8 hours ago, Tokra said:This means we had 3 times 10-1 in round 3 so far? Not bad.
Do I get a medal for the only perfect 10-1? RV is 4pts short.
Are you going to complete the set?
8 hours ago, Tokra said:This means we had 3 times 10-1 in round 3 so far? Not bad.
Do I get a medal for the only perfect 10-1? RV is 4pts short.
Are you going to complete the set?
Biggs v Sam finishes 241-120 to me. He picked my Station assault and killed both stations, Soontir and an Advanced. I killed the Liberty, Garms flag, and his squad wing. Good game and best of luck in the rest of the tourney!
TigerKommandant vs Large Package. 400 - 335. I was second and the objective was hyperspace assault. Ackbar smacked Warlord and Vader. Vader on 1 hull managed to pull it back my way after eliminating Ackbar with a full powered Dev shot. Needa clutched it out killing the MC30.
@Darth Veggie
vs Tokra is over.
We were playing his Superior Positions.
It ended 92 - 342 in my favor.
We did a great hunting game. First the MC75 was the hunted, but in the end he became the hunter. Sadly we are only playing 6 turns, and not 7
Demo and MC75 made a nice hugging contest (with lots of black dice).
Darth Veggie has a logfile.
I saw the start of this game and was thinking - if Demo has a nav order and token he can drop to 0 and miss that MC75 side arc - but he didn’t. He had a squadron order.
Swings and roundabouts I guess.
and I finished our battle last night in a 282-27 (9-2) victory for me, the battle was much closer then the score indicated.
This pic was from late in the battle, I had the upper side and he had the lower. He chose to go 2nd so I chose minefield. He made a barrier across the center of my deployment but I did not mind because I planned to make a flanking run anyway. Knowing how hard it is to keep 3 ships in a good fighting formation, I decided to try to run around a flank in hopes he would block himself. He started off with the Vics to his right and the ISD to the left so I chose to attack on his left. My fleet ran single-file around the minefield with my Avenger in the lead. He turned toward me but sent his ISD out ahead of his Vics so therefore it was his ISD vs my ISD plus all my fighters. That battle went just as expected and while my Avenger had took 4 internals, she still had all her def tokens. Next it was the Avenger and the fighters against the 2 Vics. The Avenger survived 4, full-strength forward salvos form the Vics and finished the game with only one hull point, I told you it was close. Meanwhile, Avenger/Broading Troopers one of the Vics and one shot it!
Thanks to
Round 4 pairings for Europe posted. American ones are pending.
IrishMadCat vs Ginkapo
Admonition has 1 hull zero shields, no defence tokens
Z95 has 1 hull
Draven has no scatter and only 2 hull
However they are not dead, so the score is 265 vs 0, 9-2
I was 1st player with Solar Corona
itzSteve vs Maturin has finished,133-221 MoV to me. Thanks to itzSteve for a very tense game!
He chose first, and selected Fighter Ambush. I deployed my fighters to screen against a turn 1 faceful of Mon Karren. His reinforcements jumped in on turn 2, and rapidly killed off my Pelta, my BCC flotilla, and a HH. Things were looking dire for me as my remaining ships were all hurting, and my X-wing squadron whiffed against a 1 hull, redirect-less Mon Karren, ensuring it'd live through the game.
I only managed the 7-4 as his Jaina's Light (with Raddus aboard) re-engaged my Assault Frigate on turn 6, allowing Norra and 2 Y-wing buddies to roll some very lucky hit/crits, burning the redirect and allowing the AF to finish Jaina's Light off. Whew! We calculated that if he hadn't re-engaged I would have scraped by with a measly 6 MoV, all thanks to tokens. ItzSteve is a very cordial opponent - Thanks for a great game sir.
Log File:
Xanderf and I finished with me winning 121-75. He chose 2nd player and I picked his Solar Corona objective. He used a 3 ship fleet like my last opponent so I again tried to flank him although I was disadvantaged by having to set up first. I was on the bottom of the screen and he was on top. I chose to go to starboard but he caught up with my gonzanti and my carrier. The carrier escaped but the gonzantis were destroyed. Because of the danger to the carrier, I had to circle much wider then I wanted to and my ISD did not engage till the last turn. My fighters destroyed his leading ISD, The picture is from turn 5, my ISD is the one pointed downward and to the left. I lost the gonzantis, 2 TIE fighter squads, and 2 TIE Interceptor squads to his ISD,
Dave vs @BiggsIRL is complete. I managed to snag a solid win 400-158 if I count correctly. My Kuat did really solid work with some help from the Firesprays.
Here is the write-up:
Edited by CommanderDave@LTD and I started our game today. I won the roll-off and choose second. Upon seeing my objectives LTD offered to concede which I accepted as I'm too far off to make the top cut.
Neither of us realised there was actually a fourth round, whoops! I would have probably played my last game differently if I had, but anyway I played dreadfully so probably inconsequential.
Speaking of the previous round I should say a big thanks to @RealVeers for being such a good sport. I played with frequent interruptions and distractions as my kids were up and it would have been entirely reasonable for Veers to get cross with me but he didn't! Proper gent, thanks.
vs. Tokra is over. After an endless squadron hunting fight, RV killed 33 points and i killed 76 points.
All this stress for a MOV of 43
Raddus Squadrons vs. TIE Bomber ball is really an extreme defensive match.
2 hours ago, Zamalekite said:S peaking of the previous round I should say a big thanks to @RealVeers for being such a good sport. I played with frequent interruptions and distractions as my kids were up and it would have been entirely reasonable for Veers to get cross with me but he didn't! Proper gent, thanks.
No problem man, real life is important to RealVeers aswell. I just hope I get to play armada when I have kids.
Great but stressful game. I had no serious way to engage his ball, and decided I will not joust him. I tried to lure him into my ball several times, but I guess he is a good enough player to see this trap ;-).
Thanks @GiledPallaeon for organising this great event!
@The Jabbawookie vs CyborgNinja
1st Player: Jabbawookie
Objective: Fighter Ambush
Score: 189 - 263
Result: 7-4 Win to CyborgNinja (74 MOV)
Thanks to @The Jabbawookie for a great, friendly final round to the tournament. His YT2400s had my squads and ships in a bind, and that was before the MC80 came in to tear my ships apart. Unlucky last couple rounds pushed it into my favor.
(Maybe some photos when it's not 2am here...)
Edited by CyborgNinja
@idjmv has forfeited our game due to illness.
Hope he feels better soon!
@MandalorianMoose vs TigerKommandant
1st Player: MandalorianMoose
Objective: Blockade Run
Final scores: 83 - 182
Result: 7-4 Win to TigerKommandant. MOV of 99
I deployed way in the back waiting out pryce slow going it. Needa got bombed but managed to get 2 great shots off before his death. Interdictor without Brunson or TS got a tad too close to Vader and started hurting. Interdictor almost made it out with one hull but IF insured that kill. Couldn't kill the Quasar at round 6.
Man, that was literally the only result (7-4 to Tiger) that could knock me out of the tourney. Bummer. Nice work on securing the win against Sam though, it looked like a tough matchup.