Building a Geonosis battlefield

By JBar, in Terrain Building

After seeing the FFG Clone Wars demo, I fell in love with the Geonosis terrain. Does anyone have any thoughts on how they did the spires? I'm creating this thread to get some see what people have in mind for making a Geonosis battlefield. Here are some idea starters for me:

The FFG live stream

Creating red martian rocks

Blast wreckage

Rock spires

Cheap and easy stalagmites (not as good as the FFG ones, I'd still like to find out how they made those)

For area terrain basing, apparently EPVC is the way to go. I've used partical board in the past, but I live in an apartment now and cant' be sawing things all day. Does anyone know where to find EPVC? It's mentioned here (time stamp) as well as in the red martian rocks video.

I'm also looking at getting some old Hasbro toys to use as wreckage.

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Feel free to post more ideas. I'll be updating this with anything I find.

Edited by JBar

Just found a video on how to do the spires!

Yep, my advice was going to be cutting round foam pieces in a uniform-ish way, gluing them together, then carving and sanding them from there. Should be pretty easy! and wouldn't require much foam, either!

Edit: also if anyone offers any easy places to get EPVC, I'm interested to know also, in the US. I've tried to google it so many times, but there are so many types of "pvc" type material, I never know what is the material that is actually being discussed in terrain-making videos.

Edited by manoftomorrow010

I just go straight to Home Depot and grab pink insulation foam... although I can order in bulk, bulk is annoying delivery...

3 minutes ago, Drasnighta said:

I just go straight to Home Depot and grab pink insulation foam... although I can order in bulk, bulk is annoying delivery...

same this is what i use and i don't even bother with "basing" because with that pink foam + spackle + glue, etc. on top, makes the surface very hard and durable.

The Hasbro Gunship is way to large for use with Legion, by at least a factor of 1.5x, if not 2x or greater. Compare these pictures, and you can see just how off the LAAT/i is.



And these guys are my Clone Paras, built off of Deathtroopers. If anything, they should be a bit tall compared to your average Clone trooper, and they look tiny in the gunship.

5 hours ago, Alpha17 said:

The Hasbro Gunship is way to large for use with Legion, by at least a factor of 1.5x, if not 2x or greater. Compare these pictures, and you can see just how off the LAAT/i is.

And these guys are my Clone Paras, built off of Deathtroopers. If anything, they should be a bit tall compared to your average Clone trooper, and they look tiny in the gunship.

Thanks for the pics! I ordered a gunship wing. Looks like I'll have to hack it up in pieces for rubble.

19 hours ago, JBar said:

Thanks for the pics! I ordered a gunship wing. Looks like I'll have to hack it up in pieces for rubble.

No problem. I love the Gunship, and would love to see models of it on the table, but the Hasbro one looks silly compared to figures.

It wasn't at either Geonosis battle, but the Hasbro Clone Turbo tank does look good on the table, and is a great LOS blocker if you're looking for a Hasbro toy to use.


Just got back from some supply errands. I finally found the "Expanded pvc." It's commonly known as Sintra and I got the 3mm thickness. It was $30 for a 4ft X 8ft sheet.


Edited by JBar
On 7/13/2019 at 6:27 AM, Alpha17 said:

No problem. I love the Gunship, and would love to see models of it on the table, but the Hasbro one looks silly compared to figures.

It wasn't at either Geonosis battle, but the Hasbro Clone Turbo tank does look good on the table, and is a great LOS blocker if you're looking for a Hasbro toy to use.


OMG that Turbo Tank looks like the perfect scale!

Do you have a length measurement of it?!

17 hours ago, JBar said:

Just got back from some supply errands. I finally found the "Expanded pvc." It's commonly known as Sintra and I got the 3mm thickness. It was $30 for a 4ft X 8ft sheet.


Yeah I havent tried it yet, but I got a pile of 1x1' scraps from TAP Plastics at 50 cents a scrap, so I'm pretty hype!

Anybody have a pucture of an AT-TE that is battle damaged? Hasbro toy is very close to being in scale.


2 hours ago, Funny Defcon said:

Anybody have a pucture of an AT-TE that is battle damaged? Hasbro toy is very close to being in scale.


Do you have the Hasbro toy? Would love pics of one undamaged for scale ref!

22 hours ago, CaptainRocket said:

OMG that Turbo Tank looks like the perfect scale!

Do you have a length measurement of it?!

Yeah I havent tried it yet, but I got a pile of 1x1' scraps from TAP Plastics at 50 cents a scrap, so I'm pretty hype!

22.5" long by 11" tall. My math puts it right in-between the lengths for the two versions of the Juggernaut, with it being too short to be canon A6, and too long to be the A5. That said, it looks good on the table, and makes for a great terrain piece.

I made some progress. This is my "test piece" where I make my first piece and see if I like the colors and overall look. I'll have to wait 3 days for the undercoat paint to cure before adding spray paint so that the foam doesn't soften. I'm planning on spray painting it a brown/orange and then some light tan for highlights. I brushed on some premium Craft Smart "French Wine." I find the premium paint is worth the extra 20 cents per bottle. By the way, get this foam cutter from Amazon . It has both a wire cutter and a tool that easily makes the grooves in the spires. I just bought it and it's totally worth it. I sculpted some instant paper mache I found at Michaels and used a wooden dowel for the small pillar. I filled the gaps with some spackle from Home Depot. I then mixed some sand with watered down Elmer's glue and spread it around the model. Everything was glued together using rubber cement.

By the way, I finally found some "EPVC" commonly known as Sintra. It really is perfect and I got the 3mm thickness.





In a few days once the undercoat cures I'll try out these colors. (Patience is hard!)


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Finally got to spray paint it


Edited by JBar

I redid the colors and I'm way happier with them. Instead of using spray paint I painted everything with Craft Smart French Wine (like I originally did). Then I did a heavy drybrush with Liquitex Rex Oxide (basically a burnt orange color) and then a light drybrush using Liquitex Naples Yellow Hue (A tan/yellow color). After all the trial and error I'm happy to continue with these colors.


I also hot glued on some rocks onto the Sintra basing. Then I used spackle to blend the rocks into the board. Next I mixed sand, water, and glue and smeared it all over the base. I colored it using the above method.


Built some Spires using the youtube video linked in the first post. I covered the cork board in Spackle first before sanding and painting.

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Edited by JBar

Some more additions. I think I'm good as far as light and difficult terrain goes. Now I'm working on more line of sight blocking terrain. Gotta stop those snipers!







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Finished up a couple more pieces. The sun was setting so they look kinda orange. Also, I found that Rustoleum Clear Matte spray is a great sealant. I sprayed on three coats for each piece.

Next up will be the crashed droid starfighters and Republic Gunship wing.


Edited by JBar

Some updates. I have to wait a few days for the paper mache to fully dry out. Then I'll get to painting the crashed ships.

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I'm hoping this will be enough terrain. I might make a few more pieces but I want leave some room for new ideas instead of making more of the same stuff.

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More updates! The blackened burned areas are made from graphite powder. I used a heat gun to mangle up the wing into the rock. After repainting it, i made sure to seal it with some Rustoleum Matte clear spray. I'm really happy with the results. Should be good to block line of sight with.




Edited by JBar

This piece was an afterthought but the Facebook pages really seemed to like it haha. I almost didn't make it. I used some Geonosian warriors as statues. I think I'm finished with everything now. I'm just waiting for my mars mat to arrive in the mail. If I need some more I might pick up some 3d printed spires for more line of sight blocking terrain.



And here are the finished starfighters. It took some work not getting paint on the original paint jobs.



Edited by JBar

I really like the statues, though I think I would have painted them to resemble a different material such as gold, patinated bronze, or even a different kind/color of stone just to add a little contrast. Nevertheless, they're well done!

My mat from Frontline Gaming came in! Can't wait for the clone wars to come out!



