Fangorn Cloak question

By Jonsensei, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

I couldn’t find any info on interpreting the text on the Fangorn Cloak card so I am asking here.

Why is the Agility and Range Weapon symbol on the Fangorn Cloak card?

Also, the 1 success: 2 hits?

Can the cloak be used as a range weapon by itself or does it add to the possible number of hits with a range weapon?

16 hours ago, Jonsensei said:

Can the cloak be used as a range weapon by itself or does it add to the possible number of hits with a range weapon? 

When you attack with another weapon that tests Agility, you can spend your successes on that weapon's hit lines, Fangorn Cloak's. When you make a Ranged attack, you can spend successes on the cloak and another Ranged weapon. If you are a space away from the nearest enemy, but your normal weapon is not Ranged, you can still use the Cloak to attack by itself. So essentially, both!

That's what I was hoping for.

Thanks for the info.