Army Color Scheme?

By Xercius, in Painting

I’m trying to plan how to paint my rebels overall and I keep running into an obstacle.

My thought was to pick an environment (forest, desert, snowy, etc..) and paint my whole force with that in mind.

id especially like one type of base design that my miniatures will share.

my issue is that some models are thematically designed for certain types of environments, it might look ridiculous if I painted a trooper in snow gear with a desert theme.

what are everyone’s thoughts on this?


Its a vast galaxy, with tons of environments. In a single tournament setting you could go from sand, to ice, to urban ruins, and underneath all of that is sweet, sweet dirt.

I gave my rebels a brown theme, dosent stick out like a sore thumb under any conditions. I color coded my squads, like on the helmets and undershirts but that was a personal touch, from the good old empire at war days.

I ended up basing mine with light Savaana grass, but before I did I was going to use one of GW's mud paints. Just put it on your base, let it dry, and it cracks, like dry mud. Won't look out of place wherever the battle takes you

I always plug this painting video. I made up my own approach for my Endor army (not that hers is bad) but the Hoth scheme she uses is really, really good. Ie, it's fast and easy and looks right. I have adapted her Hoth approach to other SW minis lines with great success. She also has a Scariff color scheme that would look good for desert too. I timed myself once. Not counting drying times in between, I can paint a primed squad of rebel troopers in 44 minutes of actual brush time. I don't count the time that goes into assembly or spray priming cause that's the same no matter what approach you take.

I made some changes based on experience and personal preference. But her choice of color order is great especially for squads. Most mistakes cancel each other out as you go and very little time is spent fixing mistakes.

If they look good from 3 feet away they look good enough. I base all my Legion stuff on sandy bases regardless of uniforms. It looks better in snow than grass does, looks better on Endor than snow does, etc.