Wonder Twins (with friends?)

By gothound, in Army Building

Adding in 2 medics and an officer leaves an akward point gap, and makes me drop a corps. Upgrading to fleets helps, and I love the pierce for Deathtroopers plus other armored baddies.

What do you all think? Is dropping a Z-6 worth it for the 3 specialists? Is 10 points too big of a his?


Luke Skywalker 160
Force Push, Emergency Stims,

Leia Organa 90
Improvised Orders, Strict Orders,

Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper, 2-1B Medical Droid,

x2 Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,

Fleet Troopers 44
Scatter Gun Trooper, 2-1B Medical Droid,

Fleet Troopers 44
Scatter Gun Trooper, Rebel Officer Upgrade,

x3 Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 16
DH-447 Sniper,

I would consider moving the officer and medical droid from the fleets to the regular troopers. The officer can still inspire to help the fleets get in close, the medical droid unit can either move up to heal the fleets or back to heal the snipers as needed, and the fleets will likely get focused down so the expensive upgrades are likely to stay on the table longer.

If you don't want a 10 point bid, add some Recon Intel to your strike teams

On 7/7/2019 at 5:54 PM, L3rr1s said:

I would consider moving the officer and medical droid from the fleets to the regular troopers. The officer can still inspire to help the fleets get in close, the medical droid unit can either move up to heal the fleets or back to heal the snipers as needed, and the fleets will likely get focused down so the expensive upgrades are likely to stay on the table longer.

Ooh I like the list and might be even better with these suggestions!

With the Officer and MedDroid on the Fleets they become the obvious target but with them on the Troopers your opponent has a tougher time deciding who to shoot at.

On 7/7/2019 at 7:32 PM, manoftomorrow010 said:

If you don't want a 10 point bid, add some Recon Intel to your strike teams

This might be nice too. Get those Fleets up the table a little quicker!