[Podcast] Steel Blossom Moon Ep. 1 & 2 Actual Play

By SeanPhoenix, in Your Stories

Hey y'all! I'm Throck! I run a 5e actual play podcast of L5R, our first two episodes are now live and I hope you'll check them out! I've been playing L5R since '97 and am super hyped about the new version we've got. The hope is to run through the beginners box, then the follow up adventure and then through a number of my favorite modules over the years. So join us, if you will, for the tale of 4 young samurai navigating the daily, and deadly, struggles of a life in Rokugan.

Ep 1:

Ep 2:
iTunes (may take some time to filter in as it was just published)

Very enjoyable podcast, thank you for doing this. 👍

Hey y'all,
We just hit 150 downloads on the first two episodes of the game. THANK YOU. We had no idea that folks would get so excited about this. I know 150 may seem like a small number, but as a bunch of streamers just learning the podcast thing we had very low expectations for little podcasting experiment, and every success is worth celebrating. Episodes 3 and 4 are in the can, featuring improved sound quality, drastically decreased background noise and a full soundtrack. We're also in the process of setting up a website for the game to more easily access the episodes without having to flip through our whole library while also setting up on stitcher to give more options to mobile users. Again, much love ❤️