Misfortune! The jedi exploration ship, the Silverwing has been shot down by pirates! The ship’s original mission was to bring several jedi initiates on a journey to a friendly planet, to help enchance their learning experience and knowledge of the force. As they flew over the planet of Florrum however, the ship had been shot down by pirates. The guardian of the ship, K-36, in an attempt to defend the younglings has been destroyed. The jedi master, Master Jen Gerin has also been captured. It is now left to these younglings to survive in the harsh jungles of Florrum, and find a way to head back to the Temple...
Star Wars: Trials of the Jedi IC
Deep in the recesses of her elongated cranium, An-Djana knows she should be frightened. But there is a part of her that is genuinely excited by the prospect of exploring this world- even if it means having to rescue Master Jen.
Stepping out from the tree she had been crouched behind, she trips over a protruding buttress root and just manages to catch herself in a tangle of vines. She had hidden at the edge of the trees with the rest of the initiates, helpless as the marauders took the Jedi away. A distinctly unnatural plume of smoke can be seen rising into the sky in that direction.
An-Djana has studied the civilizations of many worlds, their flora and fauna, relics from their pasts... but she struggles to come up with anything relevant, that might aid them in their current plight. Some time has passed, and the myriad creatures of the jungle have resumed their peregrine chorus.
Drawing the ancient shyarn from its scabbard on her back, she swings the curved blade in an arc, freeing herself from the entangling vines. Raising the blade high, she steps one foot up on top of the root. "Let's go find these pirates!"
Dhac would lean back, cracking his back with a dull grunt. He had ducked into a spiny bush and emerged, covered in thorns. "You know what, at least I didn't crash us this time, right?" Glancing across at his fellow Padawan, he would wince a bit. "Wait a minute, what are we going to do when we find them? We're not exactly proper jedi yet. Shouldn't we try find a way to call for help?"
"Idon'tknow, butifwedon'thurry, somethingbadisgoingtohappentoourmaster!" Elarond rambles as he gets up from his hiding place. "Idon'tthinkwehavetimeto waitforrescue. Wehavetosaveourmasteronourown."
"I don't know, but if we don't hurry, something bad is going to happen to our master!
"I don't think we have time to wait for rescue. We have to save our master on our own."
Dhac hearing something beyond their location would hunker down a little, waving a hand frantically to the others. "Shush, I think I heard something" He would hiss, glancing around frantically. "Do we know if this planet has things that, erm, eat people?" Taking a deep breath, the rodian would slowly try to make his way towards the name, staying low and trying to avoid any twigs that might crack underfoot, or any other noises that may give him away.
Poking a green head out of the foliage that surrounded him, Dhac would spot the small herd of creatures. "Hm" he would grunt to himself as he slowly sinks backwards away from the animals. Turning around he would rush back to the others, waving a hand to grab their attention. "Guys, guys! I think I found a way out" he would hiss. Gesturing for them to follow him, he would go to show them the creatures.
23 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:Poking a green head out of the foliage that surrounded him, Dhac would spot the small herd of creatures. "Hm" he would grunt to himself as he slowly sinks backwards away from the animals. Turning around he would rush back to the others, waving a hand to grab their attention. "Guys, guys! I think I found a way out" he would hiss. Gesturing for them to follow him, he would go to show them the creatures.
"Oooooooo," Elarond croooned oggling the herd. "Prettyanimals.CanIpetthemplease,please,prettyplease?"
Pretty animals. Can I pet them please, please, pretty please?
Emerging from the shadows of the wrecked ship, Senla hisses at the other padawans.
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh... stop making so much noise! Do you want to get us all killed?"
The creatures that Dhac had seen continue grazing. They do not seem dangerous, other than the two tusks they have. They also seem to have strong hide.
Hearing the sound Djana makes, several of them turn to face the female. But instead of running away, they stare at the female, with what seems like curiosity and interest in their eyes.
Dhac would wave his arms indignantly in the direction of Elarond. "It's not me. We may have found a way out of here, look" he would half whisper, gesturing to the creatures. "Hang on, I'm going to try something"
Keeping low to the ground, Dhac creeps out of the brush towards the animals. Pausing by one of them, he would pat it gingerly on the leg. "Alright, nice, thing. Don't mind me, just gonna try climb up here" he would mutter to himself as he tries to scramble up the side of the animal. With a great deal of grunting and clawing his way up the side, Dhac eventually sits atop of the mount. Panting a little, he would turn to wave at the others. "So, who wants a lift?"
The creature, feeling Dhac suddenly landing on it would make a soft squeal, the creature’s legs shaking ever so slightly, it’s head looking around, trying to find what was on it’s back.
An-Djana freezes. She had stumbled and a twig snapped underfoot. They are staring at her, like aryx in the headlights.
She slowly reaches out with her hand, and also with the heightened senses the Force provides, seeking a creature that might permit her to approach...
"Pretty," Elarond says, as he trundles up to one of the beasts, and beings petting it on the nose. "IwannaloveyouandhugyouandsqueezeyouandnameyouGeorge."
"I wanna love you and hug you and squeeze you and name you George."
Djana would sense one of the creatures on her right regarding the female with interest.
It seemed to be very calm, as if thinking of Djana as a friend instead of a creature they had stumbled upon.
The creature Elarond was petting snorted slightly, the hot wind blowing onto the male.
Sensing a creature which might be receptive to her advances, An-Djana approaches. The animal seems calm enough, but the initiate's graceless physicality fails her as she attempts to climb astride it.
Up until this point, Liora had purposely faded into the background. Meek and slightly overwhelmed she observed her fellow Padawans approach the creatures before she did. Noticing Dhac had done the best...she approached the mounted Rodian
reaching up with both arms she smiles meekly, “Mind if I grab a lift?”
An escape pod lands in a field not too far away. A compartment opens. A young male Devaronian, r elatively thin with pale orange skin, steps out with a hand on his head. He looks up and turns to see the creatures and rest of the Padawans and makes his way towards them albeit a bit cautiously. When he's in short distance, Joto shouts, "Hey, I thought you guys were goners."
Edited by Beto666The creature would snort slightly, feeling Djana’s actions. It would then gently butt its head against the female, as if showing affection to the female.
Dhac would tense up a little as he hears the animals complaint about being the padawans ride. "Woah, alright then" he would mutter to himself. "Starships never made that noise, is it broken?" Glancing down at Liora he would lean down as far he could he would try to help her up onto the back of the mount. "Alright, does anyone know where we are actually going? Because I don't, and I don't really want to get stuck wandering around lost on this planet".
Seeing the other padawans approach the beasts, Senla slips behind one of the lumbering creatures. He doesn't seem to be detected, but as he grabs hold of the shaggy coat, the beast turns, causing Senla to lose his grip and sends him sprawling on the ground.
Muttering to himself, he picks himself up and turns to his more successful companions. "Well that went well. Any ideas what to do next?"
"We could always ride slowly so you can keep up" Dhac would say meekly, trying to let a little humour into what had was quite a dark situation. "Maybe we just partner up, help each other out?"
Seeing the devaronian emerge from the pod, Dhac would sigh with relief as sees another survivor. "Glad to see you made it! I think our plan is to find the pirates base, try to find the master. You got any ideas?"
" Dhac , Senla , guys! Are we it?" Joto Lasros goes from elation to sadness. "Let me see if I can mount one of these creatures..." Joto uses his Survival training while reaching out with his hand towards a nearby creature who happens to be noticeably larger and perhaps older than the rest. He closes his eyes and attempts to commune with the Force in order to connect with the animal.
A few moments pass. The creature's eyes widen, possibly in excitement and/or agitation. Then the creature lets out a snort-like sigh while lowering its haunches. Joto hops onto the creature followed by the creature rising back up, now successfully tamed.
"I don't sense any danger. I think I saw something that looked like a structure over there." He points past his escape pod's landing spot. "If no one else has a better idea, let's head out. An-Djana , need a ride?" Joto places a hand on the side of the beast. The beast obliges and lowers his haunches once again.
Edited by Beto666Liora surprised herself by making it up on the mount easily. She put one hand on Dhacs shoulder and looked around her at the motley crew of Padawans who now had a great responsibility placed upon them. Joto verbally points out a structure they noticed....she was tempted to use the force to look into the near future...
As Elarond climbs up his mount, the beast snorts slightly, shaking as if to get the male off, before settling down after a while, still snorting as if annoyed.
"Everyone has a ride?"
"Let's roll!"