Movement and RTL

By daddystabz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

In RTL does it still cost the player 3 pts of movement to shop in town? Also, do they have to pay this cost repeatedly for each building they switch to?

daddystabz said:

In RTL does it still cost the player 3 pts of movement to shop in town? Also, do they have to pay this cost repeatedly for each building they switch to?

The rules in t'own' are completely different for RtL. So are the rules for glyphs. Forget everything you learned in vanilla.

RtL pg 17-18
Glyphs of Transport in Dungeons
In the Advanced Campaign, glyphs of transport work differently than in a standard game of Descent. When a hero activates a glyph of transport, the heroes receive 3 conquest tokens as normal. However, to move through an activated glyph, a hero must begin his turn on or adjacent to it . Then, rather than being placed on the town marker (which is not used at all in the Advanced Campaign ), the hero returns to Tamalir. A hero returning in this way is placed in the building of his choice , and may immediately claim the benefits of “restocking” there . See “Cities and Buildings” and “Using Buildings” on page 21 for more information. On the hero’s following turn, he may either return to any activated glyph of transport for one movement point (as normal), or restock in Tamalir again, in the same building or another one .

You don't actually declare an action the turn you use the glyph and you don't get any MP. You simply teleport to the building of your choice and get the benefits of a 'restock' from that building. That is your entire turn. The next turn, you either choose another building (including the same building again if you want) or you declare an action and spend 1 MP to return to the dungeon on an activated glyph.

This is further clarified by the FAQ.
FAQ pg15
Q: Can a hero traveling to town via a glyph take any action before Restocking, such as attacking? Does returning from town still cost 1 MP? What other limits are placed on heroes in town and using glyphs?
A: A hero who begins his turn adjacent to or on top of an activated glyph has two options: take a normal turn or go to town. If he goes to town, he is immediately moved to the building of his choice and gets to Restock there. No movement points, no declared action – he just Restocks. A hero who begins his turn in town has two options: Restock again (at the same or a different building) or return to the dungeon. If he returns to the dungeon, he declares a normal action (Battle, Ready, Advance, Run)
and then must spend a movement point to move from town to the dungeon, just like normal. If he somehow can't do so (i.e. he Battled and had no fatigue left) then the entire action is canceled and the hero Restocks instead.

A 'Restock' action at the market is found at RTL pg22
Visit, Train, or Restock
When the first hero visits a given Market in a given game week, a number of cards equal to the city’s Market rating are drawn from the treasure deck that corresponds to the current campaign level . “Treasure Cache” cards are discarded (and are not replaced, instead representing a market shortage that week). All heroes who visit that Market that week may purchase items from among the drawn cards . Of course, once particular cards are purchased, they are not available to heroes who visit the Market later the same week. Copper items cost 250 coins to purchase, Silver items cost 500 coins, and Gold items cost 750 coins. Any shop item can also be purchased at the Market for its listed cost; these are not drawn as above, but are always available. A hero must be able to carry a given item in order to purchase it.
Items can also be sold at the Market, for half their purchase price. Sold items are re-shuffled into the decks they came from.

Note that you cannot purchase random draws from treasure decks (a vanilla rule) and you cannot purchase potions (which can only be bought from the Alchemist, a different building). You may only purchase from among the limited number of drawn (revealed) treasure cards and shop items.

Also note that the Alchemist has a limited (very limited) number of potions available each week. After this number of potions have been purchased here are no more available until the next game week.

That is exactly how I remembered it is supposed to be for RTL but I wanted to double check to make sure I was correct since our campaign just started.