[Sierra Vista, AZ] Summer Tournament at Orbital Games (July 20th)

By Admiral Calkins, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Orbital Games and Cochise Squadron will be hosting a casual Armada tournament in Sierra Vista on Saturday, July 20th, 2019. This event is to continue easing our community into the tournament scene while maintaining the camaraderie with our fellow group to the north (Tucson Fleet). Registration for the event will be from 11:00 - 11:45am. Introductions, rules briefing, and first round pairings will be from 11:45am - 12:00pm, with the First Round kicking off at 12:00pm. The entry fee is $5 (and we already have enough players committed for a proper three-round swiss-style tournament). Please bring two copies of you fleet list. Prizes will be custom Orbital Games Range Ruler sets, Damage Deck Holders, and Ship Markers from Admiral Tater’s Ship Shop. We look forward to seeing you there and May the Force be With You!





