turns 3 left and focuses, while Falcon-3 banks 3 right and focuses. Jericho no lock, turns 3 left and focuses.
The rest of the rebels move. Cmoz barrel rolls left, Shunt locks Falcon-2, Dozer focuses, Crack clears stress then locks Falcon-1, and Unca focuses. Unca then causes a 4 th hull to Jericho, while Dozer deals it a damaged Sensor array critical. Crack kills off Falcon-1.
Jericho takes the last shield off the 2400 and gives him a weapons malfunction critical. Cmoz misses, and Shunt deals a 2 nd hull to Falcon-2.
Unca now at 10xp, 9 for Dozer, 8 for Crack, 7 for Shunt and still 2 for Cmoz.
Falcon-3 misses the YT, while Falcon-3 deals 2 more hull to it, disabling it. The rebels now shift to needing to blow up the remaining tanks before they can flee.. THIS will unfortunately destroy the 2400 and the 1300.. RATS...
Gamma-2 and 3 no shot. Alpha-2 misses.
Round 😎 Obsidian 1 and 2 show up in the NW corner, angled towards Cmoz.
Dozer plans a 2 bank left, same for Crack, 2 turn right Shunt, 4k for Unca and 3 bank right for Cmoz.
Alpha-2 turns 3 left. Both left in Gamma turn 1 left and focus. Falcon-2 locks Shunt then turns 2 right and focus, while Falcon-3 locks Cmoz and turns 2 right and focuses.
Jericho Straights 1, clears his damaged sensor array. Obsidian 1 and 2 lock Cmoz, then roll a 4 straight. This takes Obsidian 2 over the last part of Cmoz's cluster mine, and even downgrading to a 3 bank still will have him run over it.. So he sticks with his 4 straight, but takes NO damage (lucky bugger).. Obsidian 1 then focuses.
The rebels move. Shunt drops his first proton bomb, then locks Alpha-2. His bomb kills off Falcon-2 and gives a Thrust control fire to Alpha-2. Crack drops his Seismic bomb, dealing a 5th Jericho, giving a 5 th hull to the YT-1300, and 1 hull each to Fuel tank 2, then bumps into the 2400. Dozer shifts his lock to Gamma-3. Cmoz takes a focus, and Unca stresses. Unca then destroys tank 2, which gives 1 hull to tank 1 and kills off the 1300 as well kills off Jericho (YAY, +1xp all for the Elite!). Dozer misses, and Crack deals a hull to Gamma-3.
Obsidian-1 shoots his Assault missile at Cmoz, stripping his last shields, dealing him 1 hull. Also deals 1 to each of Fuel tank 5 and 6, and a 4 th to the 2400. Obsidian-2's missile kills Cmoz, the 2400, and destroys off the 2 fuel tanks. -2 xp to all rebels! .
Shunt then kills off Alpha-2.
Unca now at 11xp, 8 for Dozer, 1 for Cmoz, 8 for Shunt and 8 for Crack.
Falcon-3 deals 2 more hull to Crack, Gamma-2 takes 2 shields off Dozer, while Gamma-3 takes a 3 rd .
Round 9) Unca plans a 1 bank left to clear stress, 3 straight Dozer, 2 bank left Crack and 3 bank right Shunt.
Gamma-2 and 3 lock Dozer, Gamma-2 then straights 2 bumping into 3's back, while Gamma-3 does a 2k. Falcon-3 locks Crack then turns 2 right and focuses. Due to Cmoz dying, Neither in Obsidian close enough to lock anyone, so both straight 4 and focus.
The rebels move. Unca clears his stress, and focuses, Shunt locks Gamma-3, Dozer bumps, and Crack locks Gamma-3. Crack deals a 2 nd hull to Gamma-2, Unca destroys the last fuel tank, which unfortunately blows up taking another shield off of Shunt. All rebels can now get out. Dozer misses.
Obsidian-1 and 2 miss crack.. man was he lucky! Falcon-3 however, ruined his luck killing him.
Gamma-2 takes the last shield off of Dozer, and gives him 1 hull. Gamma-3 no shot.
Unca still at 11xp, 1 still for Cmoz, 8 still for Shunt and Dozer, and 9 for Crack.
Round 10). Unca plans a 1 bank right, 4 straight for Dozer and 3 bank left for Shunt.
After the imperials move, Unca preps for hyperspace, Shunt locks Falcon-3 and Dozer takes a stress and has no shot. Unca safely enters hyperspace. Falcon-3 takes a 2 nd hull from Shunt, shifting him to 9xp. Dozer takes 2 more hull damage.
Round 11) Both the remaining rebels enter hyperspace safely, after Shunt dropped his 2 nd proton bomb, killing off Falcon-3 and giving a hull to Gamma-2.
A 2 nd straight Rebel loss.. Unca made out with 11xp, Cmoz sucked only netting 1, 12 for Shunt (thanks to his bombs), 8 for Dozer and 9 for Crack. 8.2xp average.