On 9/14/2019 at 7:41 AM, Stethemessiah said:I'm yet to run this, in fact yet to run my first session, but here is what I came up with for a chase between 2 skiffs. Bad guys had a 2 range band lead at the start.
The skiffs will start the encounter at Long range. Each turn the 2 pilots take a competitive Piloting test, followed by a difficulty 3 piloting test to manoeuvre through the Jungle Canopy.
Result Effect
2 net success Close/Extend range by 1
1 advantage 1 crewman or Mob can fire
1 Triumph Can Sideswipe or ram if Engaged:
Causing 1 upgraded die on next test vs Jungle Canopy, and +1 to target vehicle Strain.
2 Triumph 1 Crewman or mob can attempt to board if engaged.Vs Jungle Canopy:
Result Effect
2 net success +1 Blue die on next Competitive
1 advantage +1 Blue die on next Vs Jungle Canopy
2 advantage Regain 1 Vehicle Strain
1 Triumph Close/Extend range by 1
1 Triumph 1 crew can fire
1 net failure Lose 1 Vehicle SS
x Threats All Crew take difficulty x Coordination check or fall off. Pilot and Gunner gain 1 blue die for test.
1 Despair Opponent may extend or close range, or all opponent’s crew can shoot.Falling Off: Base damage of 10 wounds, and 10 Strain. Difficulty 2 Athletics or Coordination check. Each success reduces the damage suffered by one, while each Advantage reduces the strain suffered by one.
Apologies for the dodgy formatting, tables don't copy well into forum posts.
I used this as a guide for a chase this past weekend and it worked well. The players had fun as did I. There were two near misses with trees doing 4 and 5 vehicle strain. I also had one jedi fail his coordination check when using Force Leap to jump on another bike but he recovered quickly and leapt on the next one coming buy and did a great land and kick the driver off the bike move.
Thanks for the post, it worked well for my game.