Fleet Exercises Vassal Tournament Battle Report Thread

By GiledPallaeon, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

It was definitely a great and fun game! I made a mistake with the placement of the CR90 and @RealVeers made the best of it. After that he successfully dogded my fleet and waited till he could place the next shot at the end of the game. I could not get into range so that I was not able to do really much. Maybe I should have been more aggressive but I would have to run directly into the front of Demo, Vic and 6 Bombers. Looked not like a good plan...

Thanks to RealVeers who played a great game!

Edited by Beginner2Winner

@TigerKommandant vs The Jabbawookie ends in a 6-5 win for Tiger, 105-104. I had initiative and chose first, and we played his Solar Corona.

Basically I dropped, kited his ships and killed Warlord, but he popped a GR75 and tore my rogues to pieces. I foolishly threw what was left into a well-crafted meat grinder of flak in a vain attempt to kill an Arquitens. It was an excellent game against a cagey foe, and very enjoyable to play.

Iโ€™ll upload the log later, Iโ€™m away from my computer.

Report vs Beginner2Winner


I had deployment advantage 8 v 5 deployents which I used to delay Demolisher and Warlord until I knew where his ships where. I had 2 options, trying to capture the Conga line, or trying to catch the CR90. Didn't like my chances on the first, so I chose the latter.


End of Round 1

XsPHC64h.png Note this was before Nav. Hazards movement.

Both Warlord and Demo were moved into range. I made sure the BCC Gozanti was in range to allow the TIE Bombers to use its reroll. Italy Debris field moved to obstruct the VSD shot, which was just in Range. I activated Warlord first with a Squad+Token, sending all 5 Bombers into the CR90s side. 5 Attacks (3 blanks into Hit/crits) meant the CR was limping on 1 Hull. The long range shot of Warlord showed 2 crits, CR90 down. I decided I wouldn't be able to get anymore though, and disengaged.

End of Round 2


End of Round 3


Nothing of important happened Round 3 and 4. I got on token from the MC80 overlapping an asteroid, and the MC30 fired the only rebellion salvo on an Imperial Ship, discarding my Evade and dealing 1 damage.

End of Round 4


I got an opportunity to get the Bright Hope transport in front of the MC80. It had no scatter due to bomber attacks from last round, and all 5 Bombers where in Warlord Range. I needed 3 damage (1 Rear shield and 2 hull), which I barely made with my last bomber attack. Everything else moved out of engagement, and the Bombers survived the flak of the MC80. Nothing of note happened in Round 6.

Pretty tough game for Beginner, I feel that with a better deployment of the H1 he would have caused a lot more havoc and casulties in my rows. But I respect his decision to not engage frontally, 5 Tie Bs with BCC and a ExRack Warlord Activation can end one of his Mon Cala ships.

Looking forward to play the next german in my pod, which should be @Darth Veggie ๐Ÿ™‚

My match vs @BrobaFett has just finished.

Broba chose first and played my Fighter Ambush. I managed to table Broba and got 4 tokens for a total of 460 for the loss of my Toryn GR75 and Luke totalling 48.

So 460:48 MOV of 400 and a 10:1 for me.

We ended up engaging in turn 1 with me dropping my Star Cruiser at the start of turn 2 with both transports in range. The Cruiser took out the transports and then the Hammerhead flagship. Broba's CR90A took out my Toryn transport before succumbing to bombers whilst conceding some tokens. Yavaris was the last to fall from combined bombing runs and ram damage.

I'll post the log file up tomorrow.

Thanks for a good game Broba and for being a good sport in spite of some wonky RNG. The dice gods were a bit hard at times and good rolls only came when they weren't really needed ๐Ÿ˜•

Edit: I do believe that's a wrap for Europe round 1! oh who do I have second round...? ๐Ÿ˜จ

Edited by Zamalekite
11 hours ago, RealVeers said:

[ ...]

Looking forward to play the next german in my pod, which should be @Darth Veggie ๐Ÿ™‚

Now, with all results in there is an equally high chance that you have to play against @LTD or @Ginkapo . Although I would love to have a rematch from our last regional. I liked the direction where it went there, but it could have been more extreme in my opinion ๐Ÿ˜‰

10 hours ago, Darth Veggie said:

Now, with all results in there is an equally high chance that you have to play against @LTD or @Ginkapo . Although I would love to have a rematch from our last regional. I liked the direction where it went there, but it could have been more extreme in my opinion ๐Ÿ˜‰

You got the 7 not me...

On 7/9/2019 at 10:27 PM, RealVeers said:

Report vs Beginner2Winner

thanks @RealVeers for this write-up. The positioning from CR90 was a clearly a mistake even if

On 7/9/2019 at 10:27 PM, RealVeers said:

5 Attacks (3 blanks into Hit/crits)

was not really nice from the dice gods ๐Ÿ˜ Summing up to 7 or 8 damage (I do not remember anymore..), that these dices do not believe in statistics.

I am still wondering if a direct attack would have been better or would have resulted in just a bigger loss. Plus that the early death of CR90 enabled you to move away so that I could not catch up anymore. Anyways, it shows the value of deployment...

Edited by Beginner2Winner
Typos and swearing
17 hours ago, Ginkapo said:

You got the 7 not me...

Oh, I have not forgotten that, but if you take a look at the European list:

  • 10 Tokra
  • 10 Zamalekite
  • 8 LTD
  • 7 RealVeers
  • 7 Darth Veggie
  • 4 Ginkapo
  • 4 Beginner2Winner
  • 1 Brobafett
  • 1 Irishmadcat

you will see that Tokra and Zamalekite will be matched up. Then either RealVeers or Me is playing against LTD. If Veers does not, he will play against you. If I does not, I will play against Beginner2Winner.

But there is a mistake I have made: namely that I thought it would be possible that I play against @RealVeers at all next round.

@stephen_harris70 vs CyborgNinja

Score: 301 - 118 (8-3, 183 MOV), win for CyborgNinja

Objective : Figher Ambush; 1st Player - stephen_harris70

Thanks again to stephen_harris70 for a fun, friendly game.

Round 1 : Not much action, just some Rebels cowering in fear as angry triangles approach.


Round 2 : Almost the same as round 1, except Hera/Adar manage to snipe down Tempest Squadron and an X-Wing takes out a leading tie fighter. A rogued Dutch and X-Wing try to burn down Dengar after he moves into the central squad blob, but they don't even manage to strip the scatter.


Round 3 : Pursuant starts the round murdering almost all the X-Wings, forcing the assault frigate to activate next to get some squad attacks in. That gives BT Avenger the chance to line up a perfect kill run on the frigate. It runs over the squads in the process, giving the Rebels some extra flak shots at the TIEs and interceptors. Dengar takes forever to kill. The Gozanti loses its scatter to the corvette attacks.


Round 4 : BTAvenger murders the assault frigate a little too good and can't count on a ram-death to keep it in a better position to kill the flotillas (who barely survive repeated ISD side/rear shots the rest of the game). Dutch and Hera manage to slow the Imperial squads enough to break ahead in the squad fight.


Round 5 : (Late-round image) Pursuant strips the shields off the HIE90B, which returns fire to strip off Pursuant's shields. The corvettes ram to avoid ramming the flotillas or getting too close to Avenger . Hera and the Scurrgs finish off the Quasar for a handful of victory tokens.


Round 6 : Howlrunner dies and the rebels are gratefully out of the ISD's front arc.


I should have done my original idea which was to turn the ISD to starboard after killing the AF and demo derby the two transports

@Zamalekite vs. Tokra is over.

Tokra won with 210 against 71, for a MOV of 139.
We were playing Superior Positions from Zamalekite.
Yes, i took first player in a Raddus mirror with nearly the same fleets.

We called it after turn 4. Maybe if we could have done the last two turns as well it would have been a 8-3 instead of a 7-4 (Squadrons hunting down ships for victory tokensโ€ฆ). But it was already too late. And when i see how my dice were in the squadron fight, it could have been that i did not hit anything anymore.

A log will be uploaded as well.
Log from match .

Edited by Tokra

TigerKommandant(aka Potato/Nathan) vs Maturin 398-399. I had Initiative and took first.
OBJ: Fighter Ambush
400 - 85.

Biggs and Large Package on hold. My internet crapped out Turn 2, and Vassal decided not to give us set up grids, damage decks(!) or DICE (!!!!!!!).

On 7/17/2019 at 12:15 AM, Tokra said:

@Zamalekite vs. Tokra is over.

Tokra won with 210 against 71, for a MOV of 139.
We were playing Superior Positions from Zamalekite.
Yes, i took first player in a Raddus mirror with nearly the same fleets.

We called it after turn 4. Maybe if we could have done the last two turns as well it would have been a 8-3 instead of a 7-4 (Squadrons hunting down ships for victory tokensโ€ฆ). But it was already too late. And when i see how my dice were in the squadron fight, it could have been that i did not hit anything anymore.

A log will be uploaded as well.
Log from match .

Thanks for a great game @Tokra ! I think going first was a good call - in a rogue v rogue shoot out getting the first 2 activations in a squad battle also made a big difference in the game. Broadly meant I had one less squad each turn to fight back with. Conventional logic in Raddus v Raddus is to go second but I think with Raddus Rogues vs Raddus Rogues first is probably the better choice.

I'm almost too embarrassed to admit it but I realised after the game that I was actually playing Superior Positions wrong all the way through :( - I thought you needed to do a damage card from the rear in order to get a point (obviously getting a bit muddled with Fighter Ambush). Tokra must have been wondering why I wasn't shooting the rear of his ships - I had at least 2 easy chances to get more tokens. Oh well, I won't get that wrong again :)

On 7/17/2019 at 4:41 PM, TigerKommandant said:

TigerKommandant(aka Potato/Nathan) vs Maturin 398-399. I had Initiative and took first.
OBJ: Fighter Ambush
400 - 85.

Iโ€™ll post the log tomorrow. TK flew his ships well and the lack of ECM vs all those accuracies....man o man.

I got close to taking down the ISD but chose the wrong crit in the end.

Nicely done sir!

EDIT: Now with log file!


Edited by Maturin

Finished my game against @stephen_harris70 with a 218-186 MOV in my favor.

32 MOV for a 6-5

I chose first and we played his Most Wanted. His ISD ate some nasty Salvation shots and quite a few CR90 double arcs, but I wasn't able to hit any of his other ships. I managed to kill all but Maarek, Tempest, Dengar and the Lambda from his squads (not bad for pure flak). He killed my Salvation (His most Wanted) and one CR90.

@LTD vs me has ended with a 2 - 9 (86 - 316 / MoV 230) in my favour. We played his Fleet Ambush.

Unfortunately, because of the disconnects we don't have a log file. As always LTD is a great guy to play against! His HHs terrified me, but because he chased Demolisher in the Ambush zone, my ISD could approach untroubled whilst the VCX made some Rieekan minced meat (very tasty! even for Veggies!). Demolisher died round 2 after killing the first HH. Then, 5 more HH followed her sister ship till the end of the game.

@RealVeers : Could you do me the favour of winning 10-1 against @Ginkapo in order that I do not have to play against the greater evil called @Tokra ?

P.S.: I have a log file of my first game, that was against Ginkapo. But because it shows all three of his objectives I first post it after swiss rounds, if he does not make the break.

Edited by Darth Veggie

@xanderf vs MM finished 354-0 to me. He won the bid and chose second. I picked his Advanced Gunnery. He made me start working on the lead generic ISD while the other two were somewhat boxed out, when it was about 2/3rds of the way dead it ran off the board and I was able to start working on the objective ship that came trailing in behind it. Some sub par rolling on both sides was highlighted when the objective Cymoon was unable to secure the acc needed on 2 AG front long range shots (with Vader rerolls) into my 1 hull objective BCC flotilla. The Interdictor then joined into the fight with two double arcs into the objective Cymoon after dodging its front arc. The quasar dodged just out of range of the objective Cymoon and sent the bombers in for the killing blow turn 5. Vader lives to fight another day after we called it with nothing else at threat of death.

Good game and good luck in the rest of the tournament!

10 hours ago, Darth Veggie said:

@RealVeers : Could you do me the favour of winning 10-1 against @Ginkapo in order that I do not have to play against the greater evil called @Tokra ?

I hope you realize I have a VSD and a Glad2 with Flechettes. ๐Ÿคฃ

10 hours ago, Darth Veggie said:

@LTD vs me has ended with a 2 - 9 (86 - 316 / MoV 230) in my favour. We played his Fleet Ambush.

Here is the logfile of our game - https://drive.google.com/open?id=17EmwrQv77824XIrn8ni7ZdCR2qST33Bx

I should have stuck with one of my earlier lists rather than 7 Hammerheads...

6 hours ago, MandalorianMoose said:

Some sub par rolling on both sides was highlighted when the objective Cymoon was unable to secure the acc needed on 2 AG front long range shots (with Vader rerolls) into my 1 hull objective BCC flotilla.

24 red dice and not a single ACC. Man. I mean, I've had worse, but...that's definitely on the list.

Dave v @CyborgNinja complete. I barely won, 223-157. Iโ€™ll write it up later.

@BiggsIRL vs Large Package. Biggs wins 269-215, MOV 54. Large was First Player and chose my Dangerous Territory.

A much more brutal game after the reset. I misplaced my MC80, leaving it in side arc of the unactivated MC80. Oops. I still had enough firepower on his MC80 though that the Pelta / Assault Frigate and squadrons combined to take it down after rolling hot against his Z's.

We called it at the top of Round 5, with his MC80 at 3 health, my Assault Frigate untouched in his front arc, all my squadrons surrounding it, and every other ship he had peaceing out into the distance.

He bagged:

Pelta, MC80S, 2 tokens

I bagged:

MC80C, 3 Z's, Blount, 3 tokens

Edited by BiggsIRL

@The Jabbawookie vs Keskai.

Jabawookie wins (9-2) 460 vs 173 with a 287 MoV. I was first player and picked Navigational Hazards.

Squadron Dice were HOT this game and his YT-2400's did way more work than expected. Additionally I made a critical error when deploying my two VSD's to close together causing some unnecessary ramming early on trying to maintain formation. His MC80 drop managed to stay just out of all 3 of my front arcs although it still was shot down in it's second round of shooting.

I managed to down his MC80 and one of his transports, He took out my ISD and both VSD's effectively tabling me leaving just a flotilla in turn 6.

I am trying to upload the Log but it's showing the file as to large. I will link to it when i upload it to another host.

Round 2 versus @ Beginner2Winner is at 8pm irish time 9pm German time and you can see it here: