Alright - some revisions based on feedback from a lot of places.
First off, Glorfindel. I am more than halfway considering retracting the proposed nerf, after it has been pointed out to me in a number of places that Glorfindel is a lot less overpowered than he once was - in large part because his historical overuse has at least as much to do with the fact that there were very few viable Spirit options for a general-purpose deck until the game's 4th or 5th cycle. In Core, Eowyn is the only one - Dunhere is too specialized to splash and Eleanor is largely a multiplayer card. In Shadows of Mirkwood, Frodo is useful (but also the only Spirit hero that cycle). In Dwarrowdelf, the only other Spirit hero is Dwalin, whose ability is situational, so you can't just put him into a deck. In the Against the Shadow cycle, you get Spirit Pippin (one of the worst heroes in the game) and Caldara (good - not yet very good, that will require a few cycles - but only useful in a mono-spirit deck). In Ringmaker, you get Idraen and Galadriel, the first real splash options for Spirit for a long time (Idraen is fine and Galadriel is amazing). The Hobbit boxes brought Nori and Oin - useful in a Dwarf swarm, but not so much outside, and the first 2 LOTR Saga expansions brought only Fatty Bolger - another candidate for one of the worst heroes in the game. So...not a lot of options until much later in the cycle.
In addition, I've had some feedback that the Glorfindel nerf as proposed would kill the hero entirely for a number of players - just too much downside to be worth the low starting threat.
So here we go:
Another option might be to give Glorfindel a positive ability as well as the harsher original nerf - something mild but useful. (Of course - the easy option is to leave him the way he is, and realize that the game's power curve has crept up enough that he's not so powerful that he warps deckbuilding space anymore - and as I've said, I'm seriously considering it.)
Asfaloth, on the other hand, probably stays nerfed (although remaining as-is is also on my mind). But nobody really liked any of the proposed ideas.
So, building on Dale's observation that one progress is not enough and two is too much, but 1 with a conditional 2 might work out, here is an idea:
It synergizes with Noldor, but not so much that it can't be played outside the trait. And it can also - finally! - go onto ally Glorfindel.
Next - those Healing Herbs were far too powerful. I'd blame lack of sleep, but really it's probably that I didn't spend enough time to actually think deeply about what I was writing on the card when I made the last-minute change. Instead, here is another version - built along the lines of Dale's suggestion (and very similar to the pre-last-minute change version - I don't know what I was thinking, other than maybe not wanting to step on Athelas' toes).
And there has been widespread pushback about Risk Some Light - 1 cost for scry 3 plus discard a card might actually be too cheap. And on reflection, I agree with it, although I still think that 3 is too expensive. Luckily, there is a wonderful middle ground just waiting for us.
Finally, Heavy Stroke was generally well-received (except for 1 commenter who felt that being a niche card for non-immune boss enemies was exactly what the card should be - I'll just register my disagreement here and move on, noting also that it is not even really that useful against non-immune boss enemies), but it was felt that the proposed version of the card lost a lot thematically. Here is a proposed version built from that feedback that is more thematically useful - though I think I'm skeptical that it would be good enough to displace Khazad-Khazad as an attack boosting card.
That's the last of the revisions to the latest set of cards. However, I did remember one card that I wanted to touch - more to resolve a lingering wording frustration than because it actually needs a boost. Rivendell Bow. Later on in the game's life, the "making a ranged attack" wording was almost completely dropped, replaced by "attack an enemy not engaged with you." So we're just updating this card (and the few other cards in the early card pool that deal with that wording) to reflect the later approach. Also - because this card not boosting Haldir's Combat Action is...not good.
We also relaxed the "printed ranged" restriction, although it really only matters for a hero given the Dunedain Cache, I suppose, and therefore could be kept as a less-wordy alternative.
As always, feedback is appreciated very much! And - as I hope we have shown - always listened to and often worked into the project.