RTL and skills questions

By Evilslick, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi there,

I've searched the forum and haven't found anything related to it.

About the skill Crack Shot:

Skill Type: Subterfuge

Effect: When making a Ranged or Magic attack, you may trace line of sight from any empty space that is adjacent to you.

Does this means that the player has a line of sight of +1 all the time ? One of my friend is saying that he can intercepts monster in guard from +1 space. And I don't think it's right ...

About the skill Knight:

Skill Type: Fighting

Effect: When you declare a Battle action, you may immediately spend 2 fatigue to gain movement points equal to half your speed (round up) and may make 3 attacks instead of 2 this turn.

Does this means that a melee character needs to have a target in melee range to use the skill ?

And about RTL and potions. Is there any scaling in strenght for potions (minor, normal, greater) or it's always give 4 HP when drank ?

Thanks a lot, Dave

1) With Crack Shot, whenever the hero makes an attack, he may draw LOS from any *empty* space that is adjacent to him (some people forget the empty part). Remember, *whenever* the hero makes an attack. Using a guard order to interrupt the OL's turn and make an attack is still making an attack, so Crack Shot is still in effect.

2) Knight Skill requires that you declare a Battle action and spend 2 fatigue. If the hero ends up attacking nothing is irregardless, as long as he declares Battle and spends his 2 fatigue, he gets use of the ability. (so no, he does not need a target to use the skill)

3) Healing potions only give 3HP, though Kevin has chimed in on the boards before and thought that 4HP is a good house-rule (since the 3HP was originally from Doom, and health is a lot more valuable in Doom than Descent). Either way, whether you use 3 or 4HPs, that's all that health potions give regardless of the current campaign level.


Hi Shnar,

Thanks for your reply.

About Crank Shot ... I understand that after seeing the monster in his normal line of sight, when he makes the attack, he can use Crank Shot. But Crank Shot doesn't mean that his line of sight is always on an empty space around him right ?

Crack Shot only applies when tracing line-of-sight for an attack. So, for example, it doesn't prevent the overlord from spawning monsters in a location that's outside your "normal" line-of-sight.

However, you sound like you're under the impression that a hero needs to already have line-of-sight to a monster before he can choose to activate a Guard order. That's incorrect. A Guard order can be used at any time during the overlord's turn, for any reason, to make any legal attack. For example, you could choose to attack an empty square with a Blast attack whose area-of-effect will include one or more monsters that are outside your line-of-sight. And since the movements of all figures are known to all players, line-of-sight or no, a hero player with Crack Shot will always know when a monster is in a position to be hit with a Crack Shot attack.

Antistone said:

A Guard order can be used at any time during the overlord's turn, for any reason, to make any legal attack.

As a note, you can always interrupt the overlord's turn with a guard action and not make an attack at all, or in other words trigger guard when there is no legal attack. By and large that's simply a waste of your guard order, since if you use it and you can't actually attack anyone, it still goes away. The notable exception is the ever-so-annoying Tahlia, who can use her guard to move three spaces even if there's something she can't attack.

Yeah, don't confuse Guard with Overwatch (from other games, like Space Hulk). Guard can be used at any time during the OL's turn to make an attack. It is not reactive. And "any time" means just that, you can use it before the OL draws cards if you want, or after the OL is completely done with his turn (i.e. the very last thing that happens on the OL's turn is a Guard order interrupt).



Your first two questions are both somewhat ambiguous: if they haven't already been answered you might want to try wording them more carefully. My chime-in on the second one:

Using the skill Knight, or declaring a Battle action in general, in no way requires you to be within range of, adjacent to, or anywhere near any monsters. You can declare a Battle action and activate Knight even if there are no monsters on the board. Of course, to actually use any of your attacks usefully, you will need to be within range of a monster when you make the attack . Since you can always move before attacking, though, there is no particular need to begin your turn adjacent to or within line-of-sight of a monster.

And regarding your first question, do note that it specifies "Ranged or Magic" attack. You can't use it to make a melee attack from 2 spaces away. It does, of course, work whenever you make an attack, regardless of whose turn it is or how you got the attack (so Guard orders work fine).

I want to add that declaring a Battle action does not restrict a player from moving. They just do not receive any movement points from the action. If something gives them movement points from a different source (such as Knight or from spending fatigue), then the hero can still move. You do not need to be within "range" of any target to declare a Battle action.


Thanks for all the replies guys.

Regarding the Guard action, I don't know why but I was assuming that the player needed a line-of-sight on the monster to activate the interruption. But I was wrong about it. Thanks for all the clarifications on the subject.

As for the Knight skill, I was only wondering if the action Battle could be declare without a target in reach (melee, magic or ranged).

But you guys all answered perfectly and I'm really thankfull ! Less fights between players for the next game hehe.


One more question about Crackshot that came up at Game Days. If a hero with crackshot is in a pit (has line of site to adjacent squares) can he use crackshot to trace line of sight from one of those adjacent squares? Basically, is there anything about being in a pit that causes crackshot not to work?

I couldn't find anything that said you couldn't but.....


One other thing that I don't think was mentioned yet - note that Crack Shot lets you trace line of sight from an adjacent space, but you do not actually make the attack from that space. You still need to count range for the attack from your own space.

Oboewan said:

One more question about Crackshot that came up at Game Days. If a hero with crackshot is in a pit (has line of site to adjacent squares) can he use crackshot to trace line of sight from one of those adjacent squares? Basically, is there anything about being in a pit that causes crackshot not to work?

Well, gathering all the relevant text:

" Q: If a hero with the Precision skill is standing in a Pit, can he choose to ignore the Pit and thus the Line of Sight effects from being in a Pit when attacking?
A: No."


" Pits and Line of Sight
Figures in a pit can see into the spaces adjacent to the pit. This prevents a problem from occurring with the Grapple ability."

For reference, Precision is:

"You may ignore 1 figure or obstacle when tracing line of sight for a Ranged or Magic attack. "

And Crack Shot is:

"When making a Ranged or Magic attack, you may trace line of sight from any empty space that is adjacent to you."

I'm going to say both yes and no. Yes, he can use adjacent squares to trace line of sight from, but he can only hit targets that are adjacent to him, so effectively, no, crack shot does not help you if you're in a pit. I'm leaning mostly on the first quote about Precision for that, though, and it's very much my interpretation as opposed to anything official.

I'm not sure how relevant the Precision ruling is to this unfortunately.

Crack Shot is a bit different since it really can let you shot around corners and the like to allow you to hit targets you could not normally see and trace LOS to. So I don't think it is unreasonable for Crack Shot to negate the effect of a pit, since your attack originates from the space you are tracing LOS from, which would be outside the pit.

Big Remy said:

Crack Shot is a bit different since it really can let you shot around corners and the like to allow you to hit targets you could not normally see and trace LOS to.

Well, Precision allows you to shoot through obstacles and figures to allow you to hit targets you could not normally see and trace LoS to. I think they're fairly analogous, though, of course, not the same.

The two skills work very differently, so I don't think the Precision ruling in the FAQ sets any sort of precedent for Crack Shot. The two skills may achieve similar results in many cases, but they use different mechanics to achieve that result, so I don't see any reason they should both be affected the same way by a pit. (I know this is just one scenario, but if they're both affected the same way in all situations, then there's no reason to have two different skills.)

Cymbaline said:
Yes, he can use adjacent squares to trace line of sight from, but he can only hit targets that are adjacent to him , so effectively, no, crack shot does not help you if you're in a pit.

I'm not sure about the part I emphasized. Why would he only be able to hit adjacent targets? Because those are the only spaces he has line of sight to? But the whole point of Crack Shot is that it lets you target a space you wouldn't normally have line of sight to.

Big Remy said:
your attack originates from the space you are tracing LOS from

Is this true? I thought you were tracing line of sight from that space but still had to count range from your own, because the attack still originates from your own space. I don't think it actually changes the origin of the attack the way Spiritwalker does.

For reference, here's the text of the skills mentioned.

Crack Shot:
When making a Ranged or Magic attack, you may trace line of sight from any empty space that is adjacent to you.

When making a Magic attack, you may cause the attack to originate from any space up to 10 spaces away that contains a friendly figure (but not a familiar). All aspects of the attack (such as tracing line of sight and calculating range) are done as though you were in that space.

You may ignore 1 figure or obstacle when tracing line of sight for a Ranged or Magic attack.

I had personally always assumed that Crack Shot effectively increased your Range by one (because you count Range from the new space). Reading the skill, I can see either interpretation as being somewhat valid: on rereading the rules and the card I would have to agree that counting Range from the actual attacker seems marginally more justified by the rules.

Of course, Crack Shot is a truly awful skill as written, so I'd be tempted to play it as counting range from the adjacent space as well just to make it a bit better anyway.

Crack Shot definitely lets you fire from a pit: I can see no reason to doubt that. All pits do is restrict your line-of-sight, they don't explicitly prevent attacking any space.

YellowPebble said:

Crack Shot definitely lets you fire from a pit: I can see no reason to doubt that. All pits do is restrict your line-of-sight, they don't explicitly prevent attacking any space.

For whatever reason, I'm still not completely sold on Crack Shot letting you attack out of a pit. I think the distinction I'm drawing is that the pit only allows you to see the 8 (or less) spaces around you, and then Crack Shot lets you trace LoS from any of those 8 spaces - but you can still only see those 8. Granted, that sort of contradicts the whole point of the skill (shooting around a corner, hitting something you don't typically have LoS to), but... I don't know. Maybe the best way to answer this question is with another one.

" Gust of Wind
Play at the start of your turn. Until the start of your next turn, the heroes' torches are blown out and they cannot trace line of sight farther than 5 spaces away. This card does not affect monsters' line of sight. "

If I play Gust of Wind, and one of the heroes has Crack Shot, can he trace LoS only five spaces away from his figure? Or can he trace it 6, because Crack Shot lets him start one away from him?

Think of it this way, Crack Shot causes you to trace line of sight from a space next to you. This means for all intents and purposes related to seeing things, you are standing the space next to you. Hence you aren't tracing LoS out of the pit, hence your LoS isn't restricted by the pit. You still count range from your own space though, as others have mentioned. Crack Shot just causes your figure to be standing in the square next to them when you do step 2 of the attack sequence, Confirm Line of Sight.

mahkra said:

Big Remy said:
your attack originates from the space you are tracing LOS from

Is this true? I thought you were tracing line of sight from that space but still had to count range from your own, because the attack still originates from your own space. I don't think it actually changes the origin of the attack the way Spiritwalker does.

Oh that's right, I forgot about that part so I could very well be wrong.