Vader's vault is 19 minutes from my dad's home in Cummings GA. When I visited him in December I stopped by Vader's vault. They had a limited run of mace windu replica lightsabers hilt by 89 sabers... and my son is Samuel L. so I bought one on the spot for his 5th birthday present, he'll be 2 this july... it one of those "your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough" things. And I ordered the pictured one for me so we could duel. It's a rev-n elite with some custom machining and the pommel from the havoc to make it closer to the dimensions of a mitsurugi 3k which felt perfect in my hands but the whole "if Darth Vader was a space samurai this would be his lightsaber" aesthetic of the mitsurugi 3k just didn't do it for me.
Edited by EliasWindrider