Rallypoint Qualifier List

By Rogue Dakotan, in Army Building

I have an RPQ on Saturday. Need a list.

Here's my first pass:

Luke Skywalker [160](168)
Emergency Stims [8]

Sabine Wren [125](160)
Recon Intel [2]
Emergency Stims [8]
The Darksaber [25]

Rebel Troopers [40](80)
Z-6 Trooper [22]
2-1B Medical Droid [18]

Rebel Troopers [40](80)
Z-6 Trooper [22]
2-1B Medical Droid [18]

Rebel Troopers [40](72)
Z-6 Trooper [22]
Rebel Trooper [10]
Rebel Troopers [40](72)
Z-6 Trooper [22]
Rebel Trooper [10]

Fleet Troopers [44](80)
Scatter Gun Trooper [23]
Fleet Trooper [11]
Recon Intel [2]

Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) [16](44)
DH-447 Sniper [28]

Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) [16](44)
DH-447 Sniper [28]
Son of Skywalker
My Ally Is the Force
Return of the Jedi
Legacy of Mandalore
Standing Orders

I recently fought against a similar list, instead of Fleets and additional troopers they had a naked rebel unit and another strike sniper team, also Luke with force push. It was a really hard battle. Luke and Sabine together can kill half your army if you're not careful.

Edited by Staelwulf

I only have 2 commandos and 4 rebel troopers in my collection. So I don't have any extras of the units that are currently in the list.

Looks pretty good to me! 😁 πŸ‘

My only thought would be to drop an extra Trooper somewhere so you can put Force Push on Luke. There are so many useful tricks with Force Push it’s hard to leave it out.

You don’t have a second unit of Fleets do you?

If you do I’d consider upgrading one of the Troopers to Fleets. Two units of Fleets would be a good up close distraction to go alongside Luke and Sabine, possibly taking some of the heat off them.

Edited by BenBot

I only have the one set of Fleets. Dropping a trooper for Push sounds like a good move. πŸ‘

Based on what units you own, I’d drop the two extra Rebel Troopers and the extra Fleet Trooper to add Force Push to Luke and a Rebel Officer to the Fleets.

Congratulations! 😁 πŸ‘