1 hour ago, Amicus Draconis said:Some thoughts I have on this topic:
Ressources are scarce in Lore, so I do not like to pay for Glorfindel's weak healing ability. Granted, it is available from the start, but there is no synergy at all. Given that Lore excels in card draw and Glorfindel is a Noldor hero, I would suggest the following ability: Action: Discard a card from your hand to heal 2 damage on any characer. (Limit once per round)
This way it is usually cheaper in Lore to pay for the action and he will later form a pair with the Imladris Caregiver, just as Beravor and Gléowine do in the core set.
As the waters of the Nimrodel are said to be "healing to the weary", she could be used to also ready another character, probably without healing in the process, something like: Action: Exhaust Daughter of the Nimrodel to either heal up to 2 damage on any 1 character or ready any 1 character.On second thought, this would turn her into an Unexpected Courage in ally form and easier to pull off than Spare Hood and Cloak plus Long Lake Trader. Still, being able to target allies would help this card. I try to figure something out tomorrow.While Self-preservation more implies damage avoidance for me, there hardly is a difference between cancelling damage and healing it, as long as there are enough hitpoints to spare. At least this attachment heals for more than the Raven-winged Helm can cancel and it is available to non-Sentinels as well. But if you reduce the cost or give some extra hitpoints, then the Helm surely needs a buff as well, as Honour Guard by far is the better option.
I am surprised to not see Dark Knowledge on the list. I usually do not bother at all with this card, as Burning Brand just cancels most shadow effects (and as long as there is no new FAQ out, I will ignore its exhaustion). The debuff for willpower usually is not a problem, as not every hero will be questing. At least it is cheaper than Silver Lamp and does not require a certain sphere icon or readiness. Though I do not have an idea for now to improve this card.
Glorfindel doesn't have synergy with the Noldor discard-from-hand archetype, true. I considered moving in that direction, but I also realized that there is a whole noldor sub- archetype based around spending resources for abilities: Glorfindel, Elladan, Elrohir, Gildor Inglorion. Hero Arwen also happens to synergize with both archetypes. So I aimed at trying to make spending the resource more worthwhile. In my own playtesting, I have really enjoyed the stat boost.
I'll probably boost raven wing helm if we ever get to that cycle. (I hope to, because I want to fix Dori, too) The simplest fix is to add a hit point boost, maybe +1.
On Dark Knowledge, I left it out explicitly because of the burning brand errata. It's true that the brand pretty much killed this card. But even without the brand errata, it's still very useful in a deck that runs armored destrier or other shadow discard effects. With the errata, it's even good as a complement to the burning brand, letting us know if there is a worse effect to exhaust the brand to cancel.
On the Daughter, I think I'm going to end up with the following ability, added on top of her existing one (along with a willpower boost?): response - after a character leaves play, place a progress on a location in the staging area. Limit once per round.